Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Politicians mean well.  Lots of stuff they mandate is good.  No smoking in public areas…good.  Seatbelts in cars…good.  Mandatory safety seats for children…good.  Check points for drunk drivers, speed controlled by radar, emission regulations on cars, good, good and good.

Sometimes, however, government means well but they fuck up.  They have expert opinions and expert facts and statistics, but they are still just wrong.  Some regulations, passed with good intentions are just wrong, and someone needs to point it out.  I guess that someone has to be me.
I know that experts and statistics will show that the new low flow toilets save water and are good for the environment.  I am all for saving water and I’m sure experts can prove that low flow toilets, save about one billion gallons of water a day.  One billion gallons of water is a lot of water, but is that number really accurate?
This may be a bit disgusting, so turn away if you want.  I will try and be as discrete as possible. 
The new toilets save a gallon of water with every flush so the laws to require low flow toilets make a lot of sense.  What the experts have missed is that one flush is not enough.  Flushing number one is fine for low flow, but not for number two.  Number two takes two flushes for most twos, and three or more for many twos.  The double flush and more negates the water savings for the number one flush. 
Besides needing extra water to double flush and more, the new toilets are disgusting.  There, it has to be said.  The bowl is left with…er…residue and scrubbing needs even one more water wasting flush.  If you do not pay attention, the low flow flush often leads to unnoticed floaters.  No one needs to be greeted with floaters in the middle of the night.
Let’s call it like it is, the new low flow toilets waste water and are disgusting to boot.
Government means well, but when they screw up, they need to admit it and make adjustments.
Technology today allows us to watch our favorite TV show from the car on a phone.  Surely technology can solve the low water flush issue.  Can anyone please design a toilet that saves water on a number one flush, but allows for extra water in the bowl for number two?
If ever there was an issue that demands bipartisan legislation it is the low water flush for number two. 
If we cannot come together to resolve even this simple issue we are doomed!


  1. Actually, Joe, you USED to be right about this. The first generation low-flow toilets many years ago were disgusting, just like you described. The manufacturers basically just added a smaller capacity tank with the same design bowl. It didn't work. Those were the heydays of the toilet bowl plunger industry. Subsequent generations of low flow toilets work well. In our homes we've found Toto brand thrones work well...no problems. If you still have one of the original style, loosen the purse strings and treat yourself to a new one-flush deluxe model. :)

  2. We've had low water level toilet bowls (as you've pictured) forever and they're not a problem. We have a new type of cistern now, regulations required them to be installed in all new buildings several years ago now and older households were encouraged to change over; they have a 'two flush' system where you push the 'half flow' button to flush a number one and the 'full flow' button to flush away a number two. But even before that, just one push of the button would flush away a number two.

  3. Our toilets systems are mostly like that described by River. My problem is knowing which button does which. Invariably I press the wrong one. I'm grateful for the fact that one of my toilets is the old fashioned style.

    1. Valerie, put a sticker on the button that flushes half.

  4. okay, first post i read this morning - as i'm eating my peanut butter bread w/ coffee... ewww...

  5. I believe you have shined a light on a dark issue that needs our attention. It is a numbers game. If you decide to run for public office, you have my support.

  6. We were aggravated by this as well when we moved into this house four years ago. I have to clean toilet bowls more than once a week! You are spot on with all the issues that 'arise'!

  7. Now, now, Joe. The politicians feel good, and we've learned to cope.

  8. Joe, I would never accuse you of being discreet. However, if you want to run for office this year on a low flush platform, I'll definitely vote for you. Thanks for starting my morning with a chuckle.

  9. At the house we were renting in Prescott, they had toilets that had two options for flushing. A button for #1 and a button for #2. #2 had more water pouring out and eliminated the problems you mentioned above. The trouble is remembering where the buttons were and making sure you used the right button for the right flushing.

    In California, hubby put a plastic gallon jug in the toilet tank. Eliminated our water bill significantly and had no problems with residue left.


  10. Our low flow sucks everything down in such a hurry, it startles newcomers to our home. Men, obviously used to the old system, will flush before they finish - what the hell is up with that?

  11. I have the newer low water toilets in my condo and they are still disgusting.
    I think we should all forward this post to our Congressional representatives and senators.

  12. You've hit on a topic that has concerned me for quite some time. We have an expensive new toilet I'd like to rip out and replace with an old one because it takes two or three flushes to clear. Waiting to make all these flushes is a pain in the behind.

    1. Insufficient water pressure? One flush should take care of things.

  13. I do agree with you on this issue. Often the government gets it wrong. Admitting it will probably never happen.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  14. Hi Joeh,

    Totally agree. I think some of these "experts" come from a different planet.




  15. Have you tried to recycle a compact fluorescent lightbulb?

  16. I don't have a low flow flusher so I'm still having to use the old plunger once in awhile.

  17. I think, here in Britain we have some of the same laws as you do.

  18. Wow. I feel so unregulated! We don't have those newfangled contraptions around these parts. My husband grew up without indoor plumbing. Just regular toilet for us. Though the first thing he did when we bought our initial 10 acres was build an outhouse.

  19. Would you describe low flow toilets as being full of shit?

  20. Think an invention is in your future. Dial a flush--oh, they all ready have that? Ok, improve on it. Money is to be made here Joeh. Go for it.

  21. They just need to leave the toilets alone! Wonder what would be said about my toilet? I have one that double flushes with one flush. Not sure why it does it but Im not fixing it. One for flush, One for mercy.

  22. The same scientists who figured out how to let us watch TV on our phones in our automobiles ought to be able to solve this problem and save water at the same time.

  23. Reading some of the comments above, I wonder if the real problem might be a lack of sufficient water pressure.

  24. Dunno what some of these folks are smoking but we have one of the newest, best rated low flows and even with my probably-illegal modifications it will usually flush in one shot but if there is any, um, softness it will leave floaters that take up to 4 flushes to dispense. It is also more prone to streaking .... I tried to keep our old faithful maxi-flush but Queenie wouldn't hear of recycling to outfit our remodel. Or at least that what she said before witnessing the wonder of modern low flow .....

  25. Can't agree on this one Joe. Mine works as designed and most nights I have a LOT of fiber in my diet. I'll dispatch my plumber up there to fix yours.

  26. You should consider yourself lucky that composting toilets (like they showcase sometimes in those "tiny houses") aren't mandated yet!!!

  27. Where have I been? I didn't even know about this law! Wtheck.. Do we not have better things for our gov. to do? "If it's yellow it's mellow. If it's brown it must go down." Peace.
