Friday, March 25, 2016


A cranky opinion for


The following is the opinion of a cranky old man with little expertise in the subject opined.  Opposing opinions are welcome, but are wrong.  As always, please, no name calling, and that means you, you big stupid-head. 

I do not at this time support Hillary Clinton for President, but I feel the need to help her out.  I want to help her out because she has a trait that is so annoying I do not want to deal with it for the rest of this year and maybe for eight years after.  I know it is not just me, and if she eliminates this trait she will be more likable and have a much better chance to win the election.


This is not the 1800’s and the times of the great political orators.  We have microphones, we have speakers, volume on TV’s can be turned up…STOP YELLING!  We are not stupid; yelling does not get your point across better.  When you speak, I feel like you do not think I understand the language and that you yell really loud so your meaning will somehow sink in. 

Once again we are not stupid…well we are not that stupid.

You. Speak. Loud. And. Slow. and stilted.  Didn’t Bill teach you anything?  For eight years Bill spoke to us like we were sitting next to him in the living room and it almost didn’t matter what he said, it was charming and we liked him.

“I did not have sex with that woman.”

Ok, we believed him or at least we didn’t really care.  Now if he had said,

I… D I D… N O T… H A V E… S E X… W I T H… T H A T… W O M A N!!!

He would have been thrown out of office in a New York minute.

And if you can stop yelling at us, also try to stop laughing.  Whenever you don’t like a question, you laugh as if the question is just silly or beneath you.  We are not stupid, Hillary.  We do not like being yelled at and we do not like having legitimate questions marginalized by your stupid smirk or patronizing laugh.

I don’t know if you will make a good President or not, but you will not be elected if people do not like you, and people do not like you.  People do not like you because you YELL and you LAUGH inappropriately.  Bill knew how to chuckle in a friendly manner, Barack has an infectious little laugh and smile; you have a forced laugh, a fake laugh and a smile that looks like you are trying too hard to be charming.
Relax, smile if you feel like smiling, but don’t force it.  Learn to laugh like a human being, not a sit-com laugh track.  Speak to us as if we were friends and we are sitting right next to you.  If you want to be President, for god sake:


I am a cranky old man, and I endorse this message.

The following is the opinion of a cranky old man and it is not necessarily endorsed by management…Mrs. Cranky.


  1. Like fingernails on a blackboard. . .

  2. Replies
    1. What does that mean? I said, "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!"

  3. I don't like her, if it's a choice between her and the Trump, I'd not bother voting at all.

  4. i just know i'd never make it as a politician.

  5. With a bit of luck Hillary will see this and learn a lesson before it's too late - for her. I know I don't have a say in the matter but hells bells what is there to choose from? Jeez!

  6. Yes! You're right. I hadn't realised it before but these 2 things are grating. I've tried to like Hillary but I just don't really. I do think she'd be an okay president. But I can't warm to her.

  7. How she treats people now is how she will continue to treat people. If she's patronizing and treats everyone as if they are stupid, she's going to keep doing it, and it's sad. We don't need a president who thinks we are dumb.

  8. She does think we're stupid. I'm not voting for her. Wait...there isn't anyone to vote for.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Every.presidential.election. The cream of the crap rises to the top. How can we all be so stupid? Maybe she's right. I am so tired of having to hold my nose in the voting booth. Once more you are so right Cranky.

  10. Like you, I don't like it when she yells. But I do think she has a great laugh and it doesn't bother me at all. She'll probably be laughing at Donald Trump quite a bit because that has been known to rattle him and she can't win by diving into the mud with him.

  11. She does seem to yell though I do recall Bill yelling his famous line about not having sex with that woman. They are both untrustworthy to me, and yelling doesnt make them anymore believable.

  12. Well she has my vote and I really like her laugh. I have a volume control on my remote so I guess I have missed her yelling. Odd how I have to use that same gadget when the men speak although with Trump, I just hit mute.

  13. I've decided to keep my head in the sand until the primaries are over. I'm saving my sanity that way. It will be enough to decide who will get my vote for president - I'm an Independent. So far, I can't stand anyone, so it's not looking good!

  14. I think she is a better speaker now than she was in 2008, but she goes into "rally mode" when speaking after primary or caucus results are announced. Some women think they have to do that to demonstrate strength, but they would almost always do better to speak softly, or moderately (and carry a big stick).

    1. "Rally mode" describes it best, like a football coach before the big game.

  15. Every time she comes out and tries to act passionately about something, I have flashbacks to when Al Gore grabbed Tipper at the Democratic Convention and tried to suck her tongue down his throat in front of prime time audiences.

    There's a thing the Doctor does on "Doctor Who" when his companion tries to imitate local accents. He looks very serious and shakes his head and says, "No, no, no... Don't do that."

    I do that all of the time when Hillary Clinton is giving a speech.

    On the upside, she is not Ted Cruz.

  16. I have to disagree with you on this one, Joe. In case you hadn't noticed, ALL of the candidates are yelling. And Hillary, at least, makes sense when she speaks (yells). And I like her laugh. So there. :)

  17. this is my favorite political commentary to date.

  18. I guess I didn't notice she was yelling. Though I have to admit that I try to stay away from all campaign speeches/talks/insults/yells/lies/promises. That said, I always thought she was just enthusiastic.

  19. Yelling? I guess it's SO 2008 to just make fun of her pantsuits and her cankles.

  20. NO COMMENT. I'm thinking about running as an independent.

  21. For some reason, I just saw it as typical loud talk when campaigning. And then my husband said the same thing you've said. lol I guess it doesn't help that she has a raspy voice. Her vocal chords are probably shot by now. (I haven't tuned in for a few weeks.)
