Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I’ll Have a Hot Dog Sandwich Please

I’ll Have a Hot Dog Sandwich Please
 “Is a hot dog a sandwich?”  This is the text I got the other night from old friend Frog.  I sensed trouble.
Some many years ago Frog called me late at night (before texting) to settle an argument he was having with his wife.
“When Superman changes in a phone booth, what does he do with his clothes?”
“You woke me up for that?  Everyone knows he puts his clothes in a pocket in his cape.”
(In the back ground)
“See, I told you so!”
“I still disagree, there is never a lump in his cape”
By my call, Frog won the argument, though Mrs. Frog still disputes this.
Now I was faced with another final judgement.
I called Frog immediately.
“What’s with this hotdog thing, are you having another fight with Mrs. Frog?”
“Yes, what is your decision?”
“I rule that a sandwich must be any food between two pieces of bread, since a hot dog always comes in a roll, a hot dog is not a sandwich…good night!”
(in the back ground)
“I told you, it is not a sandwich.”
“I disagree!”
Apparently I am no longer the judge of final resort in the Frog household.  Ten minutes later I saw Mrs. Frog pose the question on Facebook, “Is a hot dog a sandwich?”
So far the internet says no…by a slight margin.
I now expect to see a Facebook survey asking, “When Superman changes in a phone booth, where does he put his clothes?”  


  1. Haha, I thought Superman folded his clothes neatly and packed them in the seat of his tights. Did you ever see Superman's behind? The cape covered the bulk. Hahaha!

  2. Whether it is considered a sandwich or not considered a sandwich, now I want a hot dog and there are no hot dogs in the house.......Thanks


  3. Now I'm confused. A sandwich is anything between two pieces of bread, yea here in Australia too, but on TV I so often see people ordering "sandwiches" in American sitcoms and movies and what arrives is clearly stuff set between the two halves of a roll, round or long makes no difference, it is a roll, not bread, yet still called a sandwich.
    Now I want a hot dog too, just like Betty above me here.

  4. UK version is that hot dogs are ROLLS. Thankfully you didn't stimulate the taste buds -- it's too early in the day.

    1. My football team, The Minnesota Vikings, are on a roll now. Hot dogs are on a roll. Are The Vikings hot dogs?

  5. A better question would be 'Is it a hot dog if it's a sausage or does it have to be a frankfurter?' - if it does then I don't like hot dogs and Val is quite right, it's a roll so NOT a sandwich in my humble opinion.

  6. Any meat on bread is a type of sandwich, no matter the form the meat or the bread takes. There are specific types of sandwiches, of which the hot dog on a bun is a type. Not that it matters what i think.

    1. If a bear eats a hot dog in the forest, will it make him fart?

  7. A hot dog is NOT a sandwich nor is it food....a hot dog is pure poison and will kill you if you eat enough of them. A hot dog is a conveyance for mustard relish and ketchup ..nothing else.

    1. If you take the tinfoil that the hot dog is wrapped in and make a hat out of it, then the poison in the dog won't hurt you but, you will look silly.

  8. Clark Kent's clothes are specially treated so that when Clark Kent switches to Superman, he folds up Clark Kent's clothes into a little packet and compresses his shoes up into little wafers . He then puts Clark Kent's clothes and shoes into a secret pocket in his cape until he needs them again .

    A hotdog is a hotdog and not a sandwich.

    Have a fabulous day Joe. ☺

  9. Superman's human clothing is an illusion. He's been saving the world naked for all these years and nobody but, Lois Lane knew it.

  10. Unless you slice that hot dog up and put it between two pieces of sandwich bread it's not a sandwich. A hot dog is a hot dog.As for Superman's clothes I thought when he spun around they turned into his Superman cape and tights. (Shrug)

  11. I don't like getting into that sort of debate, the kind where I'm let into something already commenced and ongoing.

    This happened to me last week involving a debate concerning whether the office door of a contact we all knew was made of glass or wood. Eventually, I was the only one who thought it was glass. I was outvoted, even though I was right.

    That's the good I guess about texting: I can ignore it.

  12. I was always told a hot dog is a hot dog unless it is a frankfurter sandwich.

  13. I just don't know, any more (Sob)!!

  14. It's just a hot dog and now I want one. Gee thanks.

  15. Good lord...where have you been all my life. You just make me laugh AND I say a hot dog is definitely a sandwich. But what do I know?

  16. You have some weird friends, Joe.

    Hey, wait a minute, does that include me?

    1. Huh. Sometimes the obvious is not apparent enough.
      And, the only way it's a real hot dog is if it's Cominskey park. And the dogs have been simmering since May, and it's September. The mustard bright yellow, and yes, of course, relish.

      Huh, one of us got off track here...

  17. if you sliced it in half and put it between plain white bread...

  18. A hot dog is NOT a sandwich!

    If Superman drips mustard on his tights, does he get out his little packet of Clark Kent clothes and change?

  19. A hot dog is the dog food that didn't fall on the floor.
