Thursday, February 25, 2016

Do I have a post today?

Do I have a post today?

Do I ask myself a question and then answer it? No.  Do I find it really annoying when people do this? Yes.

Is it literally annoying when people do this? Yes.  Is using literally all the time annoying?  Absolutely.

Do I think pizza is awesome? No.  Do I like pizza? Yes, but it is not awesome…the Grand Canyon is awesome, pizza is good.  Does using the word awesome all the time bother me?  Yes. 

How about epic? Also abused.

Am I an expert on the use of the English language?  No.  Am I qualified to comment on the latest trends in the English language?  No. 

Do I give a damn? Hell to the no!


  1. Are you really, like, annoyed by this? I think so.

  2. I think eating pizza at the Grand Canyon would be awesome myself :)


  3. Would enough pizza to fill the Grand Canyon be awesome?

  4. This is epic. This is awesome. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

    Have a fabulous day Crank. ☺

  5. Like a groomer with a hairy dog, you sculpted something out of nothing.

  6. A friend of mine said today: When we are younger we try for we age we discover profanity.

  7. Pizza can awesome depends where you get it.

  8. These pretzels are making me thirsty.

  9. Talking to yourself is fine. Asking yourself a question is fine. But when you ask yourself a question & then say, "What?" you might have a problem!!

  10. Go ahead and talk to yourself, you need to make sure you have at least one intelligent conversation every day!

  11. There is enough spittle flying out of your mouth to host a foam party.
