Wednesday, November 30, 2016

It’s Your Job!

It’s Your Job!
Whenever I post on the strange behaviors of Mrs. Cranky, I am not necessarily complaining.  Some of her “different” habits merely interest me, they do not bother me. 
One that has me baffled is the separating and disposal of recyclable paper, particularly mail, flyers, papers, and leaflets.  All mail, flyers, papers and leaflets are left on the kitchen table for perusal.  Mrs. Cranky goes through these items and determines which are junk and need to be placed in the recyclable box.  It is my job to place them in the box.
Not complicated, not unusual, unless you are privy to the flow of this whole process.
All mail, flyers, papers and leaflets are dropped off on said kitchen table by whomever brings in the mail from the mail box, driveway or front door.  The recyclable paper bin is a cardboard box on a counter about three yards from the kitchen table drop off spot.  Mrs. C takes those items destined for disposal, rips them in half and leaves them about two feet from the drop off spot, to another corner of the table, the designated disposal area, where it is my job to move the recyclable trash another two feet to the recyclable disposal box.
It is not as if, mind you, I am at the table when she is sorting the mail, flyers, papers and leaflets.  That might make sense.  She sorts, rips and then hands them to me to drop in the disposal box.  No, that is not the way of things.  The sorting and ripping are done by Mrs. Cranky when I am not around.  You would think she could simply set aside the disposables and after sorting and ripping pick them up and reach over another two feet to drop in the disposal box.  You would think wrong.
Right hand corner is drop off for sorting.  Left hand corner is for recyclable disposal.  Under the wall socket on the counter, left of the disposal pile, is the recyclable box,
It is apparently my job to discard recyclables, so they are left for me to see the next time I am at the table.  It is up to me to pick up those torn recyclable papers, reach over and drop them in the disposal box.
When I ask her why she doesn’t just drop them in the box herself her answer without hesitation is,
“It’s your job.”
It is not a problem, I don’t mind, I’m not always a jerk. 
I do find it interesting.


  1. I agree..a little interesting but everyone has their own methods and apparently this one works for you two! I read your previous post and had to laugh because I also get sucked into these crazy stories and waste time clicking next over and over! Now I know I can just go to Google. I also get sucked into the articles about how the celebs look now that they lost tons of weight. You also have to click next a million times and never do find the only celeb you want to see. I finally realized I don't really care if they are fat or thin. Anyway, have a good day and thanks for recycling...the Earth thanks you too!

  2. Interesting? I would find it annoying, but since you don't that's okay. What I would do however, is sort the papers on the counter and drop the recyclables right into the box, or take the box to the table and drop them in, then replace the box. Or I might sort at the table, then walk out to the recycling bin with the torn papers. Depends on the weather and time of day.
    We all know I live alone, but remembering my first husband, if I were to ask him to take stuff out to the bin or even to a nearby box, he'd probably ask me when did I break both my legs so I can't do it.

  3. If I left that up to DH, they would stack up until the table tilted.

  4. At least you know where the recyclables go :) I'm the one that usually takes them out to the bin outside. The other day hubby was heading outside with a potential batch of recyclables. I had to confirm with him he knew where they were and which one to use. Kind of like I had to introduce him to the washer a few years back :)


  5. You have the easiest job EVER! It's the sorting that's a pain. Deciding what you might need to save for your records, setting aside the bills. Once that is done, picking up something already piled up for you to put in a box is a breeze!

    I'd suggest trading jobs with her for a day, but I KNOW that wouldn't be acceptable for Mrs. C.

    Also, I think I just sprained an eyeball looking for a towel on the counter that might be hiding snacks.

  6. We all have our own ways of dealing with recycling stuff. I do mine as they appear before my eyes. No build-up, just toss into a box which then gets emptied into the wheelie bin. Hubby, bless him, would never interfere with my system. One thing I do differently, though, I don't tear anything.

  7. Makes no sense to me, but neither does the ripping in two? To me, you either just put it in recycling or the shredder.

  8. How tempted are you to just scoop everything up and throw it in the regular trash?? ;)

  9. Use you man skills....put the trash in the recycle bin, and the recyclables in the trash bin. She'll see it, call you a jerk, think you're incapable of performing this simple task, and from then on do it herself. And you can watch more sports on TV. :)

  10. Work is a blessing. Embrace it.
    We have wastebaskets for trash and recycle in the closet. A lot of recyclable paper hits the trash, and I let it go. Recycle is picked up and handled separately by the trash company, but trash is what they call "single stream", and as it goes down the belt, recycle is separated as much as possible.

  11. I thought it was a "thought-less" act, but now I agree that this does not make any sense to me.

  12. Nice to see this mellow side of you. Hey, if it works----

  13. We don't have a recycle pickup all goes in the garbage and always by me.

  14. Makes no sense to me either, but it's your job so do it. You two make me LOL often.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  15. wow, talk about a strict division of labor!

  16. the things you do just to keep the's best not to think too hard about what's right or fair or easier in these cases. This is just a "keep on keeping on, if it's not broken don't fix it" kind of thing.

  17. Strange behavior (even for Mrs. C)!!

  18. Once is a habit with many people (pets and brothers-in-law come to mind), and probably you disposed of the recyclables the first time, and now it's a habit.l

  19. We all have our designated duties (jobs).

  20. Long term relationships always require a sort of dance, a give and take between the two parties. My Mrs. never turns the light off in the shower. Evidently that;s MY job, even when I'm not the one taking the shower.

  21. I think every relationship has assigned jobs. It's hubby's job to get my car inspected. North Carolina has a yearly inspection, but South Carolina doesn't. My (very valid) argument is that if he had moved when we got together neither one of us would have to get our cars inspected. Scheduling vet appointments for the pets is my job. I don't think he has any idea of their vaccination schedule.

    We usually just each put recycling in the bin as we come across it. Getting it out to the street is the hard part. Apparently that's the imaginary member of the household's job. We both forget about half the time. Fortunately it's a big enough bin that it rarely fills up.

  22. I put the recycling on the floor next to the door from the house to the garage; hubby takes it from there to the recycling bin in the garage.

    This way, the door between the house and garage doesn't get opened five, six times a day (and let heat into the house), but only once. Plus, hubby feels a bit useful then.

  23. If it ain't broke...whatever works and keeps the peace. But if it's your job can you expect an annual review and salary increase? Lol 😂
