Thursday, November 3, 2016



You do not want to even see a picture.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.  I hate all the commercials today pushing drugs and vaccinations.  I visit a doctor every year, if I needed a specific drug or vaccination, wouldn’t he tell me before I learned I needed something from a commercial?

These commercials always show someone who is miserable and then after taking the miracle medication he is playing tennis and dating super models.

“My arm was falling off because of armicus deficicus and there was nothing I could do, until a friend told me,”

“You should try Armicus Resolvicus, I did and now my arm is firmly attached to my shoulder!”

The commercial then tells you to “Ask your doctor about Armicus Resolvicus.  Certain cases of those using Armicus Resolvicus have been known to get a high fever and die…do not take if your arm is fine, or you are allergic to Armicus Resolvicus.

I think that if your arm is falling off you should probably see a doctor, and if Armicus Resolvicus works you shouldn’t have to ask your doctor, he should just friggin prescribe it.

Anyway, the thing that riled me up about this subject is the zillions of commercials telling you that you are probably going to get shingles. 

“If you’ve had chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccine you already have the virus that causes shingles.”

Crap! 99% of everyone in this country has had chicken pox or the vaccine.

Now I know shingles is very painful and no one wants to get it.  I probably should get the vaccine, but why doesn’t my doctor recommend it?  I suppose I should “Ask my doctor,” but if it is so important why should I have to ask.  Shouldn’t the doctor know? Plus, I always have this fear that the vaccine will give me the shingles. 

I know, that is just absurd.

Except today I saw a commercial from a law firm.

“If you suffered from shingles after taking the shingles vaccine you may be entitled to significant compensation.  Call 1-800-law-ripoff, ask our lawyers about compensation for shingles caused by the shingles vaccine.”

I want to know if I don’t take the vaccine and I get shingles, can I sue the law firm for telling me the vaccine can give you shingles?


  1. My doctor did tell me about the shingles - when I went in to see him WITH it. He also told me that I could possibly get shingles a second time. I would still pass on a vaccine.

    Yep, the TV is full of "If you tried Drug X and died ..." commercials. Can't imagine people are beating a path to the pharmacy to get Drug X. Thing is most people do not have those horrific side effects and the doctors just order the Rx for you and never mention any problems.

  2. Did you see this post I published earlier this year?

  3. I'd advise just asking your doctor if you are at risk and would he recommend a vaccination or anything else, or should you just go about your life knowing that most people don't get shingles.

  4. I often wonder about those commercials from law firms for ANY medicine or surgical procedure. It makes me laugh; nothing is guaranteed in the treatment of a patient. In fact some reports I type, the doctors specifically say "no guarantees are made regarding outcome." Wonder how many cases ever get presented for each of these or do they sit around forever waiting to get more people to join the class action suit?

    I'm terrible about preventative medicine. I need to get a flu shot this year (and only because its strongly recommended if you are a caregiver for a young child and a few days a week I am, so to protect him and his health, I'll get one) but I doubt I'll get the shingles vaccine and just take my chances.


  5. Yes. Yes. Yes. Altho I have to tell you. I went to 3 drs. and every one of them asked me how long I'd had an ear infection and I'm like, I don't have an ear infection. They all told me I did and not a one of them prescribed me anything for it! Crazy. I also had 3 teams of oncologists tell me I'd be dead in 2007 and yet here I am. :D

  6. Got the pneumonia vaccine which is far more important at my age. The shingles I passed as they told me insurance would not pay for it and it would cost me $300. I think that may be why doctors do not recommend it. Supposedly 30% get shingles.

  7. I have the yearly flu' shot and that's all. If I'm gonna die so be it. I've got to go sometime!

  8. And i always want to know, how will you know if you are allergic to something you've never tried before? You can't, it's that simple. You have to try it and see if you have a reaction.

  9. My husband got the shingles last year and it was nasty. My son actually got shingles at age 16. He couldn't wear jeans for about a month as it was too painful behind his knee. My husband's aunt and brother have both had shingles. See the pattern? I think there's a genetic tendency towards it.

    My doctor recommends the vaccine if you are over 50, but our insurance doesn't cover it till age 60.

  10. i hate the part of the commercials that was added most recently - don't take drugx if you are allergic to drugx. well, gee, thanks... let me try it to see if i'm allergic.

  11. The hubs got shingles a few years back....he was fortunate that he went to the doctor in time and the medication provided cleared it up quickly. The doctor did NOT suggest he get the vaccine OR tell him he could get it again. I say, leave your immune system alone and let nature take its course.

  12. Mrs. Chatterbox had a case of the shingles a few years back and it was unbelievable how much pain she experienced. It convinced me to get a shingles shot.

  13. I never understood the amount of advertising for prescription drugs aimed at the general public. And medications that have the possible side effect of death? Ask my doctor? I don't think so.
    But there must some benefit to the pharma companies because the ads are everywhere all the time.

  14. Well, right now it's political ads that are everywhere all the time. Maybe going back to the drug commercials won't be so bad.

  15. Give it a while, I'm sure there will be a commercial about how you may entitled to significant compensation if you were talked out of the vaccination.

  16. Saw the ads, my doc did recommend, price was high so ignored them and sure enough got the shingles. It is one nasty disease that lasts a long time. Really, really wish I had gotten the shot.

  17. Did the warning label mention anything about diarrhea and/or constipation? Wouldn't they just cancel out?

    My doctor did suggest I get the shingles vaccine, but then realized it was a "live" virus and said I couldn't...long story. But, yeah, you can get it from the vaccine. Bit if you do get the shot, I'd suggest you have Begg, Barrow, and Steel on speed dial. :)

  18. I've had the shingles vaccine because my sister had shingles and she said it was awful. I can still get the shingles, but not as bad because of the vaccine. I don't know if that's true, but my doctor told me it's true.

    We don't have regular television, just Amazon Prime and Netflix, so commercials are not something I'm bothered with.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  19. I did get vaccinated because my MD recommended it at age 60+ for everyone. My understanding was that it might not prevent shingles, but was a good precaution. So far, nothing. We'll see!
    My sister is an MD and has HAD IT with patients coming in to "ask your doctor about Armicus Resolvicus!" Like you said, if she thought you needed it, she'd have prescribed it!

  20. I mostly say no to all drugs and vacinations. Someday, I'll die from something and then you can say "If only she wouldn't have been so stubborn and would have taken the vaccine." I either mute or fast forward (if recorded) when the commercials come on.

  21. I like the ones where they say that a possible side effect of Armicus Resolvicus is having your arm fall off. When a possible side effect of the drug is the precise condition you're taking the drug to prevent, how do you know whether it's working?

  22. I am skeptical of pharmaceuticals that are advertised on national TV like toilet paper and snack food. If you need it, the doctor will let you know. And he might let you know even if you DON'T need it. Depends on the kickback or favors from his supplier (most likely the benefits his CLINIC gets, not him).

  23. Hey I could use some of that armicus stuff.

  24. I think the reason the shingles vaccine is $300 is because it's on TV so much...
