Monday, December 7, 2015

SHIT THAT I WORRY ABOUT - a cranky re-run


This cranky re-run is from December 2011 (notice how much more of a potty mouth I was)
I shouldn’t read because when I do, I read about stuff I need to worry about.  Lately I keep reading about global warming and climate change.  With a rise of a single degree in the average global temperature all sorts of bad shit is going to happen.  Crops will die, we will have floods, there will be hurricanes, and even snow storms, all caused by global warming.  I worry about so much other stuff I don’t need this to worry about, especially because I don’t know what to do to stop the problem.

I know, I can plant a tree, but the fucking hurricanes will only knock it and others over.  I can drive slower, but some asshole will pass me doing 80 and negate my effort.  I could turn down the heat in the winter, but with the warming I won’t have to so….I don’t know, I am just so confused.  I am confused, and I have so many other things to worry about.

I worry about running out of food.  The population keeps growing taking up space used to grow food and yet we will require more food for the increased population.  When will it end?  I worry.

I worry about running out of water.  Once again, more people need more water and we keep throwing crap into the water making less to drink.  I worry.

I worry about shit in the food we do have.  I watch TV and see shows about bugs, animal shit, dirt and lots of other bad stuff in our processed food.  I worry.

I worry about radar, x-rays, microwaves, radio waves, TV waves, and tidal waves.  All those waves that did not exist 100 years ago zapping through our bodies can’t be good.  I worry.

I worry about poor people.  As the world runs out of stuff, and I still have stuff, I worry about people who don’t have stuff taking my stuff.  If they take my stuff then I will be poor and have to take someone else’s stuff.  I don’t think I would be very good at taking other peoples stuff.  I worry.

I worry about smart people.  Smart people might take my stuff just because they can out-smart me and even though they would not need my stuff because they are smart, they might take it any way because what good is being smart if it does not get you more stuff?  I worry.

I worry about garbage.  More people, more garbage, less space; where are we going to put all that garbage?  Will smart people out-smart me and get me to swap my stuff for garbage?  If they do, I know poor people won’t take the garbage from me.  I don’t want to live in garbage.  I worry.

I worry about the sun burning out.  How long can that sucker keep burning and heating up the planet.  Doesn’t everything eventually burn- out or at least decrease in intensity?  What keeps the sun burning?  How does the sun regulate its heat production?  I guess at least the sun burning out would end global warming.  Now I’m not sure which to worry about.  I worry.

I worry about running out of stuff to blog about.  If this worry shit is the best I can come up with, I’m in trouble.  Where will I find new material? 

I worry!


  1. Haha. Oh man. I am right there with you Cranky. I worry about everything. The other day I pulled into the parking lot at Hallmark and there was backpack on the ground next to a van. My immediate thought was, "it's a bomb!" Then some kid came running out, picked it up and threw it in his rig. Minor heart attack for nothing. You're not the only one who worries. I worry too my friend. And those are all valid worries, by the way!

  2. I am always thinking about the global warming, the global hunger and then about what can we do to prevent people from randomly taking innocent people's lives. Sometimes. I worry so much that I cannot eat and sometimes I feel like throwing up.
    I hope that all of us who worry can come up with solutions and keep praying.

  3. Haha! I don't have too much shit, or at least I don't think I do, which means I probably do. Maybe I should worry more about looking over my shoulder for whoever is going to get my shit. But that would give me a neck ache, and I'll worry about running out of Icy Hot. Stop the insanity! ;)

  4. I wish I hadn't read this - you've given me so much about which to worry.

  5. Jim says I worry enough for everyone.

  6. You worry too much Cranky. Most of this stuff will never happen. And if you follow the money you won't worry about most of this stiff.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. Now you got me worried about stuff I wasn't worried about before :) Thanks!


  8. Now you've given me something else to worry about---YOU! Just kidding of course.

  9. Well, if you drive slower, the a**hole doing 80 will probably not only pass you, but shoot you as well. That will take care of everything you would have lived to worry about in the next dozen paragraphs!

  10. A song for you:

  11. You forgot about all the phyto-plankton dying in the sea which creates half of the oxygen on this planet.

  12. I worry that I will have to listen to Doris Day sing "Kay Sera Sera" again. Oh wait, that's supposed to help me stop worrying.

  13. Go do something nice for someone else, and you won't have time to worry. Oh, and the sun probably won't burn out for at least another 5billion years, so it's too early to start worrying about it.

  14. Is it bad that I don't worry about any of it? I will most certainly be dead by 2050.

  15. I wanna be the guy that other people worry about. . .


  16. I worry that sometimes, I just don't care.

  17. I could say stop worrying but I don't think that will help.
    I could say none of the things you are worrying about will happen in your lifetime, or what is left of it, but since they still might happen anyway, you will continue to worry.
    how about this? Maybe they will happen, maybe sometime in the next 50 years, someone will find a way to turn these things around and the world with its population will be fine.

  18. Don't worry. Be happy. HEY! That could make a good song!

  19. You must have a degree in "Worry" by now. You're so good at it, I'm
    sending you my worries too. Thank you in advance. LOL

  20. MY WIFE handles the worry around here. It is my job to remain calm and field the occasional grounder that goes through her legs.

  21. You're never going to run out of worries. Face it, you are just human.

  22. I worry when someone who posts regularly suddenly misses a couple of day without warning.
