Saturday, December 5, 2015



A cranky opinion for


The following is the opinion of a cranky old man with little knowledge of the topic opined.  Opposing views are welcome, but will be ignored.  As always, no name calling, and that means you, you big stupid head!

This is not an endorsement for Donald Trump.  I like Donald Trump, but I am not sure I like him as President.  I do think I know why so many people are supporting “The Donald.”

This country is walking on egg shells. 

I know something about walking on egg shells.  My second wife had me walking on egg shells.  Walking on egg shells is always weighing your words for fear of upsetting someone.  It is always weighing your actions for fear of offending someone.  It is being someone you are not.  It is never being spontaneous.  It is censoring your opinions, and conforming to others for rear of being branded as something you are not.

It happened to me in my marriage.

It has happened to me on a much smaller scale in this blog. 

It is now happening to our country.  Watch any of our leaders or politicians.  Their every word is measured.  They speak slowly with ahs and ums and pauses while they filter their thoughts fearing any potentially offensive statement or word will be tomorrows headline.

The sad thing is, just as it was in my second marriage, no matter what your feel, say or mean, your words will often be twisted and your thoughts will be misrepresented. 

Donald Trump does not care.  He does not walk on egg shells. 

The disadvantage of this is he sometimes says things that upset people.  He sometimes makes claims that are not entirely true.  He does not always think things through when he is interviewed. 

The advantage of “The Donald” not walking on egg shells is you know where he stands.  He is not wishy washy.  He does not take one position in Idaho and take another in New Hampshire.  He does not waffle or double talk his way around his thoughts.   When he is misquoted, or his words misrepresented, he does not back down or apologize, he looks the person in the eye and says,

“Are you kidding me? That is not what I said; I would never say that, you must be a sick person to interpret those words that way!”

Sometimes his denials are not accurate, but it is refreshing to hear someone actually stand by what he says.  I didn’t say it is Presidential, I said it is refreshing.

You may not like what he says. 

You may disagree with what he says.

But you do know what he says!  You know who he is; you know what you are getting.

I’m not saying you should like it. I’m not saying I like it.  It is just refreshing to know what a person supports.

This country is afraid to say there is a problem with Muslim violence.  This country does not know what to call people of different races and national origins.  The politically correct terms are a moving target.  There are so many people in this country and it seem like everyone has a reason to be offended no matter what you say.  If you are concerned with being offensive, then you walk on egg shells…and you will still offend people.

People may be offended, words may be interpreted unfairly, sometimes opinions are just wrong, but every comment made off the top of your head should not be over evaluated; every statement does not have underlining Freudian clues to a person’s character.  

I do not want to live in a country where we are constantly walking on egg shells.

The preceding is the opinion of a cranky old man.  No statement should be considered an endorsement for Donald Trump as President.  The opinions are not necessarily that of management…Mrs. Cranky.


  1. I don't like walking on eggshells. Hail to the King! Make America great again. Trump for President!

  2. Hi Cranky.

    It's all okay walking on eggshells, but the problem with Trump is the things he says, which are almost all untrue or reflect the absurdity of what he truly believes.

    Such is the horseshit coming out of his mouth that he is making headlines over here.

    We have a similar politician (though even he is not that controversial) and he has become a laughing stock in the past year or two.

    I suspect (no I HOPE) that you guts have the sense not to vote for him as President.*




    * If this comment offends anyone then I apologise - I'm avoiding walking on eggshells because my opinions on Donald Trump need to be aired. ;-)

  3. Hi again, Joeh,

    When I said "you guts" I meant "you guys".

    Sorry about that.


    Cheers again,


  4. Politicians must be careful that they are not misunderstood. People wait for them to slip up so that they can purposely misinterpret what is said. Regarding that wing-nut, a lie is a lie and saying it loudly is not leadership, it is just manipulation to win those over who do not want complicated answers.

  5. Trump and few other policitians or citizens have anything to say about all the white men terrorists who shoot up schools and malls and theaters, and you know the rest of the litany. The problem is guns and the perverted notion that everyone needs guns in order to shoot the person shooting them. Trump is a hate monger.No egg shells needed, he's preaching to his choir.

  6. I agree with your comments....I like The Donald because he speaks his mind. I don't like him because he is loonie. Can you imagine being a cabinet member in a Trump administration? YOU'RE FIRED! This is why IMO truly decent people can't make it in politics....they're TOO honest, they speak their mind and offend too many people.

    I'm not old enough to remember Harry Truman, but I've heard he was about the same. He was roundly criticized at the time for his straightforward talk, but now years later he is almost revered.

  7. See, he is called a "Hate Monger" a "wing nut" "a loonie" and everything else, but it doesn't bother him or apparently his many supporters. He will not allow others to marginalize him. He is successful, very intelligent, and in his field at least is a proven leader. He is probably not tactful enough to appease when needed or compromise when appropriate, and we could use some of that, we have not had an administration willing to compromise since...hell I'm not sure in my lifetime. Anyway despite his distracters there is much to admire, but he clearly is a love him or hate him guy. Once again I am not supporting him for President, but those who do not want him will not be successful marginalizing him and dismissing with derogatory names. I also really like Ben Carson and find much to admire in him, I don't think he is prepared for or of the right disposition to be President. Then there is Carly, but of course she is a woman and clearly not qualified.

    Currently I lean towards Lowandslow for President with Chubby Chatterbox as Vice President. Mike can be Surgeon General. Joanne should be the number 1 advisor and run the whole show behind the scenes.

    1. If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve. *would I get my own parking space?* :)

  8. Agreed. Yes, i will ask you what term you would like to be called and try to use it. No, i will not feel like i committed a capital crime if i use a term you don't approve because i didn't know you did not like it. Let me know, politely, and i'll change it.

