Sunday, March 8, 2015



It is time again for
Obviously he was high before he got high.

This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider, sometimes sophomoric comments.

One headline may be fake.  Guess the fake and win a mention and a WHOOP-TEE-DOO.  None of the above may be a correct answer.


Astronauts take spacewalk to complete tricky cable job – “Sure it was dangerous, but we didn’t want to miss the finale of ‘The Bachelor!’”

Feds list manatees as endangered, despite years of science-based findings – Imagine that, those dang Scientist Endangered-Manatee-Deniers.

Bald men have more sex, study finds – Sure, but only with bald women.

Nepal official says human waste on Everest a major health, environmental problem – “Ain’t no mountain high enough!”

Couple startles guests with ISIS-themed wedding – “The groom cuts the bride, the groom cuts the bride, Hi-ho-the-derrio, the groom cuts the bride.”

Cats completely take over fishing island – Cool man, that island is hep to the jazz thing.

McDonald's to curb purchases of chicken raised with antibiotics in U.S. – So they’re going to purchase chicken raised with antibiotics from other countries?  Now I feel much better.

Substitute teacher given jail time for showing high school class graphic movie – The student that ratted her out was the infamous Mike Hunt.

We could transplant human a head as soon as 2017, says surgeon – Iraqi surgeon claims no problem finding a subject.

Clinton’s honesty ratings drop – Survey now rates Presidential hopeful from “Used Car Salesman” all the way down to (gulp) POLITICIAN!

Cops Find Weed In Sour Cream Container Marked 'Not Weed' There must be some mistake, it said “Not Weed!”

Accused Public Masturbator, Tells Cops He Has 'A Problem' – Apparently this guy will say anything just to get off.


Last week’s fake was:
Climate Change may make Farts visible – So instead of “He who smelt it dealt it” we will have “If you surveyed it you must have laid it.”

This fake headline was stolen from Suldog @

He had me fooled for a while, so what the hell!

Several winners were not fooled, a few people recused themselves as they had read Jim’s post, which was one of Hilary’s "Post of the Week" choices.

Recusing themselves were:

Well I know exactly which one it is.. and where it came from.. and why you've included it. So I can't participate and I can't even make a pun about it because that would give the answer away. I'm feeling quite sullen about that.

The pun queen with a camera played fair…visit her @

I'm afraid I have to recuse myself from this one. I somehow managed to see every one of the real headlines this week! Oh, well.

Check out Jim’s post if you missed it.

The one about farts, now where have i read that before? (Cough, cough, someone named Sullivan, cough, ahem.) It's a fake, though, i'm sure of it!

Spoiler alert!  This is why I had to put on comment moderation!

The winners are:

Climate change and farts....fake.
My best years were in the 8th grade, so I get this lady…but she hasn't peaked,  she's still getting better @

well, geez. i'm gonna fail miserably this week, i can feel it. so i'll just go with seeing is believing farts.

Think photo blogs are boring?  Think again! @

I hope it's not Climate Change may make Farts visible--some houses would look like they left their Christmas decorations up all year!!

Always good for a laugh or 10 @

I am going with "Climate Change may make Farts visible" this week. It is fake even if it was in the news.

The Mountain Man is on a hot streak! Check him out @

I can't help myself! If I have to think like Hick, I'm going with Visible Farts as the fake. The whities can never be too tight.

Your thinking wasn't stinking... Check out Val @  You should follow her too…good stuff!

Seven readers guessed wrong!

Come back next week for more



  1. I think they are all right this week.

  2. i'm hoping isis-themed wedding is fake.

  3. I'm going with the cops finding weed in sour cream


  4. Looks like you had a fun week last week. I forgot to come back on Wednesday like I usually do. Oh well.

    Have a fabulous day Cranky. I'll be back later. Oh and I linked you to Silly Sunday as usual. :)

  5. Please tell us that the isis-themed wedding isn't true. .

  6. Another loss. I'm now 0 and forever in this contest. Oh well, like Rocky, I'll get up off the canvass and try not to get knocked down again.

    Bald Guys do have more sex but, the headline is fake because we don't kiss and tell. I know I got this one in the bag.

  7. Surely it has to be this one
    Couple startles guests with ISIS-themed wedding

    But this cracked me up lmfao ...Accused Public Masturbator, Tells Cops He Has 'A Problem' – Apparently this guy will say anything just to get off

  8. I will go with "none of the above!"

  9. I knew I'd seen the visible farts headline somewhere.
    That's why I thought they were all real.
    Suldog doesn't lie... really.

    Oh, and I'm going with the Bald Men Have More Sex... because I did my own study and found everybody else has more sex.

  10. I wish it was the ISIS wedding, but I think it's none of the above!!

  11. Thank you to everyone who thought my headline last week was real. You made my day.

    (most of you who thought it was fake made my day, too, because you had originally been to my place to read it.)

    This week, I am going with "Bald men have more sex" as the fake. Not from my experience, although we ARE twice as good at it as those other hairy bastards.

  12. Even if I had seen all but one of these headlines in the paper, I'd still get it wrong. But I'll pick the head transplant.

  13. The weed in the sour cream is fake - unless the headline is from a Colorado paper.

  14. I really hope that the ISIS themed wedding is the fake!

  15. I have to pick the sex-ed up bald men as the fake headline, because it is incomplete. More sex than...? More sex than they had WITH hair? More sex than Tom Hanks in Castaway? More sex than a septuagenarian with a broken hip? Not enough info.

  16. Sorry to have to say that i think it's none of the above this week. Several of them i've actually read, to my chagrin.

  17. Hate to say it but I think it's none of the above.

  18. Gotta love Ricky "Keep Austin Weird" Williams. To him "high" is just his natural state.

  19. I am going with "Couple startles guests with ISIS-themed wedding" this week.

  20. Bald men have more sex, study finds is my pick. Most of these I've heard or read about.

    Have a fabulous day Cranky. ☺
