Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I always thought I was one to judge a person by his actions and not by superficial characteristics, but I am ashamed to admit that is not me.  Actually I am not ashamed Dammit! 

A recent trip to Massachusetts has confirmed my dislike for a certain group of people.  I know, it is not fair to assume the attributes of a few to everyone in a group, but the behavior of these people is universal in my encounters.

These people are arrogant.  These people are selfish.  These people are pushy.  These people think their shit doesn’t stink, and everyone should just give them their way because they are special.

Well I think they are special…a special kind of obnoxious, and I don’t care who I hurt or what rules of political correctness I am breaking, I do not like anyone in this group and I’m willing to bet there are lots of other people that are on my side but are just afraid to admit it.

Judge me if you want, but I am tired of taking crap from these people.  I am tired of being pushed around by these people and I am tired of acting like it is just a few and not everyone.

I am just going to say it.  Un-follow me if you must, I do not care.  I HATE ANYONE THAT DRIVES A BMW!!*

Beep beep this you Beemer douche bags.  You are not special just because you can afford an expensive powerful car. 

“Ooh, a Beemer, better move out of the way cause he is sooo special.” 

Well no more! When you drive up on my tail I will no longer pull to the right.  I am doing 5 MPH over the speed limit, you don’t like it?  How about I just slow it down a bit?  What’s that, you flash you high beams on me?  Oops I need to slow down a little more.

I’m sorry, it’s not you, it is just that I am prejudiced and I hate all BMW drivers.

Is that a hate crime?

*Actually some of my best friends drive BMW’s, but that ruins the satire.


  1. You know the difference between a porcupine and a BMW??? Porcupines have their picks on the outside!!! Lol
    I'm with ya Joe!!!

  2. I used to drive a Beemer but I ended up giving it to my daughter when I got my Mustang. Sure, I felt special & privileged when I was driving it, but it wasn't the car--it was ME!!

  3. I love Beemers, I don't know anyone who owns or drives one, but the cars are beautiful.
    If I knew how to drive and had warehouses filled with money (like Scrooge McDuck) I'd drive a Beemer.
    And I wouldn't care who hated me for it.

  4. I don't drive but I DO ride a bike so I universally hate ALL car drivers (except for some of my friends who drive cars ..._

  5. I never aspired to a Beemer.... thank the Lord. I'm a Peugeot fan, through and through.

  6. I rarely see a Beemer anymore. I guess I should be glad?

  7. You are not alone. A few years back, I had a little something on my blog about a then-recent news story about better-than-the-rest-of-us guy in a BMW who couldn't be bothered to wait in traffic like a mere mortal. He went onto the shoulder to get around the peons who were blocking his way, and drove right into... and got stuck in... a huge area of deep wet cement. Everybody agreed that the jerk got exactly what he deserved.

  8. No that's not a hate crime. I'm with you. Some folks are so self important they are nauseating. Bless their hearts.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. Okay, so I admit to driving a BMW 530i, sports package...and yeah it's fast, sporty and beautiful. But I also drive a dented up, crappy old Chevy 15 passenger van with the paint peeling off the side. I think that counters the Beemer, so I'm all good.

  10. You obviously haven't encounter enough Smart cars or Priuses, yet.

    1. Ah yes, but they have a different kind of "I'm better than you smugness!"

  11. it's because Beemers are on the low end of the pecking order of obvious money. I find Mercedes Benz drivers take a bit better care of their cars (potential collision wise) and Porche's don't need to exert any kind of privilege at all.

  12. Ha, I'll have to take your word for it. Not too many Beemers in the Ozark mountains. Now if you want to talk F 150's-----

    1. That's right! And the F350s will drive right over the top of you!

  13. haha. i'm a honda girl so you can like me. :)

  14. We have a BMW and really love it. We've had it for twelve years with no plans to retire it. You might change your mind if i let you borrow it and drive a hundred miles per hour through the mountains to the Oregon coast.

  15. Well, i drive a Jalopy and i'll stay out of your way, i promise. Not that i could get in anyone's way with it, anyhow...

  16. Don't go to Germany and drive on the autobahn.....there are BMW's there make the paltry one's sold here look like pikers....and, if you're not in the right lane and someone flashes their headlights at you, you'll get an expensive ticket it you don't pull over.
    I sort of feel the same about Hummers, though....

  17. This is actually a topic of conversation around here, too, Joe. I have no idea why it is, but you're right....many (not all) Beemer drivers are just plain obnoxious. And unfortunately, my area's highest volume BMW dealership is just a couple of miles away. The damn things are EVERYWHERE!

  18. You really ARE from Jersey, aren't you? :)

  19. BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus, and Caddys. Around here they spell danger.
