Sunday, December 18, 2016

Ho Ho Ho

Ho Ho Ho

A cranky re-run from December 2013

I love Christmas.  I have always loved Christmas, but I have to confess there is one thing about this holiday celebration that I hate.

I hate the Ho Ho Ho!

Come on now, haven’t you known people that laugh at everything they say?  Doesn’t it annoy you when people say something that isn’t funny and then laugh?  Everything these people ever say, they follow with a laugh.

“Good morning, Ha ha ha ha!”

“Do you want cream with your coffee? Ha ha ha ha!”

What is it with these people?  What is it with Santa Clause?

“Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho!”

“On Dasher, on Prancer, on Donna and Blixon Ho Ho Ho!”

What is so funny about "Merry Christmas?"  Why does Santa laugh when he commands his reindeer?  The Lone Ranger did not say “High Ho Ho Ho Silver Away.”

I am sure that laughing after everything you say has some serious psychological implications.  Is Santa some kind of a nut?  Is it safe for little children to sit on his lap?

“Well hello little girl Ho Ho Ho!  Come sit on old Santa’s lap Ho Ho Ho!  And what do you want for Christmas Ho Ho Ho!”

Is there anything funny about any of that conversation?  No wonder so many kids are scared of Santa.  They recognize weird when they see it.

Jolly old elf indeed, there’s something wrong with that guy.

Stop the Ho Ho Ho.  A smile would do. 


  1. I wonder when the tradition even began of "Ho Ho Ho Ho.". It can be a bit frightening overall. I agree, a smile indeed would do!


  2. I agree. I could handle Christmas much better without all the ho ho ho's.

  3. I never could take to Santa with all that ho ho ho'ing.

    I used to work with a woman who laughed at other people's misfortunes or illnesses. Colleagues and I worked out that a laugh was substitute for sympathy because she didn't really know what to say or how to commiserate. What's Santa's excuse?

  4. There's a lady i know who laughs a lot, but not at every single thing. She makes you happy just being around her. Maybe Santa is going for that, but trying too hard.

  5. A friendly smile never hurts, but I am never going to forget "High-ho-ho-ho, Silver away!"

  6. I like a jolly laugh, but, it needs to be appropriate. Calm down Santa, a few less ho ho's would be just fine.

  7. This reminded me of the Santa in the movie "A Christmas Story" with his fakey-sounding "ho-ho-ho". That movie and your blog today both made me laugh.

  8. I've wondered about this myself. No need for the ho ho ho anymore. Let's banish that term.

    Have a fabulous day Joe. My best to Karen. ☺

  9. The ho ho ho doesn't bother me nearly as much as those darn kettle bell ringers. They drive me nuts. Do a post about them!

  10. I never could figure out why "Ho Ho Ho" made him sound jolly, sounds more crazy to me. (But, it is accepted)

  11. You would like the Caring Santa at our mall. He doesn't make loud exclamations. He's for kids with disabilities, but I'm guessing most any child would think he's a better Santa!

  12. Never heard a "ho ho ho" that sounded sincere. A smile that travels all the way to the eyes would be nice.

  13. I wonder if they have this: Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), emotional liability, labile affect, or emotional incontinence is a type of affect characterized by involuntary crying or uncontrollable episodes of crying and/or laughing, or other emotional displays. PBA occurs secondary to a neurological disorder or brain injury.

  14. If what you say is true, my parents forced me to sit on the lap of a psychopath when I was a child? Oh dear god...noooo.

  15. The people I know that laugh after everything tend to be nervous. Maybe Santa is nervous...wouldn't you be, with all those kids coming to sit on your lap, kicking your shins...?

  16. I know people who finish off every other sentence with a couple of chuckles. If they've said something funny, OK, I get it. But, "Man is it could outside! chuckle, chuckle." I'm not sure if it's sinister, but it probably does suggest some sort of abnormality.

  17. Pink Floyd might sing: "Hey! Cranky! Leave those HO's alone!"

  18. Yo, my Momma is a ha ha ha ha-er, all the day long! To her everything's a joke, maybe she's Mrs Claus? "Aunt Martha died today, hee hee hee".... yeah, I've fielded a number of such calls over the years.

    Creepy for sure.

  19. Down here it's usually so warm that Santa snorts instead of ho'ing.
