Friday, October 21, 2016


Failed Match.  Pretty girl with Captain Obvious...go figure!
It is too difficult for me to have a non-political opinion this time of the year, so Cranky Opinion Saturday is temporarily suspended.
All you people who only watch PBS and the news on TV, you can live trash TV vicariously through this cranky old man.  Today’s analysis of the crap TV you are avoiding is:
“Married At First Sight.”
This show has three relationship experts who sort through resumes of a boatload of people who are willing to get married to someone they have never met.   The experts match up three coupes that their relationship expertise tells them have an excellent chance of a successful marriage.
The couples get legally married and then are sent off to a honeymoon vacation site to get to know each other.  Crap TV right?  I love it!
The couples move in together and they have 8 weeks to decide if they want to stay married or if they want a divorce.  They all have communication issues and the experts meet with them from time to time to talk out their issues and to give them exercises to learn to be a couple.
The experts have had four seasons or 12 couples that they have matched up.  If this season ends as it seems to be going, they will have arranged 3 successful marriages.  Three out of twelve.  Are you kidding me?
Here is the thing.  The experts seem to want to match up opposites.  They are so anxious to prove that they can see hidden expert traits and then mold them into a successful marriage because they are such great counselors that they overlook obvious relationship issues.  
The experts suck!
Three out of twelve!  Keep in mind that every one of these candidates wants to be married.  They want to meet someone and be successfully married.
Half of these matches are failures from the start as the experts don’t even know enough to match up people who will be attracted to each other.  They think attraction is secondary.  Pffft!
This last season they had a couple that didn’t last more than two weeks.  The dude was a pothead, and the lady did not like pot…nice going experts.
I think I could go to the Mall on a busy weekend and find 12 couples who have never met and arrange more than three successful marriages.  Of course I have a personal record of one for three so maybe I might not be the best matchmaker.  Still, these are “Relationship Experts” they ought to be ashamed.
It is entertaining TV if you are a low brow cretin or a cranky old man.
We now return you to respectable PBS and News programming.


  1. I watch this show fairly regularly. It's stupid, predictable, a waste of time--& entertaining!!

  2. I watch it! Except not this season. Only last night, I deleted many weeks of DVR because I'm not all that into it now, and hadn't watched a single episode. But last year, I didn't miss an a one! Sam and Neil from your picture were both weirdos. I'm surprised they didn't come knocking on my door, seeing as how I'm such a weirdo magnet.

    I also like ARRANGED! I'm sure you watch it. I'm wondering what happened to the teacher/coach who moved his wife into a short camper trailer. You know, the chubby stewardess wife. They were a match made in Not-Heaven.

  3. I haven't watched this, but isn't that the truth of most marriages that the people are totally opposite of each other but that's what attracts them to the other in the first place? The funny thing is when you look at who you married and you realized you either married your mom or your dad, depending on your sex, and "swore" you wouldn't. Just saying :)


  4. I am gobsmacked!!! Whatever happened to 'doing your own thing'?

  5. The studies are out there that pretty well prove that while in some things opposites do attract, likes tend to endure. The closer you are in the ideals of religion, money handling, dealing with in-laws, education level, and whether to have children and how to raise them, the more likely that your marriage will be a success.

    Where the opposite thing comes in is in the smaller things -- one of you needs to be a morning person so s/he can make the coffee and get the day started, the other needs to be a night person so the doors get locked and the dog put in the night crate, for example. That's a small opposite that helps the relationship.

    Another problem i see with this whole idea is that people are not going to be rigorously honest on the questionnaires they fill out -- after all, they want to be on TV no matter what!

  6. Haven't watched this one. Now I'm glad I haven't.

  7. In Hollywood, if you've had 3 successful marriages out of 9 you're doing pretty good.

    I've never had an 8 week vacation. I would go on the show just for that.

    1. Do the math again...and show your work!

      They only get a one week honeymoon then they go back to real life, but I asume they are also paid some end up making cash on other reality shows and spin-offs.

      I should be ashamed of myself, I not only watch, but I yell at the TV a lot.

  8. My granddaughter would think you awesome. I watch the news on TV, and hand off the control to the young lady who is addicted to True EMS.

  9. wow. i'd hate to read the contracts that go into that arrangement ahead of time. oy!

  10. What a concept. No wonder there are trump supporters out there. (Could not resist that nasty comment.)

    1. Hey! What did I say in the first sentence? But since you went there, I know some not-Trump voters, and a few are still upset that "Honey Boo BOO" was taken off the air.

  11. Never heard of it, but I don't have cable. However, batting .250 will keep you in the bigs if you've got a good glove.

  12. I don't agree with opposites attracting. Hubby and I are so alike and that helps with not creating issues that we can argue about. There has to be an attraction. Without that there's not going to be much else.

    I do like the television you watch. It gives me the opportunity to watch something else. Thank you for that.

    Have a fabulous weekend Cranky. My best to Mrs. C. ☺

  13. Thank you for the synopsis - now I don't have to actually watch it.

  14. I did like to watch honey Boo Boo not sure why, but I don't miss it. I watch these kind of shows every now and then. I like reality shows just not sure they all reality. Am I missing something! Take care. Jean

  15. While I've heard it said that "opposites" attract, it's people who are similar who stay together. Do you think this true?

  16. I married my opposite in quite a few things...but they were the important things and we do compliment each other. I think you are pretty good at nailing the stupidity of this reality TV effort, but someone is making money

  17. Heard about it, thought about it and now you have spared me. Thanks.

  18. Thank you for your final sentence. :D

  19. Trash TV is like eating potato chips; it's not really good for you, but it's very satisfying.

    If I were retired or had more time, I'd probably watch it, too.

  20. LOL....well, I am hooked on 90 Day Fiancé, so I don't need another one of these addictive shows right now!
