Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I Got Nothing

I Got Nothing
Yesterday I spent about an hour honing a post explaining why it is futile for a man to argue with a woman.  I thought it was a fun post, poking fun at both genders while imparting a bit of truth.
When I was done and proof read it a few times it dawned on me that this post did not seem such an original thought.  I went back on Blogger and searched a bit.  Sure enough, the post was the same as a post I did last year, with just a slightly different angle and wrinkle.  I deleted it.  I could just as easily re-run last year’s post.
Now I was stuck without a post.  I have a few on the backburner, but they are “make fun of Mrs. Cranky” posts, and I don’t want to over-do those.  I can’t do politics anymore, way too much animosity from either side and way too many people that are terrified of (Ooooh) and or angry with any idea or opinion that is contrary to their idea or opinion.  I could do sports, but that is of interest to a limited audience and after the Super Bowl there is no sports of interest to me anyway.
I could pick a random topic and see what I could do with it, but that is getting tired.
I think I’ll just go on vacation for a while.  Six years with a post virtually every day is enough.  I’ll be back for Stupid Headline Sunday and maybe next week with a fresh brain.


  1. We all need a break from time to time. I'm not doing anything but memes anymore. I'm too lazy to work very hard.

    Have a good rest. ☺

  2. It's hard for me to be cranky all the time too. Just kidding. Take a rest and Laugh!

  3. From time to time we all need to refresh our batteries. Have a nice time off and I look forward to more "Cranky."

  4. I've always marvelled at how you can post something witty and readable every day. Take that break - you've earned it.

  5. Enjoy some time off, then come back ready to educate/wow us. :)

  6. Take a break, Joe--BUT COME BACK!!

  7. Enjoy your break, but please don't make it too long!

  8. I think a blog sporting a daily post is too much. Too much to write and too much to read. But a lot of people do it. I suppose it all boils down to what else one has going in their life. I enjoy your blog but I can't get to it every day.

  9. You're really spending that time searching the kitchen for Mrs. C's hidden snacks, aren't you?

  10. That looks like where the fan belt broke.

  11. If you're feeling burned out, read my post on Odd McIntyre.

  12. A break can be a good thing. As long as you do come back!

  13. That's why I can't post every day. My life is either so mundane it would bore the "crap" out of people or filled with some much drama that I wouldn't share it, so I just wait until inspiration strikes on what I should write (which lately hasn't struck a lot). I'm sure you will be back next week with lots of good new fodder to share with us!


  14. That's why I reduced my postings to weekly instead of every day. Enjoy a break bu don't stay away too long, your entertaining posts will be missed.

  15. Hey, no worries Joe. Look at what Seinfeld did with "nothing". Something will come along. Been there and done that on my last blog.

  16. Someone once did a very successful TV show about nothing.

  17. Most of my posts are about nothing....wait till you see my next one.

  18. Know what you mean about a post sounding familiar. I only post once a week and still run aground. Relax and just take some deep breaths--you are too talented to remain idle long. We will be here.

  19. sigh, your humor will be greatly missed, as well as your common sense and sanity in a world gone mad; bless you and have a happy rest, and yeah, you will be back when ready.

  20. You better be back.

    Years ago, I went a couple of years without missing a post and then blogger burnout hit. I am slowly making my way back.

    Yours is the only blog I follow that I truly look forward to. Yikes, not that I don't enjoy the others, YOURS is unique.

  21. Take a break Joe (but not for too long!) - or get Mrs C to write you a shopping list, that's always worth a blog post!

  22. Even retired people take vacations!

    What's wrong with posting something once or twice a week? It's your blog - you can write something as frequently or infrequently as you want to. Your loyal readers will be here.

  23. Apparently I was feeling the same vibe because I've been gone for 3 weeks! I get the need for a break.
