Sunday, June 28, 2015


It’s time again for
This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.

One headline may be fake.  Guess the fake and win a mention and a WHOOP-TEE-DOO.  None of the above may be a correct answer.
Comment moderation is on for one day.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to hear Tom Brady's appeal – “Well first of all I’m really good looking; second…Dude have you even seen my wife?”  “Ah Tom, that’s not what we mean by appeal.”
Pennsylvania lawmakers want a registry for strippers – This is a slippery slope…next step they will come to our homes and take away all our strippers!  Second amendment people…the right to bare arms (and then some).
KFC says DNA shows 'fried rat' was chicken – When they have to test your food’s DNA to determine what it is, you might want to eat somewhere else.
Holy guacamole! Woman sees Christ's face on tortilla – Well, it is either Jesus Christ, or her Uncle Jesus (Heysus).
Obama scolds heckler at gay pride reception, saying 'You're in my house' – Well, technically it is OUR house, but he did have a point about respect.
Lego to replace plastic with environmentally conscious materials – The plastic to be replaced with edible waffle bricks, “Eggo my Lego.”
Christie expected to announce 2016 campaign Tuesday – Many want to know why the weight.  He admits he is behind but expects to bridge the gap.  His candidacy increased the traffic jam of Republican hopefuls. 
Guy Wakes Up From Nap To Find Bear Casually Nibbling On His Ankle – “She seemed like a nice girl at the bar last night.”
Russia Demands Probe into U.S. Moon Landing – Sure, we’ll get right on it comrade.
Driver shocked at $14,000 bill for crossing toll bridge – He shouldn’t have been in the exact change lane.
Pope Francis says divorce is sometimes 'morally necessary' – And totally worth it!

Python Eats Porcupine, Regrets It Later – The snake needed a food tester as apparently his dinner was spiked.
Last week’s fake was:
Drones banned from National Parks for fear of causing animal stampede – “No drone on the range.”
No one correctly guessed the fake, but after careful consideration by the judges it has been determined that the above fake headline was very similar to a story a year or more ago; therefore though no WHOOP-TEE-DOO’s have been awarded, the following commenters will be recognized for their choice of “None of the Above.”
I need to Google my own fakes!
I'd like to add to my collection of "Whoop-tee-doos"--is it none of the above?
I think they're all true. Weird but true.
I think all these are true Cranky. So my answer is none of the above.
Well, I've already run across several of the weirder ones in my webbity perusings, so I'm also gonna guess 'none of the above' (ie, they're all real). . .

Eight guessers were incorrect.
Go visit and congratulate this week’s winners and come back next week for more


  1. I think it's None of the Above this week, too!!

  2. this week i'm saying they're all true.

  3. Thanks for linking up to Silly Sunday. I'll be back later to weigh in. It's coffee time.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Legos made from something other than plastic? I doubt it. My vacuum cleaner still hasn't recovered from all the Legos our son left scattered about.

  5. Sadly, they all look doable in today's society. I'm guessing Russia really isn't that far behind the times and has bigger fish to fry.

  6. I'm guessing "Russia Demands Probe into U.S. Moon Landing" must be fake just because I hate probes.

  7. For no particular reason, I'm guessing the guy with the bear.

  8. I'll take the $14,000 toll bill as fake. I wouldn't cross that bridge if I came to it!

  9. Hmmm, I must have been out of the weird news loop this week as I see several possibles. I say the $14000 bridge crossing toll.

  10. Again I say all these are true, no none of the above is my answer.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  11. I think "none of the above."
