Monday, May 30, 2016


Enjoy Memorial Day everyone, our freedom comes courtesy of so many brave men and women.

Thank a Veteran if you can!


  1. I thank them always.

    Happy Memorial Day Cranky. ☺

  2. I thank them every time I see them.

  3. I'll thank veterans on Veteran's Day. Today I'll reflect on those who gave their lives in service to our country. I hope you're having a fine holiday.

  4. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one in the line of duty. As for veterans, yes, i thank them, and i thank those currently serving, too.

  5. Hick's second-oldest boy did three tours of Iraq. He volunteered for the second one. Said he had a purpose there.

    Meanwhile, I did my part by "buying" a Buddy Poppy from a dude outside the Country Mart this weekend.

    Somehow, it's not quite equivalent.

  6. Congrats to you and Mrs . Cranky for persistence and patience in putting together something like that. I would be running up the mountain, screaming into the wind.
