Thursday, December 22, 2016


That’s right, socks.  I have no idea what to write about socks, but following a post on tuna fish, how bad can it be.  Maybe the topic will turn off those unexplained zillions of hits from Russia I keep getting.

Hey Russia, it is too late; our election is over and there is nothing of any value at all in hacking my blog…did you ever read about tuna fish?
Anyway socks; here goes:
We all wear them, we all lose them one at a time in the washing machine or dryer.  Hmmm, what else?  They come in colors and pure white.  I find the pure white to be the most comfortable, and colors look just wrong with shorts…unless you are a German tourist and wear sandals.  
Here is something; today’s socks stay up.  I remember when socks used to slip down, be very uncomfortable and look bad.  My dad actually used a sock garter thingy to keep his socks up, I don’t believe I ever sunk that low.

Some men shun the use of socks altogether.  I don’t like that look, plus your feet sweat and smell without socks. I think gay men tend to go for the no sock look, I figure gay men’s feet don’t sweat.
In my mind, the only thing worse than dark socks with shorts or no socks are those cut off things that women wear playing tennis.  To my mind, wearing socks cut off to your ankle might only go well with a skirt.  I don’t look good in a skirt, trust me.
Actually I don’t much care what socks I wear.  My sock preferences all stems from early dating.   Most men’s fashion sense is a direct result of comments made while dating.  Other men never make fashion comments, that is unless they wear loafers without socks. 
It was a date that told me white socks with a suit was a bad look.  It was a woman who complimented me on a pair of argyle socks.  It was a woman who mocked me for wearing those same argyle socks with a pair of Bermuda shorts.
So, my rules: White sweat socks for casual and with shorts, color with dress up, preferably a color that does not clash with the outfit, shoes, except sandals absolutely require socks, cut off socks are only for a man who is completely comfortable with his masculinity, and cut off socks with a pompom in the back should have you deported to Gilligan’s Island.
Tomorrow my post will be on…wait, come back…don’t unfollow!  I’ll have some real stuff after Christmas…maybe.


  1. I am glad you wrote a post on socks. It reminded me I had a load of clothes I had to transfer to the dryer.

    The worst socks to keep track of are baby socks. So small they cling to everything and anything. Step grand daughter wears mismatched socks most days. I'm just glad to have had heavy wool socks when we lived in Montana; feet were always cold without them. My mom would cringe when she would see a baby with bare feet on a cool day and wonder why their parent didn't put socks on their feet.

    Socks are a good idea for a blog post. I was thinking actually of doing one down the road, but now you beat me to it!


  2. You are so right, socks stay up. I love sandals but My old feet need so much more support now I have to wear socks and heavy shoes. Waiting for the next topic.

  3. Brilliant, why didn't I think of that? Hmmm I think you should share your topics in advance so we can all have a go. Socks, mine are all black and they stay up even when I don't want them to. I stick to black because they don't clash with the jeans.

  4. I love my socks, none of which are white, although several are very pale and I do sometimes wear them with sandals. And I've never lost any in the washing machine.

  5. I have sock issues. Can only stand to wear the short crew socks now because my calves are too big (from exercising?) No clue, but it's annoying.

  6. I went shopping for man socks and found some wonderful ones that had pictures of bacon woven into them.

  7. What gets me is men you wear shorts and socks. A very, very bad look. Take the socks off and wash your feet very well before you put your shoes on. I always laugh at guys who wear socks with shorts. White socks with suits look horrible. Try to get the same color of socks as your suit. That goes for the belt too. I've seen some men that can dress. I've seen some men that can't. Don't even start with women. We could write a book about that.

    The sport socks are way cool in our hot summers if your out for long walks or running. Long socks are way too hot.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Hi Cranky,

    Socks! That's what we get for Xmas.

    Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.




  9. sock garter? didn't know there is such thing, it mak me laugh, just a bit

    I don't see socks an issue anymore especially in winter, who would see the color of your socks when they're too busy trying to keep from freezing?

    fun post. scrolling down to the comment box, I saw you book cover with the white socks, not bad. though some people might think you should wear pants but that's not a bad look, at least, the socks aren't the same pattern as your shirt or shorts...& no, I'm not trying to make fun of you, no seriously, I'm not, I just find it odd I should see that image as I read about socks...

    have a lovely day.

  10. I used to buy socks for my big brother every year at Christmas. To this day we joke about it. I can't wear socks because I have neuropathy pretty bad and can't stand anything on my feet, including closed shoes. Thank God I live in Florida. Socks and Bermuda shorts eh? I see the picture on the right hand column. Touristy for sure..LOL

  11. The hubs is forever losing socks and then blaming me for it. How ridiculous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have socks to hide.

  12. I've given up on my husband wearing socks with sandals.

    Your post reminded me of a Seinfeld episode about the socks planning their "escape".

  13. I don't know, Cranky, that picture of you over on the right with your white socks (are those tube socks) and plaid Bermuda shorts just doesn't look like it's headed for GQ magazine.

  14. Everyone in my house is getting socks in their stockings. Fuzzy socks, sport socks, Christmas socks with sayings such as bah hum bug or Merry Elfin Christmas.

    1. That's my daughter, a crank through and through!

  15. I remember when men wearing no socks was very Palm Beachy. Seemed only the rich could go sockless. Not sure how it is today.

  16. Great post, Cranky, except you stopped short...I thought you were going to reveal the great lost-sock-in-the-dryer mystery. Merry Christmas my friend. :)

    1. Erma Bombeck said lost socks go to live with Jesus!!

  17. Socks that get lost in the dryer go to the hozone layer. Most of my socks are white anklet socks. Don't ask me whether they look good or not, Sweetie is the fashionable one, i dress for comfort and the ability to work.

  18. Black Doc Ortho crew socks here. Most often worn with red Crocs. BUT NOT IN PUBLIC!

  19. Ha! I'm embarrassed to discuss the state of my own socks. I wear them until the molecules separate.

  20. Argyle socks are my favorite socks on men and when I see white socks on men I think they must have on tighty whities to match. :)

  21. White crew, basic black, medium dog-poo brown, and red hunting. No man needs any more than that.

    No socks is for people who don't work for a living ..... so says Uncle Paul.

  22. I have about three pairs of those long socks. I only wear them when we travel up north in the winter. Other than that, it's the low-cut socks all year round for me.

    We got our son a six-pack of socks for Christmas. His size (boat-size) is hard to find, so I'm sure he'll appreciate the gift.