  9. Hmmm.. if I wanted his brand of "refreshing" I'd go back to the 15 year relationship I just left. Where words were "refreshingly" cruel. And accountability was "refreshingly" brushed aside. And history was "refreshingly" rewritten. I know about walking on eggshells.

    Being called a hate monger, loonie or wing nut doesn't bother him because his huge ego won't allow it. That doesn't make it untrue. He is a cartoon, in my eyes. A bigoted, childish, egotistical buffoon. I scratch my head at the thought of him.

  10. I doubt Mr Trump will ever be nominated just because politics doesn’t work that way. But I REALLY REALLY dread being forced to choose between Clinton and Bush AGAIN. Not that it matters much here in Idaho. Our votes are next to worthless in a presidential election. Still, Cranky, your comments are spot on. All that walking on eggs made your editorial writing very clear and well thought out.

  11. OK, I think we can safely put Hilary in the "Hate him" category where she clearly has a lot of company.

  12. I agree, most everyone is walking on eggshells anymore. I don't want Trump as president. That being said I don't want Hellery (spelled correctly), or Sanders either. We have less and less to chose from.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  13. You are correct about eggshells when it comes to the media, but I still cringe when I hear people talking who are 70 years and older. The prejudice runs rampant amongst the older set.

    1. ...and also the courage to fight in WWII, that
      "runs rampant" too

  14. I didn't realize that 'refreshing' was a synonym for a bigoted, liar, racist and misogynistic ass. Learn something every day.......

  15. I think it would be refreshing to hear what Trump would say if he'd be put into a room with a bunch of those small business owners he put out of business by declaring bankruptcy.

    Don't get me wrong - I don't hate him. He's a great entertainer, and he says what he thinks without giving a thought whom he might offend or piss off. I prefer people who are honest with me - I hate phonies who don't make it clear what they think of me or expect of me (especially in the work place). However, at the same time I prefer people who are not bullies and know what diplomacy is all about.

    1. See people, no name calling! That is how it is done. Thank you Pixel. You commented as I was posting below.

  16. People PEOPLE!! I specifically requested no name calling. Ugly name calling is childish, and unproductive. I ask please, no name calling! Well thought out, respective and constructive opinions only.

    For Instance: I very much respect Barack Obama as an intelligent man and I believe his intentions for this country are only good intentions. I have been disappointed in his leadership and his failure (even acknowledging his detractors have made it difficult) to bring the country together instead of being a divisive influence. It is a difficult job, but I don't think he has been an effective leader.

    There, now you try...

    You big stupid heads!!

    1. Now, now, it's merely character trait descriptive adjectives.

  17. I have NO love for toupee man. I think mocking the handicapped reporter was beyond bad taste. I cannot comprehend why the media would waste an inch of ink on him. I would not waste a breath speaking his name.
    Just my two cents worth.

  18. Trump is an arrogant buffoon addicted to attention, someone who changes his opinions to suit his purposes, even more than Hillary, but Cruz is worse in my opinion. Conservatives want people to focus on abortion, guns and same sex marriage as a smokescreen so gullible people won't notice that their policies always favor corporations and the extremely wealthy at the expense of the middle class, who they profess to care about. I don't look forward to all of the conspiracies the Republicans will spin about Hilary, but she's the most prepared candidate to become president.

  19. "someone who changes his opinions to suit his purposes, even more than Hillary," EVEN MORE THAN HILLARY!

    When she wins, don't bother to apply for the job as Press Secretary!

  20. If I wanted a cartoon character as my president, I'd rather vote for Bugs Bunny!!

  21. I remember when you had some smarts, Crank. Now you're a blowhard jerk. It probably started back at the frat house where you were the only guy applauding when brother Matt got mad that night at the party, pulled a gun and shot those foreign looking guys who'd crashed the party. Remember? That was a couple days after you suggested we build a fence around the house to keep out those weird guys from the frat house next door. Remember? -- Yup you're pretty much of a wacko!

    1. To those who do not know Craig B. he is a fraternity brother fro 1968. He is very Liberal and we spent many a night discussing stuff, often after getting very drunk. He is a really good guy despite his unfortunate left leanings. Actually if the whole world thought like him and was as sincere, it would be a pretty good place.

  22. I remember walking on egg shells. At first there was just one or two, by the end the floor was littered and I was often worried about going home from work in case I'd said something in the morning and he had stewed on it all day.
    Now I walk around barefoot on clear floors.
    Donald Trump? like him or hate him, you still have to admire someone who is not afraid to say what he thinks.

  23. Here we go again! Heh, heh. Vote early and vote often. It doesn't really matter. This is just a sideshow. The election outcome has already been decided by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and the Illuminati!

  24. I'm so sick of the media circus in this country which seems to polarize our population. I actually try to take a middle ground and evaluate the candidates based on how I think they might govern. If I make a mistake and vote for a president (say Obama) who (I hoped) might bring the country together, I surely won't make the same mistake again in a second election if I feel he has been a failure. (However, apparently I was in the minority for that second election.) I haven't decided anything definite about the upcoming election, but I'm loath to have anyone with the last names of Clinton or Bush run this country again. I do get tired of Liberals acting so superior about the issues. If people are unable to listen to others and find a middle ground, I don't find them very smart at all.

  25. A good post...sorry I didn't get over here on Saturday.
    A good analogy to a bad marriage or a bad relationship.
    Been there.......But the good news is we're not there any
    more, so maybe this is a sign the country can change too.

  26. I think you nailed the reasons why people like Donald. I'm a Democrat and I like him for those exact same reasons!
