Saturday, September 12, 2015



I am forming the Ostrich Party

In last Saturday’s Cranky Opinion post I expressed my disappointment that The President has not done more to improve racial harmony in this country.  Though I disagree with many of his political positions, I thought he might help to unite the country in this and other areas.

I was told by one commenter that my tone was combative.  That was not my intent.  I tried to lay blame for the divisiveness in this country on all parties and I thought I was respectful of the man and the office.  The strongest word I used in my criticism was “Disappointed.”

In previous opinion posts, this cranky old man has; praised the President for his bold decision to OK the Osama Bin Laden raid, criticized George Zimmerman for his vigilante killing of a young black man who was at most cutting through property to take a short cut, complained of the subpoenaing of email in semi-support of Hilary and others, supported a national healthcare initiative with the caveat that it was not carved in stone and it would be amended and improved.  I supported stronger gun regulation, supported gay rights and gay marriage, and I reluctantly aserted that any agreement with Iran was better than no agreement.  

I have taken traditional conservative positions, particularly on the economy, but I have tried to remain respectful of other positions.
I was surprised at how angry this "Disappointed" post made some readers.

Apparently declaring disappointment in anything the President does or has not done is considered right wing rhetoric.

I don’t think this opinion was particularly unfair or over the top.  It certainly did not warrant the vitriol I received in some comments, especially being compared to some yahoos in Idaho who gutted a wolf, stuck it on a post and placed an Obama mask over it.  I did not think I was “Spewing” fox network and talk radio talking points.  In fact I rarely watch Fox…Mrs.  C hates politics, and I do not listen to talk radio. I listen to “The Stern Show” (that should bring out some hate), the only talk radio I ever listened to years ago was Rush Limbaugh.  I used to find him interesting, but a bit of a blow hard.  

I have learned my lesson.  I enjoy political subjects, but the internet is just not the right venue for controversial discussions. 

In the future I will not post on anything political nor comment on political posts of others.

Excuse me while I stick my head in the sand.


  1. I try to avoid the political stuff as well. It can be a real minefield.

  2. We do take a risk when we expose our political beliefs. Unfortunately, we don't live in an era of political tolerance. My goal as a blogger is to entertain, and discussing politics and religion can be a minefield. I understood your disappointment in Obama. I feel it too, although I wouldn't change my vote if given the chance. I hope you're having a terrific weekend.

  3. Joe, I read your other post and I read all of the comments. You're absolutely correct, and it's absolutely okay to voice your disappointment, you do it in a much more tactful, gentle way than I do - as you know. I have no use for Oblahma and can't wait until he's out, that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it, just as you are to yours and the rest of this free country - while it's still free - is entitled to theirs. I'm beyond disappointed, I'm appalled. Keep on keepin' on Joe, and don't stick your head in the sand, you're much too handsome. ;)

  4. Its your blog, you should be able to write what you want to write. People should be respectful when leaving comments. I did go back and read all the comments from that post too. In general I avoid leaving comments on political posts, mainly because I really don't know much about politics. It is sad I don't really care for our present president. Like I mentioned in my comment, I should have prayed more and criticized him less. Lesson learned for future leaders and future political posts.


  5. You were spot on in that post and you were respectful. It's your blog, it's your opinion. That's what counts.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. I have been reading your blog for several years now and have never found you to be less thsn respectful and thoughtful -- even though I don't always agree with your thoughts, they have always been interesting and valid. Personally I love Obama and think he has been amazing president who has had to put up with a lot of vitriol. But like every President and each one of us we are not infallible -- we are human... infor one will miss reading your opinions on matters political!

  7. i avoid any political or religious topics and sometimes don't comment on current events of any kind. but i felt your post was respectful and simply stating your personal disappointment in where our country has found itself. whether it is due to pres obama's tactics or simply bringing haters out in the open, i agree we're in a mighty bad place.

  8. Ostrich party, eh? That could attract so many votes you'll end up as Prez yourself!

  9. Move over, Joe--leave some space in the sand for the rest of us!!

  10. Had trouble reading this post. I have sand in my eyes.

  11. OK kiddo. I somehow missed last Saturday's post but I read it now. I am also in a real rush so overlook the typos and grammar..... I'll get in my 2 cents. Ostrich, huh? So you're going to take your ball and go home. If I had commented last week, I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly. I counted 7 others who agreed with you. Yeah, some disagreed, so what???? Are you running for beauty queen? Give them "no mind" ....they are drinking the water. Not only do I study history, I AM history. I am a fossil, preserved in petrified form and no one's petty words can touch me. Criticism bounces off me like a bomerang and you know where bomerangs go. Please don't kowtow down to a little criticism. You are right, you know and you have many who stand on your side of the truth.
    Politics has become a pile of rubble and there has not immerged a true leader for a long time. Kennedy stood out as a true leader and people say, Ya and look what they did to him for speaking the truth. But isn't it better to go down in history
    as speaking out for the truth, rather than being a president just taking up oxygen.

