Saturday, January 28, 2017

Stupid Headline 012917

Stupid Headline 012917
It’s time again for
This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments. 
When horse diapers and freedom of religion collide – I don’t even want to know!
Online Ugliness: Inauguration sparks anti-Trump vitriol on social media – Not a problem, I have simply clicked the appropriate Facebook buttons and political sources of all persuasions are slowly disappearing.  Have also had to “unfollow” (not “unfriend” ) a few friends and some family…I also stay away from news channels on TV.  I am much calmer.  It has been as difficult as quitting smoking, but just as worth it.
Pat Buchanan: 1968 Protests were Far Worse than Today – Of course in 1968, men were protesting about having to die in a country they never heard of for a war that they had no idea what it was about, and today women are protesting to be given rights which by law they’ve had for years, so…*
Pope forces conservative out in condom battle – I wonder if this isn’t just a Trojan horse.**
No !@#$%ing way! N.J. curses more than any state – I don’t know what assholes came up with this crap, but it is fucking bullshit!
Tech billionaires reportedly stock up on ‘apocalypse insurance’ – So if the world comes to an end…where do you go to collect?
Drug dealers used home of Kennedy relatives on Cape Cod – “Er ah, er ah, wanna, er ah, er ah, buy some dope?”
Call it 'Smunday': Heinz pushing to make Super Bowl Monday a national holiday – Yes, yes, and YES!
Massive crack discovered in Arizona desert – Turns out it was just a plumber’s convention.
Burger King Employees Sold Pot With Order of 'Extra Crispy Fries – “Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, take some cannabis instead-us”

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation – Well that would swing the popular vote to Trump, but he’d have to build a longer wall.

And the feel-good story of the week:

People Are Making Huge Sweaters To Protect Elephants From The Cold – Who knew!
Come Back Next Week For More


  1. I seriously laughed out loud at the Arizona crack. Hahahaha. And I could so get on board with making sweaters for those beautiful elephants.. I'm happy someone is tending to them. <3 I'm making scarves n' hats to hang in the parks for our homeless to take if they need them. :)

    1. What a wonderful idea - to leave sweaters in parks for the homeless! And, like pretty much everyone else here, I loved the elephant story the best!

  2. We have an elephant sanctuary in the county north of us, I imagine those sweaters or whatever would be most welcome this winter.

  3. These are certainly enlightening.

  4. These headlines have left me speechless. But I did giggle over the crack in Arizona.

  5. I live in California and some of the folks could go away and I'd be very happy. They are the folks responsible for our silly laws here. Oh the list is long.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday as always.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. I have seen cracks in Arizona before. It's not a pretty sight.

  7. Do the baby elephants have to wear sweaters because their mommies are cold?

  8. Drug dealers used home of Kennedy relatives on Cape Cod –

    "Ask not what your drug dealer can do for you. Ask what you can do for your drug dealer."

  9. You amaze me with these every week!

  10. They are all too funny to be true. So which one is fake?

  11. Of course my 13-year-old self snickered at the Trojan horse condom battle, and Arizona's massive crack.

  12. F**ckin' A we are #1 at cursing in NJ. WTF, did you think differently? Hahahaha

  13. I read the story about Heinz instead of buying a Superbowl ad, giving their employees the Monday after off. How cool is that?

    And should be a holiday for everyone. Of course including those of us who have no idea who is in the Superbowl.
