Sunday, July 12, 2015


It’s time again for
Im unclined to disagreement!


This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.

No contest this week, all headlines are real.


Moron jumps on stage on Broadway to try and charge his phone in a fake outlet – Maybe it was a fake phone.  Did anyone think of that?

NBA star Matt Bonner blames iPhone 6 for shooting woes – You should never text and drive to the basket.

Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex-change operations – As long as they don’t smoke, drink, drive, or have sex.

About Eight Inches Makes June 5th Wettest in History- See, size does matter!

In long-predicted shift, California Latinos now outnumber whites – Next thing you know they’ll change the name from City of Angles to Los Angeles!

Whoopi Goldberg talks threats for supporting Bill Cosby – She claims she once dated the comedian and he slipped himself a Mickey!

Boonsboro farmer on trial denies abusing livestock – “I did mess around with the cows teats, but the sheep are lying!”

Florida man scared by fake alligator in toilet bangs head against wall and is knocked out – I’d be scared too if I thought I just crapped an alligator.

NJ company recalls 30,200 pounds of parmesan cheese – “I remember it as if it were yesterday, ahh those were the days when girls were girls, men were men, and parmesan cheese was parmesan cheese.”

Memphis Officials Are Going To Dig Up Graves Just To Erase The Memory Of The Confederacy – Dig up graves to bury the past?

Jeb Bush is dead wrong on zombies – Well then he won’t get my vote.

Manure Expo to be held in Chambersburg July 14-15 – Mark your calendar and watch your step.

*Thanks to Uncle Skip @ and Fraternity Brother, Frog, for headline submissions.


Last week’s fake was:

Google developing “Backseat Driver” for driverless car – The new app will constantly call out, “Slow down.” Or “Watch where you’re going” to make husbands feel at home.
The winners are:
Unless you mean a computer in the trunk, it has to be Google developing “Backseat Driver” for driverless car!!
Winner, winner, fishducky dinner! Visit Fran @

It had better be the Google Back-Seat Driver, because I am tired of losing!

Heh, heh. The unspoiled child, the strict schools, "Falsetto Lake," and that big-dicked escapee that I won't touch with a ten-foot pole. You outdid yourself this week!

Finally, the Val Dictorian didn’t over-think.  Good stuff over @

I suspect the Google headline isn't true. I would like to think there is one place left they haven't ventured.
Beginners luck.  Just found Jerry @ Well worth a visit.

Google developing “Backseat Driver” for driverless car is my pick. What would be the point?
Yawn…another win.  Funny stuff @

Only five commenters guessed incorrectly.

Visit and congratulate all the winners, and come back next week for more




  1. Since you said "No contest this week, all headlines are real", I vote for none of the above!! WHOOP-TEE-DOO?

  2. I'm going to ignore that you said "No contest this week" and go with the zombie headline as being fake.

    I'm just trying for the record here as being the one commentator with the most wrong guesses...:-)

  3. Florida man scared by fake alligator in toilet bangs head against wall and is knocked out is my pick. You don't find alligators in bathrooms all that often.

    Have a fabulous day Cranky. ☺

  4. Fresh from the success of not overthinking, I will take your word that all headlines are real this week. Unless, of course, that's to throw us off the track, and we're supposed to understand that your declaration of no contest is fake...nah. I'm not going to overthink.

  5. HA! These news stories you dug up are priceless. My favorite is the one about the gator in the toilet. Especially your comment about it.

  6. I'm shaking my head over that Oregon headline. This was never voted on and I think it's wrong to let children do this without parental consent, and at the taxpayer's expense. There's much talk about this here. I have no problem with this type of surgery, but it should only be allowed when the individual is a legal adult.

  7. Since I've seen a couple of the craziest ones on the news already, I'll just say they are all true. Too many loony birds out there to think there's a fake one in the bunch!
