Sunday, January 24, 2016



It is time again for

This is why you should never bring a knife to a threesome
This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.  

Urine odor may help researchers detect Alzheimer's disease – Turns out that if you piss yourself a lot, you may have a problem.

University president allegedly says struggling freshmen are bunnies that should be drowned – Damn, I thought staying after school was tough.
'Midship ... mates?' Navy moves to sink gender-specific titles – Well isn’t that an important step which is sure to put fear in our enemies and cost several hundred million dollars editing naval books and regulations.  I know I feel safer.

Early man's actions caused global warming, study says – Where was Al Gore when we really needed him 7000 years ago?

Average movie ticket up to a record high of $8.70 – I wonder what it costs to see a really good movie!

US teacher to hold class in airplane above Greenland – That is one class you don’t want to get thrown out of.

Mysterious medical condition causes objects to stick to this man's head Gluecoatius Velcroitis.

Vatican offers a place to stay to homeless woman who gave birth near St. Peter's – Just a little place in a pile of hay in the corner of a stable, not much, but with all the frankincense and myrrh she needs.
Clinton emails so secret some lawmakers can't read them – They are so secret that nobody knows what they are or who sent them, apparently code name “Adriana” is willing to do stuff and needs a F***buddy.

Kansas senator blocks testimony from female witnesses with ‘low-cut necklines and miniskirts’ – No point in testifying if none of the men are listening.

Man clings to frozen car roof in his underwear to stop thief – Or he coulda just called 911.
Germans battle refugee sex assaults with signs – If this works they’re going to plaster the country with posters depicting a decapitation in a circle with a line through it, the international sign for no head chopping in this area.


Come back next week for more:



  1. I'm guessing no one is guessing which one is fake anymore? Now we just laugh at the idiocy. I like that idea. I also linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday. ☺

    1. I think Joe gave up trying to write fake headlines because by the time they were posted they were no longer fake.

  2. Clinton emails so secret some lawmakers can't read them – They are so secret that nobody knows what they are or who sent them, apparently code name “Adriana” is willing to do stuff and needs a F***buddy.

    My granddaughter's name is Adriana--do you want me to ask her?

  3. Yeah, someone is always trying to be the COOL teacher! Might as well save the school the requisition money on that charter plane--the kids will never know they're above Greenland. They'll all have their noses in their phones, texting their buddy sitting next to them.

  4. The funny follow up comments are the best part.

  5. my fave was your retort to 'average movie'
