Sunday, May 10, 2015

MOM - a Mother's Day re-run

These were my words at my Mothers funeral.  Thinking of you today Mom!
Happy Mother's Day to all you great Moms (and Mums)

Good, better, best, never let it rest; until your good is better, and your better best.
These are the words of exhortation drummed into Mom at an early age by some ancient grade school teacher.  Words she always remembered, and often repeated.

Mom passed away today October 25, 2010.

I often wondered what Mom would have become if she were raised in an age where women were not held back by corporate, educational and social limits.  For the most part her choices were to become a secretary, nurse, teacher, or a Mom.  She became a Mom.  She was a good Mom, better than most and the best she could be.

Mom never tried to have the “perfect” life, as some of us do.  She was not perfect; none of us are, but she always tried to be a perfect person as few of us do.

Good, better, best, never let it rest; until your good is better, and your better best.

You can rest now Mom. For a long time you have been the best.

We love you Mom, and we will always miss you!


  1. a lovely tribute to your mother.

  2. A precious tribute to your Mother and everyone can relate. You shook my memory..... my mother used to say that too.

  3. Very well said and I could duplicate this post about my mom that died of ALS when she was 60.

    Have a fabulous day and my Mrs. Cranky have a very happy Mothers Day. ☺

  4. What a beautiful tribute to your mom! I hadn't heard that expression is a long time "good, better, best" etc., brought back memories indeed.


  5. I think this beautiful woman who had strong, honorable values raised two handsome sons who live those exact same values today.

  6. Well said, Joeh. I wish more could have a mom like that, and appreciate her the way you did.

  7. A lovely tribute to someone who was undoubtedly a special person and a wonderful mother.

  8. What a sweet post Joeh. Anyone who lived by those words was a special person.

  9. I would say the same about my Mom, who passed away when I was just 13.

  10. That's sweet. They are always in our heart.

    I only hope my sons will remember me as fondly.

  11. What a great idea to repeat these words from your Mom's funeral on Mother's Day! A beautiful tribute.

  12. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful mom!!

  13. Loving words, and from the heart, Joe. Sometimes those with good moms (and dads) don't know how good they have it, but it sounds like you did.

  14. How sweet and precious your memories of your mother must be!

  15. Your mom must have been a terrific lady. Your memories seem very vivid and recent. I am sure she must have known how much you cared.
    I miss my mom too. She was also a wonderful mom. I hope that I told her enough times how much I loved her.
    I think we should all tell our loved ones good things about them.
    Happy Mother's day to you too, because mothering is never easy without the love of dads.
