Tuesday, April 14, 2015


There is a right way and a wrong way to do many things.  The correct way is obvious, and yet so many people do things incorrectly.

Toilet paper goes on over the roll so the paper does not touch the wall…yet many people load the paper under the roller.  Why do they do it wrong?

Sugar goes on cereal before the milk so the milk mixes the sugar with all the cereal…yet many people put the sugar on after the milk.  I don’t get it.

Socks and shoes go on in a sock/sock, shoe/shoe order.  Some people (Like Meathead on the “All in the Family” TV show) go sock/shoe, sock/shoe.  It is just wrong!

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is made by putting the peanut butter on a slice of bread, then adding the jelly on top of the peanut butter, then adding the second slice of bread.  Believe it or not, some people put the peanut butter on one slice, the jelly on the other slice and then combine the bread…OH THE HUMANITY!

A car should be driven with the right foot on the gas.  When braking, remove the right foot and use it to brake.  There are actually people who gas with the right and brake with the left.  They brake with the left foot! It boggles my mind.  The left foot is for the clutch.  If driving an automatic, the left foot has no use…it needs to be saved, you never know when a clutch will make a comeback.

Lately I have seen bowlers who don’t use their thumb and some that even bowl with two hands.  They do very well.  I can only imagine how well they might do if they rolled the ball correctly.  The right way; one arm, a thumb and two fingers.

Pizza is meant to be eaten with one hand.  You should fold a slice in half, pointy finger in the middle of the crust, and bite it at the end.  If the end is drooping, you have to go and get it with your mouth.  Two hands is wrong.  A knife and fork is criminal!

Scrambled eggs should be scrambled in a bowl before adding to the pan.  Do not add to the pan and then scramble.  Why?  Because there is a right way and a wrong way. 

How do you eat pudding? Don’t even get me started on people who dip and not scoop.

What is wrong with people?


  1. Now the toilet paper one makes sense to me. My son is always bugged by people who put the roll on "under." It never bothered me either way but I got in the habit of over so as not to bug him. But is does seem to be more reasonabe over.

  2. peanut butter on both slices of bread, then the jelly
    squish the jelly out so you can lick it from your fingers

    1. I will have to try this recipe!!

  3. Sugar goes on AFTER the milk so the sugar stays crunchy! 100% with you on the scrambled egg though and please, DON'T add milk to it! (don't even get me started on the people who over cook it to the consistency of polystyrene ...)

  4. Hahahahahhhaaaaa! That is hilarious! :-)
    I know someone who puts the boiling water first in the cup and THEN the coffee powder! I bet you can not beat this! :-)

  5. My mother in law would never allow me to pour her a cup of tea, because I did it wrong. I would pour the tea, then add milk. She insisted the milk should go in the cup first.

  6. Has it ever occurred to you, Joe, that it just might be that you are sometimes out of step?

    1. BP - Never!
      Sarah - I add milk to the scrambled eggs, my mom did it, called them surprise eggs (?) I think it was a depression way to stretch the meal.

  7. River, the "milk in first" method was used when tea was poured into very fine, very expensive bone china. Putting milk in first kept the boiling hot tea from hitting the empty cup and shattering it. It's not in practice any more, and when it was abandoned, being a "milk in first" person was considered an insult among some of the higher classes.

    And as for the toilet paper, if it's up against the wall, it's more difficult to get it, making you think about how much you are using. In other words, frugal/stingy people do it that way.

    1. Those higher class are so easy to insult! Thanks for the info.
      Is that frugal/stinky people with the TP under?

  8. With you on the toilet paper and think "under" might be a deal breaker in a relationship. I drive a manual so no problem with which foot on the brake. A clutch keeps me honest
    Wonder if that is why people drive thru store windows all the time by using the right foot to brake. Hum.

  9. Left foot on the brake amuses me. I wonder if they know brakes should last 40,000 miles, not the five or six they get.

  10. Toilet paper under makes sense, if you have a cat. They can play with a roll put on the "right" way and unroll the whole thing onto the floor (Another reason dog people are better than cat people).

  11. laughing all the way - and agreeing with you. then got to pizza. i will eat 2-handed, thank you. :)

  12. Rx:
    Citalopram 20mg
    Take one in morning

  13. In the UK milk first is "northern" and considered by the south to shoe no class. But the great thing about milk first is that you don't have to stir! As for eggs I prefer to scramble in the pan without any milk and I tend to eat pizza like a criminal -- with a knife and fork!!

  14. On most of these, you're right, but on some of them, you're just plain WRONG!


  15. Somehow I knew this was going to have the dip and not scoop. I just had a feeling. Thank you for not letting me down. I'm a scooper.

    Some of these things I do your way. A couple I do the right way...my way. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  16. At the risk of incurring your disfavor, I've been known to eat "thick" pizza or pizza heavy with toppings with a knife and fork. The world didn't end, or if it did I didn't notice. But there are limits. I recently saw a picture of England's prime minister eating a hotdog with a knife and fork. No wonder those people lost their empire.

  17. You are SO wrong about the toilet paper!!! Why take up more room in such a small area? I'm outraged over the pond here!

  18. Really? Quite unfortunate that your PBJ intelligence is so lacking, yet it explains so much ....

  19. I remember the first time I saw someone eating pizza with a fork, I was horrified!


  20. That's right, you are 100% correct. Well, except for the PBJ sandwich, but I forgive you for that.

    And emails and Facebook feeds should be read from the bottom up (oldest first, scrolling up to the newest)! It's just the right way.

  21. When I was a kid, I used to love to scrape the sugar from the bottom of the bowl and see the sugar on the spoon with the cereal. So I'd always put the sugar on after the milk. It made me happy! I think that's the thing--do things the way you want!

  22. I was with you 100%, until I hit the pizza! FOLD it in half? That's because you have that limp New York style. We have Imo's, "The Square Beyond Compare," which does not take kindly to folding. One of my colleagues calls it Velveeta On Cardboard. I think it's more like Jack On A Cracker.