    Shake the sand out of your ears and rescind that statement. You have a voice..... what a great voice....intelligent and strong. Use it. We need people like you in this murky world of paper dolly dingles. But please don't apologize and hide because it will wear heavy upon you.

    1. "so you're going to take your ball and go home" LOL

      "are you running for beauty queen?" LOL - that was funny.

      I agree with her entirely!

      You say you want your blog to be "more fun" and your skin is too thin? so then you won't write what you want to write about? Yeah...I don't know, Joe...what does Mrs. C think you should do?

    2. by the way, "fun" blogs usually ARE the ones with a difference of opinion at times and the ones that get "heated" every now and then! Now, if you want a boring blog, you go to MY blog, because I screen the comments and won't let anyone post anything negative about me or my family. I do this because my kids read my blog, and they don't need to read criticisms about our family size. By doing this, I know I'm getting rid of any chance for a heated (fun) debate, but I do this for my kids' sake, not mine. FUN blogs have that kind of heated dialog from time to time -- so don't stay away from those topics :)

  12. Thx M, except for one, most of last weeks comments were mostly fair, but my skin is too thin. I want this blog to be more fun.

  13. Joe, I hope you will keep commenting on any and everything that strikes your fancy. Your measured criticism of politics and politicians is a welcome change from the hysterics, hypocrisy, and lies that are so predominate. I do take exception to one comment you made in a reply. President Obama has not, like other presidents, faced the "strong opposition from Congress when they do not have a majority." He has been thwarted as often as possible by obstructionism that seems to be based in an attitude of "better that everyone suffer than that a democrat be allowed to achieve ANYTHING."

    1. Thanks A, and nice try, but you can't goad me into political commentary other than to say you have , not intentionally i believe, made it seem as if my comment said President Obama has not faced strong opposition. I specifically said
      "Sure he faces strong opposition from Republicans, all Presidents face strong opposition from Congress when they do not have a majority,"

      Ok you did it, here is my LAST political comment, Great leaders can compromise with and cajole a stubborn congress to have public opinion force congress to bend."

  14. Okay, first of all....Ostrich Party? LOL that's funny. Second, just because of a few nay-sayers you should not stop posting your opinions about political topics. 1) this is YOUR blog. YOUR space. 2) your opinion matters! 3) not everyone is going to agree with you! and that's O.K. 4) I love reading your political opinions! Sometimes I agree, other times I don't. But I always am left with a different view on things, and that's a good thing.

    When you have a public blog, you are going to get people who disagree or get heated from time to time. That's Okay! Don't change what YOU want to write about just to please a few. Just...don't.

  15. Hi Cranky Joe,

    Politics is a subject I only skirt around. I would dearly love to let rip and post my true feelings but, like you, I want my blog to be light hearted and fun.

    As a rule, I think all politicians are egocentric, maniacs who lie for money - it's just a question of which ones vaguely match my views (sadly the current occupier of Number 10 in the UK isn't one of them - the pompous arsehole!!!).

    I actually like your "Cranky Opinions" and while I may disagree with some of them, I would never call you anything more nasty that "big stupid-head" (actually that's quite lame thing to type Cranky, you big stupid-head!!!).

    Keep it light-hearted and fun but continue to offer your opinions! I will offer mine in return, but be aware that you Yanks don't really understand British jokes so you may be offended.

    All that means is that you are a nation of big stupid-heads!!




    P.S. Some parts of my comment are jokes and if you can't see which bits are, then you really are a big stupid-head


    Oh the irony!!!

  16. Don't worry. You don't even have to post about anything political. Somebody will always dig up your head and tell you how you SHOULD feel.

  17. Joe, Joe, Joe (damn, I hope it wasn't me that was pissed off at him), there's an old expression that covers this: Don't let the bastards get you down! Say what you want and don't worry if everyone doesn't agree with you. Regardless of agreement, I'll bet everyone likes you. I sure do.

  18. I've always appreciated your tactfully worded opinions. See, we still love you - we came back to read more from you.

  19. Here you are trying to be respectful and state your opinion nicely, and people hate on you. Why they don't see that;s more a comment on them as people than on you i do not comprehend.

  20. I thought your post was fair and respectful too, but you can't please everybody. There will always be someone who is offended or otherwise feels 'wronged'.
    Don't stay in the sand too long, unless you've rigged up an air supply.

  21. Hey Joe, 'nil carborundum illegitimi', as they say.

  22. For what it's worth (nothing), I thought your post was well thought out and provoking, the kind of stimulating conversation I enjoy, whether I agree with any/all or not. It made me think. Don't waste your time beating up on yourself for being honest. But I do respect your right to write on whatever topic you want. (I'll pick up your mantel and stir the pot enough for the both of us. ;)

  23. Well, that's too bad. I enjoy your opinions!
