Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On The Boardwalk (GIRLS)

On The Boardwalk (GIRLS)

As previously mentioned, the boardwalks on the Jersey Shore are full of games and rides.  They were super fun for young boys, until the age of around 13 when interest turned to girls.

The boardwalk was the perfect training ground for learning the boy girl romance dance, though clearly I never learned many steps.


At the shore the girls you meet are never from your home town, often not from the same state.  The participants in the dance are only around for a week or less, and age is not important, everyone lies about their age. If (when) you make a fool of yourself, there is no damage, you will never see the person you just embarrassed yourself with again.

Mostly this experience was all about posturing.  Put on your best cool duds, primp your hair, slap on way too much “English Leather,” hang around the rides, and wait.  We waited a lot.  The thrill was in the expectation.  Easy anonymous girls looking for fun…we would find out what those condoms that every boy carried in his wallet were for.

Unfortunately most of us never got passed the preening.  We never thought to actually approach a girl; we expected they would come to us.  I do remember one night when my friend and I magically “hooked up" with two really cute young ladies (at the shore, all the girls are really cute.)  We chatted for a few minutes but they had to go somewhere with their parents.  We would meet the next night at the “Tilt-a-whirl” and finally move past the preening stage...the talking and stuff stage!

The next night my friend and I got dizzy from “Tilt-a-whirl” rides.  Cute girls never showed up.  Apparently they were practicing their hook up skills and we were just an experiment.  I think that is as close to a random pick-up as I have ever gotten.

Years later I learned the real art to meeting girls on the boardwalk from my 13 year old son and his best friend. 

We rented a house by a boardwalk.  I could watch my own young son and his friend learn the dance.  While others simply preened and waited, these lads did the unexpected…they actually went up to the girls as they walked by and introduced themselves.  I watched them time after time talking with and walking away with cute young girls.  It seems that the young ladies parading the boardwalk are all hoping for anyone to approach them!

Who knew?
I believe these young players arranged meetings with several of the girls they met with their unique method of actually talking.  I don’t think any of these meetings ever actually occurred. 

Some things never change. 


  1. This made me laugh out loud. :) I think of you as this super cool dude and then you write this. Hahaha. The important thing is, that eventually, you got it right, right? ;)

  2. I wish I'd learned more about the boy-girl romance dance. From the age of 12 all I ever got were offers to "go for a ride" from older boys with cars that only had eyes for my boobs. I must have said NO a million times.

  3. The learning was hard, wasn't it? When I was young approaches had to be made in cinemas. We didn't have freedom of movement like modern youth have.

  4. What was fun was watching my #2 Son learn this dance at Disney World. Yes, he would actually meet up with girls at the rides. He played the game well, as did my youngest brother. Two peas in a pod, they are.

  5. Well, it's good go hear there is some innocence left in the world!

  6. But it is a good learning experience and part of growing up.

  7. Hmm. Now I always thought that English Leather was designed specifically to be a dual repellent -- mosquito and girl.

  8. I always wondered why so few of the guys talked. Now I know it wasn't me. Thank you.

  9. What a delightful post. I remember those days. We were just as awkward as you boys where. It was still a dance that we never quite finished for a very long time.

    Have a fabulous day Joe. ☺

  10. A rite of passage we all go through. Well, most of us, anyway.

  11. Those girls wanted a safe long-distance boyfriend to dream about like David Cassidy on a wall poster. You guys just wanted to work in (heh, heh) a little condom practice.

  12. I wasn't very good at that age either....actually, I've never been very good:) How I landed a good looking wife is a mystery to me :)

  13. Good thing we grow out of that awkward stage, otherwise we wouldn't be looking at over 7 Billion people living on this earth!
