Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Out Of The Closet

Out Of The Closet
This sexual identification thing is very confusing.  One is either a male or a female, right?  If you are a man you are attracted to women, right?  If you are a woman you are attracted to men, right? Actually, that last one always confuses me a little.
What is this with men attracted to men and women attracted to women (like I said, I do understand that one), and some genders think they are the other gender.  It is absolutely crazy.  I don’t understand it at all. 
It should not confuse me though, because I am different myself.
I admit it, I am Bi.  I go either way.  It depends on the situation but sometimes I just naturally gravitate to one side or the other.  It is not easy to admit this, lots of people will not understand, they can just not relate. They have spent their whole life believing you must be just one way or the other. 
Tough, I am different and I don’t care what others think anymore.  I am sure there are others like me who spend their lives pretending they only go one way.  Well dammit, I go either way and it feels good to tell the world.
Sometimes I go right, sometimes I go left.  I am Bi.
There is no real rhyme or reason for my choice, it seems for the most part if the situation is sensual in nature I go left.  If it is a strength orientated situation I go right.  Sometimes regardless I just go whichever way feels correct at the time.
For instance, food is sensual to me and I use my left hand to carve with a knife and to eat with a fork.  Most sports I am right handed.  I throw a ball right handed, I catch right handed yet I swing a baseball bat either way…I strike out right handed or left handed, it makes no difference.  I played Lacrosse right handed.  They encourage you to play Lacrosse with either hand, and yet I was only mediocre at best from the left side.
Shooting pool is sensual to me and I shoot left handed.  I’ve never shot a gun, but I’m pretty sure I would suck from both sides.  As I think back to my cap and water pistol days, my instinct is to use the left hand.

I deal cards right handed, but if the convention was to deal right to left I would use my left hand to deal.
I play guitar right handed, but that is just how most guitars are strung, also you pretty much have to use both hands anyway so…
The other day I read it was “Lefty” day, and I felt “Left” out.  Should I celebrate?  I’m not really a lefty, I’m not really a righty.  It is strange being Bi.  There must be others.  We should have our own day.
I think I will make February 29th national Bi day.  Who will join me in 2020?


  1. Cute :) Took me just a bit to get where this was going. I'm definitely straight; the right is definitely stronger and more capable than the left. Only thing I'm bi on is the keyboard, but sides work equally as well.


  2. I'm strongly right-handed, but when younger I used both hands almost equally. My dad wrote with his right hand, but for drawing used his left hand.

  3. Gender identification - Someone who doesn't feel right in their body. Erm ... example, girl is born with girl parts but feels like a boy. Or boy born with boy parts. Both have decided to have the change made to their bodies. Their big thing isn't so much the ones who they are attracted to and they aren't happy with the skin they're in.

  4. I am right handed but my left hand does most jobs just as well, all except handwriting. Something to do with the brain, they tell me, perhaps that's why some teachers called me brainless!!!

  5. That's interesting, Joe. I've found most people to be straight and didn't realize otherwise.

  6. Nice! I love what you did with this post. My oldest is "bi" too and excelled in sports. His right hand is dominant day to day but in sports, definitely hid left.

  7. Hmmmm. . . 4M, our son, is pretty Bi - he writes left-handed, but throws right-handed. When he was little, Jenn would put the crayons along the top of the coloring book, so as not to 'bias' him, and he would grab one with his right hand, then put it back and grab the next one with his left. In early grade school, he would write left-handed on Monday-Wednesday-Friday, and right-handed on Tuesday-Thursday. Weird kid. . .

    The only thing I ever raised an issue over was hitting a baseball - I told him, if you can do them equally well (or even close), you hit left-handed, because there are more righty pitchers, and you're a step closer to first base.

    Jenn is pretty much right-handed, but she deals cards left-handed; makes me wonder if one of the nuns 'forced the issue', back in the day. . .

  8. I use my left for fine motor tasks and my right for gross motor, as a rule. If I broke one arm or the other, though, I would adapt quite easily.

    And, may I say (but I will anyway), masterful example of the non sequitur.

  9. Mostly right handed here but there are times when the left comes into play.

  10. Very clever. I've been around you a long time and I could see this going two different ways with you. This is the safest way.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  11. I am distinctly right-handed. For example when I played piano my left hand failed me at boogie woogie. You're lucky.

  12. I write & eat right handed but my left is definitely stronger. I think my parents must have kept moving the fork & pencil to my right hand!!

  13. I'm left handed and extremely left oriented. Tennis lessons are pointing out the problem with this.

  14. I am completely right handed. My left is for decorative purposes and symmetry. I envy your Bi-ness. I tore up my right shoulder last year and was virtually helpless for a long time.

  15. Wow! You're lucky. I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous.

  16. Ha, I had a feeling that was what you were talking about. I guess I am Bi too. I'm a switch hitter for sure.

  17. Some people are ambidextrous, and there's nothing wrong with it. There may be a day celebrating it, i'll check!

  18. I'll swing both ways in your closet. I can write with both. Used to drive the students crazy when I switched from one hand to the other at the board. At least the ones who were actually paying attention.

    Dealing cards is for the left only, as is blowing my nose and shooting a basketball. Throwing and batting must be done right.

    Most other things, like eating, I can do with either hand. My son Genius is a lefty, but the rest of us are right.

  19. I'm "bi" too. I like chocolate and cheese.

  20. Left handed ness is a sign of genius I was once told.
