Thursday, August 18, 2016



A Cranky Opinion For


The following is the opinion of a cranky old man who is a few brain cells away from being an idiot.  Opposing opinions are welcome, but are wrong.  As always, please, no name calling and that means you, you big stupid head!

We’ve got troubles in this country.  Louisiana is under water.  California is burning.  Black people in Milwaukee are beating up white people because a black policeman shot a black citizen who was aiming a black gun at the policeman's head.  We have underemployment problems, we have high taxes, we have high crime, we have fear of Zika and we have an infrastructure that is falling apart.  Troubles, we’ve got troubles.  Thank God we have politicians.  In New Jersey our politicians are looking to right a serious wrong.
On our sea shore boardwalks and other arcades, the proud state of New Jersey has claw machines.  These are games where a customer pays a quarter for the chance to win a $500 PlayStation XXVI through his skill at maneuvering a claw pickup machine. 
It turns out that this is very difficult.  The claw machine proprietors have programmed the machines so that it is difficult to win a $500 game for a quarter…who knew.
Our law makers in New Jersey have vowed to right this wrong and are passing a law to make the claw machine easier to conquer.
These are the same politicians who years ago decided that as a ten-year-old, I shouldn’t be able to win free games on a pinball machine…that would be gambling.  Gambling is bad.  Then these same politicians decided that it was a good idea to put casinos in Atlantic City.  Suddenly gambling is good.  Well it is good for the politicians who get to spend the revenue it brings to the state…I don’t know where that money goes; to schools they said, to bring down property taxes they said.  I don’t know, the schools seem about the same only more expensive and property taxes are about the same only much higher.
A year or so back these politicians decided that casino gambling would be even better if it was allowed on-line.  Apparently it is not enough for degenerate, gambling addicted patrons to lose their savings and their homes to the Casinos, they needed to be able to do it on-line, because that couldn’t be addicting, what could go wrong?
Well now the politicians who made free games on pinball machines illegal, made casinos legal and made on-line gambling also legal are going to solve all our problems by making the arcade claw game pay out at a more favorable rate.  That should be easy to regulate (not), and so important.  I feel much safer.
Louisiana is under water.  California is burning.  Black people in Milwaukee are beating up white people because a black policeman shot a black citizen who was aiming a black gun at the policeman's head.  We have underemployment problems, we have high taxes, we have high crime, we have fear of Zika and we have an infrastructure that is falling apart.  
At least in New Jersey our politicians are looking to make this a better world.  God willing, they will pass laws that make it easier to win a PlayStation XXVI in an arcade claw machine.
The preceding has been the opinion of a cranky old man and not necessarily that of management…Mrs. Cranky.


  1. Yes the world is batshit crazy at the moment...but I think it has been that way since the beginning of time. At least we survived 80s fashion!

  2. None of those gambling issues affect me, because I'm not a gambler, but I can see how they would be troublesome for those who are addicted. not for the government of course, they're only addicted to the revenue raised.

  3. I wonder which lawmaker's kid lost his quarter trying for the game?

    Sometimes, I think the only sane people are us (and I'm not too sure about you.)

  4. What about those quarter-pushing machines? FIX THEM! It should be easier to knock a bunch of quarters off the edge.

    1. I was just going to say this!!!! ha. I get hooked on them every time!

  5. Would they had stopped at pinball and claw machines. Legalized gambling has ruined a lot of innocent people.

  6. Ummm. It is Friday... Can't think about any of this until tomorrow.

  7. The world is indeed batshit crazy. We are allowing it too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  8. Good to know they are working on the important things. And we keep electing them. Sheesh.

  9. Unless the claws are actually attacking people, I can't imagine why there would need to be any regulation of arcade claw machines.

    (By the way, if the claws DO start attacking people, I really want to see youtube clips of it.)

  10. I haven't read ALL of your posts, but I've still gotta say this has to be one of your best. Beautifully well-written, and man oh man, is it ever true.

    God knows, Georgia is plagued with a boatload of problems, but that doesn't prevent our "esteemed" law-makers from putting all of their feeble-minded attention on stooooopid stuff, like the "official state drink" or some other such crap. "Fixing" non-existent issues, and ignoring the real ones.

    As for claw machines? There used to be a restaurant nearby that had a claw machine set-up with live lobsters inside. Yeah... live lobsters. Anyone, anyone who snagged one of those lobsters could have it cooked... for free. There were a couple of Japanese guys in there one night who must have spent at least a hundred bucks trying to get one of those "free" lobsters. Needless to say, lobster was available on the menu for a heckuva lot less than that. We tried to tell them... but they were determined. They left without their lobster, and with a lot less money in their wallets.

  11. I'm glad to hear that New Jersey's lawmakers have their priorities straight---NOT!

  12. I'm not sure what's worse....that they waste time/taxpayer $ on crap like this or that they get perks like free haircuts and parking. All paid by taxpayers.

  13. What is wrong with THOSE people?

  14. What's wrong is that someone keeps electing them. Not me, i vote, but almost never for the incumbents.

  15. I'm smiling through my tears (with clenched teeth). How did we get here? Who can stop the wackiness?

  16. Mustn't ignore your governor who made it possible for another unnamed politician to pay off a casino debt of 30 mil with a mere 5 mil. It must be good to be a politician.

  17. I love you for this post, even though you made my blood pressure go up about 10 points.

  18. I personally wouldn't mind it if the claw machines were left "rigged" as long as they served us free drinks while we pumped quarters in. ;)

  19. I might just have to move to New Jersey if it would be easier to win something in that claw game. I've yet to win anything after years of feeding the machine with quarters.


  20. What we need is a giant claw machine that will pick our next representatives. We can put them all in one giant machine and let the claw descend down on them and pluck one up from the group -- and there you go! I think that would work better than elections. We can't seem to pick them anymore, so might as well let The Claw choose.

  21. I don't go a bundle on our lot either.... I think Katrina has the right idea.

  22. It never ceases to amazes me the amount of time, money and energy that is put toward such bullshit in this country. As you said, Lousianna is under water, etc.,etc. I just don't get it. I suspect I never will.
