Saturday, April 9, 2016



I learned about blogging five years ago.  I had recently finished self-publishing a book, and thought blogging might be a way to get people interested in my masterpiece.  Previously the only people who read my book were family members who received free copies, or the few friends who bought it and actually read it.  I received only a little feedback on the book, some said they liked it, some semi-mocked it and made jest of the fact that I was a faux-author.

I shortly realized that I still had stories to tell and opinions to rant and this blog thing was an excellent way to enjoy the writing for free and also meet some interesting people along the way. 
I did sell three more books.
My blog did not go viral as I expected so I was initially disappointed, but I realized I enjoyed the writing as much as any hobby.  Because I am retired, I have the luxury of lots of time to pursue this hobby and before long I began posting every day.    

In five years I have only failed to post on just a few days.  I now follow many other bloggers and read all blogs that I follow every day.  Did I mention I have a lot of time? 

I have made many friends; for the most part bloggers are unique and wonderful people. I have run into a few readers who have different agendas and consistently made annoying comments.  I learned to unfollow and ignore…I don’t have that much time.

I did go on to self-publish a second book which received even less accolades than my first attempt, but I realized at my age, who really cares.

So I won’t be a great author.  I also won’t be a great golfer, I will never be a great bowler, I will never play guitar well enough to perform to an audience, and yet I still enjoy all these endeavors.  So I will continue to write and post.  Stories, opinions, whatever crap happens to come to mind.  It keeps me busy, keeps my brain working, and I just enjoy it.

If a story happens to spark a memory and somebody enjoys it, so much the better.  If someone finds some random crap to be humorous, that is wonderful.   If an opinion or idea causes someone to think or explore a new position, that is special.  If I write something that ticks a reader off, they need to stop reading or just brush it aside; I probably disagree with myself as often as anyone, and really, how important are the ramblings of a cranky old man?

So as of this date five years ago I started this blogging stuff, and I don’t intend to stop.  I plan to celebrate many more blogaversaries.  
Thanks for reading.


  1. Joe, your stuff always rings true and you have a gift sir! I enjoy reading and wish you many more years of happy Blogging!!!

  2. Hapy blogaversary
    I'm hooked.
    Speaking of which, you forgot to mention fishing.

  3. i enjoy your wry sense of humor because underneath every acerbic thing you say, you are a kind and tolerant fellow. :)

    i wish i had more time for blogging these days. ah, well...

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary!! An achievement to get to 5 years blogging! Its a wonderful world out there with bloggers; such a sense of community with people you won't more than likely meet in real life. I've walked away from it once for 15 months and another time for 6 months and each time came back to it because I miss the folks :)

    Here's to many more years!


  5. "I don't plan to stop"
    That sounds like a good plan to me :)

  6. Keep on truckin' (& blogging)!!

  7. Same with me. I wrote and self-published two er novels and several books of short stories. I sold a few but they weren't the sort of books that draw a crowd. Hence the blog. I still like to see those remaining on the book shelf, though. Make sure you keep writing 'cause you're good at it.

  8. You've reminded me that I've missed Fudge's 5th anniversary (which was of course on the 1st Apri!). I think I started to read your blog about 4 years ago. I probably haven't read every post since then but I have read a good few of them. Glad there will be plenty more to come!

  9. Congrats on your blogiversary! The best part about blogging is meeting people from all over the world. The worst part is when they just disappear.

  10. Thanks for writing, i enjoy your blog!

  11. You are a good writer and you always give 'food for thought'. I wish I had the consistency to blog every day. I've noticed though, that most of those who manage it are men -- not so many women seem to accomplish that feat. Or maybe, I just haven't found any... Oh and Happy Blogaversary to you!

  12. Good job. It's rather like getting up and going to work, only more fun.

  13. Looks like you have this "life" thing pretty well figured out. Enjoy, and keep make many of us think and laugh and have fun, too. :)

  14. Happy Blogiversary! I truly enjoy your intelligent, clever and astute comments. I would also add sagacious since I agree with you most of the time. The philosophy preached to children that, "you can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough," usually results in a mid-life crisis. But if we think it through it can give rise to recognizing and a positive acceptance who we are. And I'm okay with that.

  15. ♪♪Happy Blogiversay to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Blogiversay to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Blogiversay Dear Cranky,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Blogiversay to you.♪♪

  16. Five years is like 90 years in blog years. Most people quit after 3 or so.

    I like a lot of the people I interact with through blogs, and part of it is probably that I can wait until I am in the mood to hear what they have to say. Real people walking up to me don't have links on them where I can wait until I'm in the mood to hear what they have to say.

    What would it take to get your book onto Kindle?

  17. Glad to hear it. Happy Five Years of Blogging! Looking forward to many more.

  18. HAPPY PENTABLOGAVERSARY. You know I had to copy and paste to get that word in. You blog always amuses and is a fun part of my day. The beauty of blogging is meeting so many diverse people plus the instant gratification we get with each post. Sure beats waiting years for publication and recognition in the book world.

  19. Yay! Happy Blogaversary! :D I can't wait for the next 5 years. You are one of my faves and I haven't found anything that you've written that doesn't make me laugh or think. Those two things are so important in my life. Thanks for all of your words and heres to many, many, many more Joe! :D

  20. I am personally very very glad you aren't giving up. I haven't been commenting on blogs lately (I keep running out of time and data) but I can't imagine my life without all of them in it.

  21. Absolutely don't think about stopping! A lot of people - me included - would really miss you and your stories. Mostly we'd miss the "you're a jerk" love stories about you and Mrs. Cranky, I think. Happy blogaversary!

  22. Happy blogoversary Joe!

    You're on my "must read" list, seldom do I miss a post.

    Keep going, never quit, never surrender...

    Nah, I have no idea where I was going with that.

    Anyhoo, I like the way you write.

  23. Congratulations on five years; my five year blogiversary will be in August. Yours is one of my favorite blogs and the first one I look for in the morning, so keep it up.

  24. Happy Blogaversary! Did you know the traditional gift for the 5th anniversary is WOOD? Heh, heh. My 13-year-old self wanted to make sure you knew that.

    Hope you get some wood on your anniversary!

  25. Happy blogaversary. It take commitment to blog daily. December Mark's my 11th year and like you, I've missed very few days. There a lot of nights I can't think of a topic so I pull one out of my rear and move on.
    My fourth book will come out later this year. I've sold a few but none have hit the best-seller list.
    The thing is, the habit of writing makes you a better writer. I constantly read books on how to get better. Some are better than others. One of the best ones is Sol Stein On Writing.

  26. Happy blogaversary, Cranky! I suspect by looking at the comments that your blog is much more viral than mine.

  27. Happy blogger anniversary to you. We are lucky to have you here on the blogger sphere and blogger world. From your posts I understand that you do have very good writing skills and a very unique style. I have not read your book but again I have not read other great writers either. Life is like that. Work and then catching up with chores do not leave much time. Right now just celebrate.

  28. Congratulations on five years of writing a great Blog. I enjoy reading your post even the ones I do not comment on. I hope I get the writing of great post like your one day.

    I enjoy reading your comments that you leave on my Blog. I started my blog to work on improving my writing. I enjoy preparing post when I have the time. I have enjoy meeting interesting people like you along the way.

  29. I don't suffer fools gladly, so there are very few blogs I read and comment on. Yours is one I never miss. Even if I can't think of a clever comment to match the ones your audience always comes up with, I'm still here - reading! You are very refreshing, hilarious and outrageously outspoken! I love every single word!
