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Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Latest Technology

The Latest Technology

New technology never fails to amaze me.  Some stuff is super cool.  Some stuff is probably cool, but I have no idea how it works or what it is for.  Sometimes something is available that I do understand, except I have no idea who would want it.

I just saw an advertisement for refrigerators with three cameras which can, via an app, transmit to your phone a video of what is inside.  Terrific technology, but why? Why do I need a camera in the refrigerator to show me what is inside?

Granted many people, especially teenagers and myself have a habit of opening and looking into the fridge for something to eat.  Often we do not find what we want, but that doesn’t stop us from looking again and again.  I suppose with this new app we could save energy from opening and closing the fridge door again and again or just staring blankly into an open fridge.  Will this save lots of money?  Will this end global warming?  I don’t think so, I just don’t think there is enough bang for the buck.

“Well Cranky, what if you are shopping at the supermarket and you don’t know if you need a bottle of mayonnaise, or more eggs? Wouldn’t you like to just remotely look into the fridge and see what you need?”

I guess, but I generally know what I need before leaving the house, and if I happen to buy a jar of Mayo when we don’t need it, it will eventually be used…it is not that big a deal.  What I need is an app to interpret Mrs. Cranky's shopping list.

Look if you want a refrigerator with three cameras which in concert with an app can show you what is in your fridge without opening the door and looking, knock yourself out.  It is only money and it is kinda cool. 

Cool, but in my opinion really friggin stupid!


  1. I agree especially since there are at times the fridge is so stuff full of things I don't know if I would be able to figure out what was in there, APP or not.


  2. There was a commercial for this that took me many viewings to actually understand what the product was! Because, seriously, who needs this?

  3. This will come in handy for the tens of millions of Americans who want to know whether there are any Pokemon in their refrigerators.

    The future is amazing?

  4. I'm with you on this one Joe. I see no reason for this extra expense. I do a grocery list before I head to the store and rarely forget anything.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. I doubt cameras would help me find what my eyes can't when I'm standing in front of the open fridge looking for something.

  6. Yeah, some technology definitely has me scratching my head, and this cameras-in-the-fridge idea is one of them. Strikes me as totally stupid. Especially for me, because I don't have a cell phone.

    The thing about technology that gets me annoyed is stuff does what I accidentally "tell" it to do, instead of doing what I actually WANT it to do.

  7. It would make it much easier to see what you need than trying to decipher Mrs. C's lists!!

  8. It might come in handy to see if the kids drank all the milk (again!) and you have to get more right now, but other than that, i'm cold on this one, too.

  9. What we need (?) is for Elon Musk to invent a refrigerator with 3 cameras that can drive itself to the store and buy whatever I'm short of, then bring it back home, saving me the trip. And with the luck they're having with their (Tesla) self-driving car, I don't see this happening any time soon.

  10. I need something like this for my pantry! I'm famous for buying pickles and tortilla shells when we already have three or more of the same waiting in the pantry. Of course I do the same for chocolate, but that's not a problem.

  11. WAIT! I thought the light went off when the door closed!

  12. I need an app that helps stop me from buying some large supply of something At COSTCO that I already have two in the garage such as paper towels or olive oil. The refrigerator is the least of my problems

  13. You DON'T a camera in your fridge? How can you live????? Just kidding. I won't be getting one of those either.
