Tuesday, May 12, 2015


What is this world coming to?  We have lost so many rights, so many personal choices have been restricted by know it all do-gooders it is ridiculous.
This trend of government telling us what we cannot do is getting out of hand.
Years ago we used to be able to simply throw trash out our car windows or into the water from our boats.  Now apparently that is not only illegal, but nosey people frown upon it and will curse you out if they see you discard trash in this way.  It was so easy just chucking stuff out the window, now you have to bag it in the car and wait until you pass a trash can…what a pain! 
Years ago when fishing, we used to just throw empty bottles and cans into the water and try to make them sink; sometimes they did, sometimes they didn’t.  Those that sunk probably rusted or deteriorated into nothing in a few thousand years, the floaters probably sank after other boats or water-skiers hit them.  Now you have to save those containers and then you have to recycle them…stupid!
Another fun thing about those fishing trips was drinking.  We used to go through a case of beer on a good trip.  Now you can be stopped for operating a vessel while intoxicated.  How crazy is that?  It’s a boat in a big ocean, what could go wrong?
Non-smokers are a pain in the butt.  I can’t believe you can no longer smoke in the office at work, or in a movie theater; you can’t even smoke in a bar or on a plane anymore for crispy sake.  What is this world coming to?
One of my favorite things in the fall was burning leaves.  I loved the smell, and it was such an easy way to get rid of leaves.  Sometimes the smoke was so thick on the streets that cars could not see, but hey it was only for a couple of weeks.  Now you have to bag your leaves…crazy.
This one really kills me.  If you have a dog, you now have to pick up after him.  You have to bag and dispose of your dogs poop!  How disgusting! Please people, this is just going too far.  Just watch where you step and it is all fine…picking up after a dog is ridiculous.
What the hell is next?  Forced vaccinations, allowing women to publically breastfeed, Gay marriage, transgender bathrooms?
Oh how I yearn for those good old days.


  1. What if your dog was a smoker, drank all your beer, tossed the bottles & then insisted he pilot your boat--after he took a dump?

  2. A man after somebody's own heart.

  3. Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end......

  4. I have nothing to say; I think Fishducky said it best.


  5. I once broke up with a fellow who deliberately broke his Coke bottle on a hiking trail, saying "Someone will clean it up." Sorry, Joe, always been that way.

  6. Pass the beer will you, and do you have a match.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  7. You need one of these:

  8. Damn liberals. They suck the fun right outta life.

  9. A clever way to make your point, I think. We could be like India, which doesn't have a culture of picking up trash. City streets are strewn with garbage, some of it twenty years old, and people just walk on it, past empty garbage cans.

  10. You make such a great, back handed argument on the pluses of liberalism. Hum, have you crossed the line? Love this post.

    1. Not crossed the line, but willing to admit the left ain't all wrong all the time.

  11. I gave a shot at doing the same tongue in cheek approach to the right.....just couldn't find enough material......

  12. hahaha! My tea party brothers say this kind of thing in alllll earnestness! Big Government with with all those Big Ideas getting in the way of the little guy just trying to have some old fashioned fun. Jeez.

  13. Be careful of your tongue while it's so firmly planted in your cheek :

  14. Sounds like a script from Mad Men.

  15. You don't HAVE to bag your leaves. Leave them on the ground as mulch to protect new growth and eventually rot down and feed the soil as God intended.
    Please tell me you didn't really throw trash out your car windows!
    As for the dog poop, I am heartily sick of dodging dog poop on footpaths around here, there are some suburbs where you have to keep your eyes on the ground all the time to be sure you don't step in any poop, in spite of the 'pick up' law.

  16. I agree. Before you know it, we won't be able to say "sarcastic bastard" online.

  17. Hey, they still do throw cans, bottles, and the odd sheet of bubble wrap. I pick that crud outta my yard near every day .... and let it be known that the 3 that have been pulled over for it were all sporting coexist and other liberal paraphernalia on their vehicles just for anecdotal confusion.

    And man, sounds like you're just a good ol' jerk from way back .... ;-)

  18. I know, right? And that dog poop on the sidewalk - that's just so very French. Don't we all want some French culture?

  19. Today's toddlers will never know the freedom of standing on the front seat with a hand on Mom's shoulder while she drives 75 mph down the interstate.

  20. I was wondering how this post was going to go...I approve. YAY transgender bathrooms and seatbelts!
