Sunday, April 3, 2016

I’m So Excited

I’m So Excited

I will be 70 in a few weeks and I am as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve. 

When I hit 40 I didn’t buy a Porsche.   When I hit 50 I didn’t go to Vegas.  When I hit 60 I still didn’t do anything special.  Last year I promised myself that if I improved enough on the guitar in a year, I would buy myself a new high end Martin guitar for my 70th birthday.

Mind you I had just bought a new guitar that was and is every bit as good as I need or my ability deserves, but it was a less expensive partially fake wood Martin built in Mexico.  I call it a Martinez.

Well a year has gone by, and I have improved…not enough to deserve a new guitar, but I just want it.  It is so pretty, and sounds so nice when I hit the strings correctly (oh, yes I do from time to time) so yesterday I went and ordered a brand new Martin 00015sm.  It is all mahogany, plays so nice, feel so nice, smells nice and it is so pretty.

It should arrive in a day or two and yes I am excited.  My middle son will joke that I am spending his inheritance…yes I am.  My oldest son plays a little guitar and it is his guitar too, he is just going to have to wait a bit.

For now it is mine!

As a bonus, with a fine guitar like this, you need to keep it in a moist environment or it may dry out and crack.  It is recommended that you keep it in its case with a humidifier.  I will not only have a wonderful guitar, but I also have another place to keep my cigars.

Anyway, this will be the second item off my bucket list this year.  Catching a bill fish and buying a really fine guitar (that was not on my list, but only as an oversight.)

Here it is.

Isn’t it pretty!


  1. That's a nice gift for yourself, Play it well. Happy Seventieth when ever that is.

  2. I hear Tom Smothers saying, "Play, magic fingers!"

  3. It's beautiful! Sweetie would most certainly approve, too!

  4. Guitar looks beautiful. Appreciate your hard work.Keep going!

  5. It is very pretty, but looks aren't everything. As long as the sound is great, that's the more important thing.

  6. I'm not surprised you're excited. I hope you will be able to give us a rendition. Happy 'pending' birthday.

  7. Have guitar, will travel. Make sure you bring on your next visit south.

  8. I love it! For years I ached to buy a Martin myself, so I can appreciate what you have just given yourself. Wonderful! Oh, and a very happy birthday to you!

  9. Good for you Cranky. Life is all about enjoying what you enjoy. If this is it, and it is, then enjoy.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  10. That is beautiful and well deserved. What sort of music do you like to play?

  11. Good for you, Joe!

    My kids just pooled their piggy banks and got me a Martin for my 60th (I finally got some benefit for begetting eight of 'em. . .) Beautiful instrument, with smooth action and a big, rich sound.

  12. When I turned 50 my lovely wife bought be a Martin. (dreadnought, not nearly as sweet as the 00015s)
    I must say I got a little verklempt when she and the kids brought it into the room. I can muddle along, but it sure is easier and more fun when the guitar is a really well made piece of kit. Have fun! And, Happy Birthday!

  13. As my grandmother would say, "Play it in good health!!"

  14. Hi Cranky,

    I would buy a guitar - but I'd have to learn to play it first!!




  15. I think you've earned this treasure, and I know you'll enjoy it thoroughly. Early congratulations on reaching seventy.

  16. Ah to be seventy again. That is one great looking guitar and you really have put in some time this past year learning the new skill--you have earned it. How about a video so we can hear its dulcet tones also?

  17. that is pretty! happy b-day to YOU!

  18. Lovely! A very nice way to celebrate turning 70.

  19. Martin makes a great guitar. You won't regret it. I can promise you, you'll sound better when you play.
    I had inexpensive guitars for quite a while. I kept telling myself you don't NEED an expensive guitar. But when I finally broke down and bought one, I haven't looked back.
    I can't wait to see a pic of it.

  20. I, too, would love to see a video of you playing...even just a few tunes.

    Enjoy the guitar!I think I uttered the same words about my new camera. Well, not "mahogany."

  21. It's beautiful! Play the intro to "Sweet Home Alabama" for me. Or, if you don't like Skynyrd, you can substitute that intro for Fleetwood Mac's "Never Going Back Again."

  22. It is a beautiful guitar. Congratulations. Also happy birthday a head of time. When it comes, I hope that you get a lot of nice things and may all your wishes come true. Also don't wait and wait just for birthdays, get things you can afford and as long as no one is getting hurt..


  23. Good for you! You can't wait for people to read your mind and buy you the perfect present. Happy seventy! Except for a few minor distractions, seventy is just like sixty.
