Friday, July 24, 2015



There it is again; 11:11. 

When I first met Mrs. Cranky she told me she always noticed when the clock was at 11:11.


“That means good luck, or that spirits of our loved ones are watching over us.”

“Really, I have never noticed.”

Now I notice all the time.  It seems I constantly look up casually and see the clock at 11:11.  Not 11:12, or 12:11, but 11:11.  It is not a couple of times a week; it is more like once a day, and sometimes twice a day.  Maybe it is just because it was called to my attention and so I notice…but every day? What are there, 720 different combinations?  That is a lot of combinations to always see 11:11.

What does it mean?

If it is my loved ones connecting from Heaven that is a comforting thought…except sometimes I have looked up at a clock and seen 11:11 when I really would not have wanted my Mom or Grandma Hagy watching.

It is probably a coincidence or just because I was alerted to 11:11 by Mrs. Cranky, I just notice it where in the past I never would have.  Of course in the past with analog clocks it might not have been as noticeable; also in the past I have not had as many loved ones to be watching over me.

I’m sure it is nothing, just a silly superstition or old wives tale, one of those Italian traditions my wife semi –believes in…still, I see that time a lot.

Just last night while watching TV Mrs. C pointed it out…  “11:11.”

Of course 11:11 is one of those times I am always awake and generally watching TV, so I am more apt to notice it than for instance 1:11 when I am at sleep at night or doing something in the afternoon…yeah, that is probably it.

Then again, for the last two mornings at around 9:00 while making coffee, I have noticed the coffee maker time which has not been adjusted from a recent power outage; displayed 11:11 just as I pressed brew.

“Just making coffee Mom, glad to hear from you.  You might not want to check in on me tonight though…just in case I get lucky.”


  1. Very interesting. I usually wake up each morning at 3:33 am. Don't know why. I wonder if this means anything.

  2. While I certainly believe that passed loved ones are right here, among us, and "possibly" able to send messages of reassurance, I'm not sure about clocks, pennies and butterflies. I know others swear by these symbols and I respect those views. Maybe your mom and grandma are telling you that you are "number 1" to them - in a really big way!

  3. I tend to like 1234 when I see it displayed. Makes me think all is well with the universe (or that I just happened to look over at the clock at that time, day or nigh; insomnia sucks)


  4. Well, it's better than looking when it's ll:44. In cop talk that means a possible fatality. Hubby and I tend to see 11:44 often. I too wonder if it means something since it's been going on for years.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. there are many websites devoted to the spiritual meanings of repeating numbers. one i looked up a few years ago said 1111 is a wake-up call to pay attention and rediscover your purpose in life. you're supposed to note what you were thinking about when you saw the numbers appear and see if it is of significance.

    if you google the meaning of... it'll come up with all sorts of varying interpretations and some conflict with one another. imagine that. :)

  6. This reminds me of how I never look in a mirror at midnight, thanks to a childhood ghost story from a slumber party.

  7. I have no idea how these things happen. My mother in law named the birth time of both my children, almost to the minute, when she woke from a dream and looked at her bedside clock. She discounted being 12 hours off.

  8. You could solve half your problem by going to bed at a decent hour, Cranky.

  9. It's now 10:14--what could that mean?

    1. My brother used to live at 1111 11th St.

  10. The kids always say "It's 11:11 no matter how you look at it."
    The time that always makes me chuckle is 4:20. Time to light up your you-know-what. If you dare.

  11. One of our daughters-in-law pointed out some time ago how frequently she encounters the numbers 1111 on a daily basis, and she's convinced those numbers have some significance. Who knows? Could be. Me? I get excited when I look at the clock and it's 12:34. (Yeah, I know, Low threshold for excitement.) I call it "magic time," and that's the time I always schedule my posts to publish.

  12. Hum, it is 2:22 right now. Wonder if that means anything?

  13. Oh my...I've never heard that before, but I'll be watching for it. I only see 11:11 a.m., though. At 11:11 p.m., I'm fast asleep!

  14. This is a new one on me, and i doubt i will notice it at night, as i'm asleep by then.

  15. First I've heard of this. But it happened to me yesterday, so I'll throw it into my blog mix for today!

  16. For years when I would wake up in the middle of the night and glance at the clock it was always like that . . 2:22 or 4:44 or 5:55. I don't believe in numerology but it can get a little freak after awhile.

  17. Numbers...bah humbug! The only thing that would make me stop and think a bit would be looking at my clock and seeing 6:66. :-p

  18. That's interesting you would mention that. Lately I've noticed the clock not at 11:11 but at sequenced times. For example last night I heard the dogs barking and I got up to look out the window to see if anyone was in the yard. When I stepped back to bed the clock read 3;33. When I rolled over this morning it was 5:55. It's happened so often that it's almost twilight zone'ish.

  19. I wonder if 2:38am has any meaning. I wake up most nights to see 2:38 on the clock.

  20. 12:12 is the one I look out for but I guess now I'll be noticing 11:11 more.

  21. I never wake up at night. And we mostly have analog clocks in the house that I see during the day. So - no outstanding numerology incidents for me! Kind of interesting how you and so many commenters have 'em, though.

  22. 11:11 and 4:44 are the ones I seem to see all the time and on my blog stats 13 minutes past the hour seems to be a favourite time for people to drop by - I'm fairly sure I wrote a post about it once, I think I'll see if I can find it to republish. Funnily enough I just read Vals post and looked at the time and it was 3:53am ...

  23. Haha! My parents always used to point out 11.11 and 12.12 to each other as well and as a result I often notice these times too!
    What does it mean????!
