Friday, January 29, 2016



I like Oprah, I really do.  She is bright, she is hard working.  She is an entertainer and an entrepreneur.   Her early TV show was neck in neck in the ratings with Phil Donahue and Jerry Springer.  Every day there was a competition to be more and more outrageous with guests that saw ghosts, practiced witchcraft, and every kind of freak and freaky relationship imaginable.

Oprah quit the competition.  She declared she would have a wholesome show and ratings be damned.  Her ratings soared and Oprah was on her way to becoming one of the wealthiest and most admired persons in the country.

I like Oprah.  She takes risks, she is smart, she has her finger on the pulse of the country, especially women’s pulse and she has turned her talents into an industry powerhouse.

I do have a gripe with Oprah on the issue of weight loss.  Oprah has a weight problem.  She is a heavy woman.  Oprah has lost and gained weight many times over the last twenty years.  She goes from heavy Oprah to slim Oprah on a regular basis.  This woman has a personal chef and a personal trainer,  she is active and hard working, and yet she cannot lose weight and keep it off.

How does this make Oprah a weight loss guru? She is the poster girl for not knowing crap about losing and keeping off weight.

And yet Oprah is now the spokesperson for Weight Watchers; spokesperson and major stockholder. 

Oprah bought a ton of stock in Weight Watchers and then announced she would endorse the product on TV.  She made about 50 million dollars in two days.  Is this not insider trading? Martha Stewart went to jail for way less.

No, I don’t want Oprah to go to jail, but shouldn’t she have had to announce she was going to become the Weight Watchers spokesperson before she could buy the stock?

I digress…sorry.

My real gripe is that Oprah knows squat about weight loss and now millions of women who hang on her every word are going to run to this crappy weight loss program. 

Why is it a crappy program?  Because it does not work.  People lose weight on Weight Watchers, but they gain it right back.  Everyone I know who has ever done Weight Watchers has successfully lost weight and then gained it all back plus a little extra.

Years ago I lost 25 pounds on Weight Watchers.  They gave me a big key as a reward, and within two years I gained 30 pounds.

Weight Watcher works because it encourages and makes will power easier.  Will power is a short term fix, hunger always wins in the weight battle.

Diets do not solve weight problems long term.  You lose weight by changing how you eat…forever.  You cannot change how you eat forever on most “Diets” because most “Diets” leave you hungry.  The problem is not in how many calories you consume, it is the kind of calories you consume.

Sugar is addicting.  Sugar makes you hungry.  The more sugar you eat, the hungrier you get.  Carbohydrates convert to sugar and they make you hungry.  The more carbs you eat, the hungrier you get.  Protein satiates.  Protein makes you not hungry.  The more protein you eat, the less you feel like eating.  The way to lose weight and keep it off is to limit your sugar and carbohydrate intake.

Stay away from processed food.  Sugar and especially soda, diet or otherwise, is addicting, it makes you want to eat.  It may as well be poison.  The experts are beginning to change their advise and admit that their big fear of cholesterol from high protein foods such as eggs and meat was wrong.

Do not listen to Oprah.  She likes her bread…fine.  She has been there "Honey Child," and she will be there again, only she will be 50 million dollars richer.  You will still be fat.


  1. It's my very firm opinion that hunger isn't why people over eat. most people these days haven't felt hunger, not the real hunger that comes from not having food available at regular intervals or even daily.
    Most people over eat because the clock says it's meal time even if they had a snack just a half hour ago, most people over eat because of what I cal 'mouth feel' The mouth likes what it is feeling particularly with creamy, sweet, or fatty foods and craves more. And more.
    You're right about protein foods being more satisfying though. They take longer to digest, which is one reason, but also most protein foods aren't sweet and creamy, so the mouth doesn't want more when you finish eating them.

  2. This post is spot on Joe, and so, so true! I've never been a big pop drinker so staying away from that has never been a big deal. What made the biggest difference for me was cutting out anything that was white. - Guess that makes me a food racist. - No white bread, sugar, whole milk, etc. And like you said, I increased my proteins. Worked like a charm. I also increased my daily activity which was great for my body and mind. :)

  3. Totally agree Joe - it's all about your relationship with food and how and why you eat. Most diets don't address that which is why people put the weight back on. The key is not in looking for a 'quick fix', to be honest, ANYONE can do that and I see examples of it over and over with people I know. It's about understanding why you eat as you do and looking at the long term picture. I've had my own struggles in the past and although mine were with losing too much weight rather than gaining it the fundamental problem is exactly the same, I had a bad relationship with food. Like any other addiction (and over eating really is that) you have to acknowledge it first before you can address it. I admire certain things about Oprah but I'm with you on this one, she isn't doing anyone but herself any favours here.

