Thursday, April 16, 2015

You Should Do It MY WAY!

You Should Do It MY WAY!
Mrs. Cranky has her own way to do things.  Her way usually works just fine.  Her way is generally the manufacturer’s suggested way to do things.  I do things my way.  My way is generally different from Mrs. Cranky’s way.  My way usually works just fine.  Mrs. Cranky does not like the way I do things.

Last night I decided I wanted some Entenmann’s muffins for desert with my coffee.  The Entenmann’s muffin package has a little tab that you can pull for easy opening.  From experience I know I always have trouble with that stupid tab.  Instead of futzing (did I get it right Fran?) with the tab I simply went to the scissor drawer, pulled out a scissor and cut the top on the muffin package.  It worked really well.  The muffins were readily available via the slit in the package I made with the scissors.

Mrs. C was not happy.

“Why did you use scissors to open the package?”

“Umm because that is how I do it.”

“But there is a tab.  You just pull the tab!”

“I pull the tab and it doesn’t work for me.  I don’t know why, but I hate the tab.  I scissor, I don’t do tab.”

“You should use the tab, that is what it is there for.  The tab works.”

“What do you care how I open the muffin package?  My way works.”

“Because it is stupid.  You should do it my way.  You should use the tab, that is why they have a tab.”

Mrs. Cranky then went and got her own muffin package.  She opened it up in front of me with an easy pull of the tab.

“You don’t really want those muffins do you?  You just wanted them to show me how easy it is to use the tab.  I still don’t like the tab, the tab never works for me I like the scissors, they work and I will always use the scissors.”

You will never guess what she called me.*

*For any new readers, it starts with "J" and rhymes with "erk."


  1. Hahahahahaha! Oh wow, I have to side with you on this one, I too use scissors and on just about every package I need to open, anymore packages don't open as easily as they used to and I swear sometimes the jaws of life are needed so it's scissors for me too, and truthfully because I don't want to risk breaking a nail. Hahahaha. :)

  2. Sorry, Mrs. C, I'm with the guy. Scissors for me, too.

  3. You may be a jerk, but at least you're a jerk who can correctly use the word futz!!

  4. Futz. I love that word!
    I'm stunned at the number of things you two fight over. Or perhaps fight is too harsh. disagree is probably better. But still, who really cares how the packet gets opened as long as you get the muffins? I'll try the tab on things, but if it doesn't work the first time, I'll use scissors on every packet thereafter.

  5. Normally I'm with Mrs C but on this occasion I agree with you Joe, I don't waste time with tabs, that's what scissors are for! On a similar (but different) note - I once had a pack of chocolate buttons that came in a re-sealable pack - this completely confused me, why did they think I might want to re-seal them??

  6. Use what works for you! That's the right way when it comes to things like this. Not everyone's feet are the same size, and not one way of opening a package will work for everyone. It's what makes life interesting, that it's not exactly the same for everyone, and that we are all different.

  7. I have to join the chorus and agree with you on this one. Those stupid tabs always rip for me and I can never get the opening to re-close.
    On a related note, I love kitchen scissors. So much so that I gifted them to daughters and nieces at Christmas one year. Have been horrified to find out that several are used to trim dogs' fur before being returned to the utensil drawer. Now THAT would be something to start a war over, Mrs. C!

  8. Tabs never work for me, either. I use the pliers to get enough leverage. I'm trying to think what I have that is packaged that way. Don't eat those muffins; they are absolutely not good for you.

  9. Let me guess...she called you a jerk. I just love your conversations.

    I've found some tabs impossible to work and out come the scissors. I get it.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  10. Tabs never work for me - I always use the scissors....are we weird?

  11. opening up another package just to prove a point. oh, she is a pill!

  12. Simple. She brings jars to you to open--- just take the muffin pack to her to open when you want some. I don't have a talented tab puller living here so I scissor also.

  13. Let's see ... jello-beserk? jolly-twerk? jetski-erk? I have no idea what she called you.

    But it seems pretty harmless to me to use scissors if the tab does not offer you an enjoyable eating experience.

  14. I have a hard time opening anything especially stuff for kids.

  15. The little pull tabs never work me either. Hubby usually opens things because he says it's painful to watch me do it.

  16. But doesn't using the tab keep the uneaten ones fresh? Or do you eat them all?

  17. I have these little Crystal Light packs that I put in my water. They're perforated but for some reason they never ever tear for me. So I just grab the scissors and cut the top off--I don't even try to tear it anymore. Life's too short to fight with packaging!

  18. I like your line "I scissor, I don't do tab". I don't either and I don't re-seal like the bag should be re-sealed if there is a self seal thingy. I use a rubber band. I don't care what anyone might say in my household about it either :)


  19. At our house, I'm not allowed to open any resealable packages (like those for sliced cheese and such), because I ALWAYS ruin it so that it won't reseal any more. I just hand it to my husband. And therefore, I think I should not comment on your scissors vs. tab issues.

    (If my husband smirks at me, though, I remind him of the fact that he and plastic wrap do not get along)

  20. I'm way way to familiar with this scenario.
    SO I read it to my wife in my most authentic voice & can you believe it she called me a jerk....:(

  21. Mrs. C has wicked mad skillz in the package department, if you don't mind me saying so. You, on the other hand, are normal.

    There must be a special place in not-heaven for those people who came up with the assisted-opening packages. Those perforations on the six-packs of lunch-size Cheetos make that package STRONGER! I have to take the scissor to one every week.

    The other stumbling block for me are packages of shredded cheese with that little slot in the top where you should tear it open. That never gets me to the resealable runners! I have to get out the scissors, and by the time I get through to the cheese, the package won't zip shut. I can't pull it apart from below, because even if it finally separates the top, the runners are so mangled that, of course, the package won't reseal. I really need to get a second pair of kitchen scissors and some rubber bands.
