Saturday, June 6, 2015


A cranky opinion for
The following is the opinion of a cranky old man with little knowledge on the subject opined.  Opposing opinions are welcome, but will probably be ignored.  As always, please, no name calling and that means you, you big stupid head!
I am not a big Hillary supporter.  In fact I will not vote for her.  I don’t think she would make a very good President, though her husband turned out to do a pretty good job…when he was on the job. 
Hillary is probably as qualified as anyone else, my main objection to her besides being a bit too liberal, is she is extremely polarizing.  This may or may not be her fault, but it doesn’t matter.  People either like Hillary or they despise her.  People either liked Bill Clinton or they despised him.  People either liked George Bush or they despised him.  People either like President Obama or they despise him.  Enough, I would like a President that everyone could at least like.  Disagree with maybe, but at least like the person.
Anyway, the real impetus for this post was an event that makes me wonder why anyone would want to run or this office.  I recently saw this headline from a pro-right paper, “Hillary tells autograph seeker ‘Why don’t you just got to the end of the line’”
Sounds harsh doesn’t it?
Then I saw a clip of the event.  Hillary is moving down a line shaking hands with a whole bunch of people.  You see this sweet looking middle age lady ask for an autograph.  Hillary with a nice smile pats her on the shoulder and tells her “Why don’t you go to the end of the line.”  When she says this, she points in the direction she is walking.  It seems clear to me that Hillary just wants to get through all the handshaking without stopping along the way to sign autographs but was perfectly happy to sign for this lady when she was done glad handing everyone.
I guess you could spin this to make her look like a bitch, and they did.  Fair?  Hell no! 
Imagine everywhere you go, everything you do, everything you say is captured on audio and video and edited and spun to sell papers and make you look bad.
That is why I choose not to run and if elected I will not serve.
I still do not think Hillary would make a good President.
The preceding was the opinion of a cranky old man and not necessarily that of management…Mrs. Cranky.


  1. i could never run for any office as my sound bites would certainly get me in trouble.

  2. Any one who runs for a public office has really got to have a tough skin and I just can't imagine why they would want to subject themselves to that. I'm not a Hillary fan either. I think Sheldon from the Big Bang Therapy should run.

  3. If I ran for office I couldn't say %&#*! or $@&%% in public anymore--no thanks!!

  4. Seems fair enough to me. If there is a line already formed, you go to the end and wait your turn. no pushing in.

  5. Privacy is important.

  6. People who run for high public office care about one thing only: power. They don't care what anyone thinks of them, or what name they call them, so long as they have power. They can get caught red handed screwing the pooch, and they'll just deny it and say it was dirty politics. There will never be a politician that will be at least liked by all. Fox News and MSNBC and all the rest will see to it. They don't want us to "get along" because getting along means sharing power. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

  7. Haters will always hate. I think we are out of unifying candidates.

  8. If i am going to not vote for someone, i want it to be because i disagree with what that person intends to do if in office, not because s/he was "spun" to look bad.

  9. I won't vote for her either. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on. The haters attack no matter what. Bush was demonized at every turn. Now if you disagree with Obama you're a racist. It never ends.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  10. My personal opinion is that Hillary Clinton is very smart and could possibly make a good president. However, I also think she comes with too much baggage. We need fresh names...not someone named Clinton or Bush. I do believe that we'd have a hard time finding anyone nowadays that is not polarizing.

    And I won't vote for her...or anyone else, for that matter. Well, unless I get my citizenship by then. :-)

  11. There was a time when I thought Hillary would make an excellent president, but sadly, the more I learn about her, the less inclined I am to vote for her. Had to finally cross her off my list of hopefuls.

  12. I have no bone to pick with Hillary. What I can't figure out is why the media is doing such a hatchet job on her of late. The media that usually fawns all over people of her party. Who else do they have, really, who's running in 2016?

    Maybe a president Hillary would be good for national defense. What's the ALLEGED Clinton body count up to...around 90? You don't want to cross her!

  13. Cranky, don't dismiss this woman so fast! Just being a woman in our country is a divisive issue. We have not come far enough.

  14. I just can't decide on Hillary Clinton personally. But I think she would do as good a job as anyone else has done. This job has become impossible to succeed at.

  15. I don't think I would ever want to run for public office; I don't want to be scrutinize as much as the candidates are. I don't care for either of the Clintons. Vote for one, you get the other one too I think.


  16. I tend to think they're all crooks, and like Lowandslow, they are just in it for the power.