  4. I have the same exact opinion as you about Oprah. I admire and respect her for her many accomplishments. She seems like a nice and decent person. But, the first time I saw her WW commercial, I did a double take. My observation and question is why do we only see her sitting? Most spokespeople for those type of "diet" plans are always standing. Hmm...
    The hardest thing for me is my addiction to sugar and carbs. I'm working on it though. I use a terrific app called My Fitness Pal. It's a good way get a handle on how many calories, fat, sugar etc. I am actually comsuming.

  5. Losing weight is not about Oprah, it's about education. Oprah is a side bar; weight remains a personal responsibility. You didn't gain back the Weight Watchers weight because you lost it on their plan; you gained it back because you resumed stupid eating habits. Thirty years ago I lost seventy pounds, and have never gained it back because I quit eating junk and processed food. And, I eat bread and butter every day.

    1. Exactly!! And I now eat bacon and eggs every morning. Sugar is the culprit and it is in processed food like crazy. I had no as in zero sugar for 10 days to beat the addiction and now I am happy with an occasional sweet for desert after dinner when we eat out. Sugar is crack to fat people!!!

  6. Oprah talks and the world is supposed to listen. I can remember going to the senior center for something and having this 350 pound women that works for the county wanting to tell me how to eat and exercise. I weighted 150 and looked fabulous. It's that kind of thing that drives me up the wall. There are so many that think they know the way when they can't find the way themselves.

    Have a fabulous day Cranky. My best to Mrs. Cranky. ☺

  7. I know from experience that diets don't work. Diets have a beginning and an end; when the end comes you want to eat all those things you denied yourself. The trick is to loose weight without dieting. I like Oprah, but her involvement with Weight Watchers is troubling.

  8. W.W is a good diet but NO diet will keep the weight off. Lifestyle is what has to happen and oh yes, exercise. We are a sitting society and we really need to move a bunch more.
    Failing health and fear has helped me lose 30 pounds and I am pretty sure it will stay off for the health fear is not going away. The main thing I have done besides making good choices is to walk. Hey, it is kind of fun.

  9. I don't take diet or reading advice from Oprah. In fact, if I see her book club sticker on a book, I am not going to read it because I don't want to have the same reading habits as her target audience.

    Does that make me sound like a snob?

  10. After bouncing up and down the scale for 30 years, i changed how i eat and lost weight and now i'm in a good place. Food is not there to comfort you, and you need to eat it as G-d grew it, not processed. Those are the things i learned on the journey.

    1. You are correct, and it's OK,you can say GOD on this blog.

  11. Good post, Cranky. Sounds like you favor the Atkins Diet.

  12. Very true, Joe, all of it. I have lost and gained back the same 15 pounds or so almost every year of my softball-playing life via a no-carb diet in Spring, getting some decent exercise once I drop the weight, and then it all comes back in the Winter.

  13. I can't afford those fancy "buy-their-food" diets, so I have one that they tell me works every time: Put food in your mouth and chew it. If it tastes good, spit it out. :)

    I'm coming off some prescribed steroids (which caused me to gain bunches of pounds!) and now I'm just practicing moderation. I think that's also a good way to live.

  14. I was totally wondering what made Oprah want to embrace Weight Watchers - 50 mill seems like reason enough! I never diet, but I'm very aware of what I'm consuming. Eating and snacking mindlessly is what gets folks in trouble. Also, lifting the fork to the mouth isn't exercise. You gotta get your heart rate up!

  15. I start a new diet every Monday--it helps me get rid of the weight I've gained on "Farewell to Food" Sundays!!

  16. Amazing ain't it? All of the weight loss gurus are either people who have never been more than 5 lbs over weight OR people who have not been within 20lbs of their ideal weight since puberty. And yet folks line up and throw money at all these folks who have no clue one way or the other .....

  17. *Slowly puts the cookies back in the box*

  18. I think Oprah would be able to keep it off if she pulled that Radio Flyer with 67 pounds of fat in it along behind her all day.

  19. Where should I send the check Joe :) Great advice.

  20. People my mother's age always used to say, "Don't get fat, because it gets very hard to lose and keep it off, once you put it on." They were right.
    Oprah is the person who opened my eyes about diets and weight loss, and made me realise there is so much more to the problem than calorie counting. If a person of her wealth, power, resources, connections and freedom to live and do as she likes, cannot keep weight off, that shows how difficult it is.
    And I agree with you about her Weight Watchers stock arrangement -that should not be allowed and I'm surprised that it was.
