Tuesday, July 19, 2016

She’s Not Cheap…She’s Thrifty

She’s Not Cheap…She’s Thrifty

Have I mentioned that my wife is thrifty?  Thrifty in a never throw anything away, kind of way, not thrifty in a never buy stuff, kind of way.

I have been chastised for throwing away a used paper towel.  “There was still some clean up left in it!”

I have been shunned for tossing a Popsicle stick. “I may need it to prop up the plant on the window sill!”

I have learned to leave a glass with two ounces of water covered by a paper napkin alone.  “I wasn’t done with that water...and what happened to the napkin!!?”

In our garage we have a 29 year old stroller/ baby carriage, state of the art in its day, garbage today, because “One of my kids may want it someday!” (No way in hell)

I almost tossed a VCR tape re-winder away…OMG did the you-know-what hit the fan.

So when I saw this in the dish drain next to the sink, did I throw it in the trash? 

I may be a slow learner, but eventually I do learn, I left it to dry.

I know the last straw when I see it.


  1. My sister isn't thrifty. She's a hoarder.

    She got mad at me for throwing away a shoe box once. When I asked her what she was keeping it for, she said, "To hold smaller containers."

    A container she doesn't need to hold containers she doesn't need!

    This is why the self-storage unit industry is thriving.

    1. "A container she doesn't need to hold containers she doesn't need!" Haha! Great line!

  2. I do that with straws! Even though they are free for the taking when I get my 44 oz Diet Coke every day. No need for a new straw, just rinse it out and use it again. One straw a week is fine!

    I was also fine using my big foam cup for a week to get refills, but then that environment-unfriendly enemy-of-the-Earth county health department ruled that refills are unsanitary!

  3. I used to pinch the pennies until they screamed, and then I became penny wise and pound foolish, life's too short.

  4. The PHG and her beau spent three months and two of those large haulaway dumpsters straightening out his thrifty mother's house.

  5. well that is absolutely the last straw! Ha Ha.

  6. Congratulations on resisting the urge to chuck whatever it was in the drainer. It takes a while but men DO learn ... eventually.

  7. Of course she wants to use the straw more than once, that's thrifty. By the way, open notice to anyone over age 50, if you are saving it for your children/grandchildren, they don't want it (unless it's one or two very valuable small antique pieces to remind them of grandparents/great grandparents).

  8. It's not about thrift, you know...

  9. Kudos to you for such a funny and well-written post. I am a throw away stuff while hubby wants to keep anything that belonged to his mother...including a very old and chipped mixing bowl. He now uses it for shaving.

  10. I hear ya. We have a hundred-pack of straws in the cabinet, and at the rate the wife uses them/disposes of them we'll still have 90 left at the start of the next century.

  11. The last straw cracked me up. As for the glass of water, I have found that a cat food container cover is the perfect cover for a half empty glass and it is reusable but of course she will have to buy one first. Good luck.

  12. I love you wife. I know you do too and it's far better to have a thrifty wife than one that spends, spends and spends some more. You know that too.

    Have a fabulous day Joe. ☺

  13. LOL! At least you know that "everything" is off limits. I feel sorry for my husband - he has to guess which items he should have left alone and which ones he should have had the sense to know were meant for the trash!

  14. My granny was nuts about the paper towels. You were expected to basically use the same paper towel for the duration of your 2-week visit. But in her defense, she had to get through the rationing of WW2 with living in one room with a cranky husband and 4 kids.....

  15. I'm the one who throws everything away. It's taught many people (ok, four) to clean up after themselves.

  16. Aww.. she cares about the environment.. that's a good thing.

    I had a basement and garage full of things that I thought should stick around for one reason or another. When I moved, I donated several dozen boxes of things.. and those were just the things that fit into boxes. I learned that if you find your local Freecycle online, you can get things to homes that really need/want that particular item. Anyway, I figure they might not want the straw. ;)

    Your wife is a gem.

  17. I've moved too many times to hang on to stuff I don't need. There have been times when I wished I had kept something...but not very often. LOL at "the last straw."

  18. I'm right there with ya man, too few hours in the day and too many rules!!

  19. You may be a slow learner, but you are learning indeed!


  20. Hahahahahaha. The "last straw.." Love it. :D
