Friday, July 29, 2016

Laptop Flip Flop

Laptop Flip Flop

I don’t have much luck with laptops.  I have had three since 2008.  They crap out for one reason or another.  My last one was purchased in 2013.  It had an operating system MS-not10.

For the last year, every two hours, Microsoft pops up and says take my MS-10 for free, go ahead download IT’S FREE!! Every two hours I clicked “Go Away” because I was perfectly happy with MS-not10 and I had heard bad things about MS-10. 

Then I got a pop-up telling me my computer was infected and I need to call 1-899-555-fucku or my grandchildren would be sold into slavery and my bank accounts all drained.  This scared me.  I did some research on the net and it said if you call 1-899-555-fucku they will take control of your computer and drain your bank accounts and sell your grandchildren into slavery for real, but if you ignore the message you will be fine.  

I ignored the message.

Then my Norton anti-virus told me it was turned off.  I could not turn it back on (more on Norton another day).  Now I was afraid for my bank accounts and called my children to hide the grand-kids.  Again Microsoft popped up, “take my MS-10 for free, go ahead download IT’S FREE!!

What the hell, I downloaded MS-10.

It worked pretty good, I adjusted quickly and my Norton protection was back on.  My bank accounts were secure, and I was assured all the grand-kids were safely tucked in bed.  All was well in Crankyland.


When I restarted my computer, it often took several tries.  Turn it off, turn it on two three times and then it came on.  Last week it took about 20 tries and 40 minutes to boot up.  Then it happened again.  Mrs. C told me, the next time you start it up, use the dipstick thingy and copy your files in case the computer will not start again. 

Good advice too late.  It would not restart and I lost a whole lot of files that it will be a pain in the ass to restore…oh well if nothing else I have time. 

I Googled on Mrs. C’s computer and sure enough there were 178 articles claiming that MS-10 when downloaded to older computers will f-them the f-up.

So it was off to Best Buy to have the Geeks tell me that I am screwed, (I swear they can’t do that with a straight face) bite the bullet and buy laptop #4.

Now my mind is fried. 

Battles with Best Buy, Norton and Microsoft to follow.


  1. They get into your wallet one way or another. I wouldn't worry about the grand-kids though. They will only care about them if there is money involved. Computers can make you crazy.

    Have a fabulous day Joe. ☺

  2. Ugh. Poor you. I've heard similar war stories from friends. I do not have W10 but that is a tricky lit'l bugger. If you don't have some precautions in place, when you think you're clicking to reject it you're actually clicking to accept it. We had to reset my sister's computer back to a restore point to get rid of it and get her computer back to normal. System restore points are a life saver. As for the Geek Squad. I've found my grandkids to be just as knowledgeable.

  3. I have an old laptop at home and I am not downloading 10 for this same reason. Last week it told me that the download would only be free for another week.

    I think I can go with what I have for the remainder of this laptop's life.

  4. I think some Microsoft engineers should be in prison, frankly. I work for a government, on a government computer, and have access to sites that promise the rest of my life in solitary if I do unauthorized things. No problem, I like my paycheck.
    Along comes 10. For months it was just a pop up that I could close. It became harder and harder to close. I asked my Auditor of State gurus, who simply said DoNotInstall! So, I fought with it, until the morning it began installing itself. I got out of it, and mentioned it to the gurus, who ignored me for a couple of days, until the morning I called them on the telephone thing, screaming, because the NO button didn't work. Someone got inside my computer and fiddled for a bit, then apologized because that's all they are doing right now: fending off 10.

  5. Do yourself a favor and buy a MacBook. I've had mine for years and not a single problem. You will buy me a beer when we go fishing.

  6. My laptop has Win7 on it, bought at a time when the new ones had Win8 on them, it hadn't been easy to find. My previous laptop had Win7 on it when it came out. I asked my former guru why do I need a new Windows - "The previous version was unstable." I've also heard that it wasn't internet safe, blah, blah, blah. I'm just thinking they wanted to sell more. My son told me to buy a Mac. Don't they ever upgrade? Hmm.
    So far I have never been hacked (knock on wood), had a virus (also, knock on wood) or had my Win7 crash. My first one was abandoned because of hardware problems like the DVD wouldn't read anymore. I think that had to do with the machine wearing out.
    I have heard nothing but bad things about Win10 and want no part of it! If something bad happens to this one, I will retire from the net or save my money up for a Mac.

    1. I loved Win7, avoided Win8 because it was notoriously bad, eventually gave in and now am running on Win10 with no troubles at all.

  7. I was able to get rid of 10 successfully after being suckered into downloading it. Wasted a good two days on the whole nightmare.

  8. I upgraded to Windows 10 on my laptop from windows 8 with no problems. I like 10 better then 8 and have had no problems. I have to say i did like XP the best. My issue with Microsoft is they try to make there OS like Apple. If I wanted a Apple stuff I would buy apple stuff.

    You can setup Windows 10 in different ways to get want you like but it takes a little research and time. I hope to get at least another year out of my current laptop. I am starting to look for another one. I would mind if the new one has 10 on it. I hate to think how Microsoft will screw up Windows 10 replacement.

  9. Can I just say, "Norton was the problem". Been there, done that. Purchase another security. I love the Windows 10. It took some getting used to but now I love it. I figured it was time to step into the future. The download worked fine me.

  10. I already told you about my experience with Windows 10 so I won't repeat it. I will, however, wish you, once again, good luck!

  11. I though I posted my experience with this on my blog...maybe you didn't read it?

  12. Fearmonger! Now I am afraid Windows 10 is waiting to pounce. I told my son Genius to make sure my New Delly could not automatically upgrade. I think he did. I (KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on wood) have not had a pop-up problem begging me to install it.

    Of course, I am merely steps away from using charcoal on a cave wall. Windows 7 is my friend.

  13. So sorry for the horror you have been through. It ain't fun.
    I did download 10 and lived to regret it. It eliminated my Office and what I had stored there--part of a novel. MS wanted to sell me a new Office but I refused. When I uninstalled 10 and went back to 7, which they said was OK to do--I still didn't have Office and my codes no longer worked. Good luck with the new one which will have 10 and it will cost you to get simple things you had before. Grrr.

  14. I had similar problems with Microsoft products but since buying Apple products I haven't had problems.

  15. bummer! i'm keeping a low profile. my old laptop took win10 really well.

  16. "We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works." ~ Douglas Adams

  17. Yeah, computer problems definitely suck! My desktop was almost 9 years old (Vista), so about a year ago, I got a laptop with Windows 10 on it. No problems, no issues, I like it. My husband updated his Windows 7 laptop to Windows 10 without any issues.

    I have the Windows Defender (free) for virus protection. Has served me well so far.

  18. My laptop is older than yours and I had no trouble after downloading 10, apart from getting used to a few little things that were different.

  19. I feel your pain. MS10 did the same to me. It got fed up asking if I wanted a download and did without my permission. I had the same problems as you and am now using another computer which I don't care for, but at least this one gets me on line. MS should be prosecuted!
