Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Potato Brush

The Potato Brush
Mrs. Cranky never fails to amaze me.  She has a right way and a wrong way to do everything, and I always choose the wrong way. 

If I complain she reminds me of what a good wife she is compared to my first two.  I then remind her that the bar was set pretty low!

The other day before dinner she asks me,

“What did you do to the potato brush?”

“What the hell is a potato brush?”

“The brush with the green handle, I use it to clean my potatoes.”

“It is by the dish detergent…I used it to clean the dishes.”

“I knew it! Now I have to wash it.”

“Who ever heard of a potato brush?”

“Everyone; how else to clean a potato?”

“Not everyone.  I just rub them under water with my hands, that is how my mom did it and anyone I have ever known does it.”

“That won’t get all the dirt out of the potato.”

“Sure it does and who cares anyway, it is farm dirt, farm dirt is clean dirt, and why do you have to wash a brush that has just cleaned a dish, you don’t wash it after you brush the potato?”

“Not the same thing and I don’t want to mix dish dirt with farm dirt.”

“Because farm dirt is good dirt and dish dirt is bad dirt?”

“Just don’t use my potato brush to clean dirty dishes!”

“Can I use my hands after cleaning a potato the normal way…with my hands?”

“NO! Use the potato brush…Jerk!”

Still she does step over the bar with ease.


  1. Ah Joeh, don't you know that no man ever wins these conversations?!?

    1. Apparently not--that may be why this is Joe's 3rd marriage!!

  2. Presumably she knew you'd used it for the dishes because it was now too CLEAN! I've never hears of a potato brush, I just use my hands too (and don't tell Mrs C but sometimes, if they are really dirty, I use the washing up brush ...).

  3. I don't wish to brag, but I have a potato brush. It's not used often though and it is well hidden from my other half.

  4. I call mine a vegetable brush, but I use it on fruits as well.

  5. Oh, dear. I use my dish brush on my potatoes!

  6. I feel more confident about the potatoes if the dish brush goes after the dirt.

  7. I had noooooo idea what the heck that brush was until today. Stepmom keeps one by the sink. (Mum is Irish, her family doesn't bother with anything more than a quick rinse before cooking spuds.)

  8. hi, mrs c here. it is a vegetable brush & I have to show mr c that they are sold in the supermarket as such. one of these days he is going to push me over the edge & i'll blog all about HIS quirks!

    1. Since he ruined that one, put a new vegetable brush on your shopping list, and we will try to figure it out!

  9. We have a potato brush and that's all it's used for...potatoes. You can't get them clean without the brush. I agree with your wife about everything except the jerk part. I don't think you're a jerk.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  10. Sometimes I use the meat basting brush to clean a hard-to-get-to spot in the dishes. Sorry!

  11. That looks like a mushroom brush to me.

  12. Keep the vegetable brush and the dish brush separate, and all will be well.

  13. I use the brush in the sink we scrub dishes with before putting them in the dishwasher. I like eating the skin so I do want them really clean. But we don't have a special brush for potatoes.

  14. I'm still waiting for the reality show--"The Crankys." Gonna be a smash.
    By the way, I use my hands also.

  15. Sometimes your conversations remind me of scenes between Lucy and Ethel on the show I love Lucy. I just haven't figured out yet who of you is Lucy and who is Ethel. :-)

    When I will eat the potatoes with the skins on, I brush them too. Sometimes I use an old toothbrush for that...

  16. i figure a little grit is good for you.

  17. YOU didn't grow up with a potato brush!
    Neither did I. Maybe because we hardly ate baked potatoes, if we ever did.
    I have one now though!

  18. I buy my potatoes already washed, just have to peel them, but then I rinse them under running water like my mum always did. If I do buy dirty potatoes because they're cheaper, I wash them with my hands like you do, like my mum did.
