Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So Paddy Walks into a Pub…

So Paddy Walks into a Pub…
I have learned that in this blogging thing you have to be very careful not to offend certain groups or people with specific traits.  If you are going to make a joke or denigrate a specific group or ethnicity you had better be a part of that group.
For instance if you are not a black comedian it is a bad idea to make a joke about a black person.  The same is true of Jewish people or a person from virtually any ethnic background. 
The exception to this is the Irish.  For some reason anyone is allowed to make a joke about the Irish.
A Jew can refer to the Irish as heavy drinkers and the Irish in the audience will laugh, “Oh sure tis true you know we are terrible drunks.”
A black comedian can tease the Irish about their reputation of getting into fights and the Irish in the audience will laugh, “Oh sure tis true you know we will make a fist at the drop of a hat…especially if we’ve had a bit of the drink.”
Make a joke about Irish women nagging their husbands and the Irish in the audience will laugh, “Oh sure tis true you know, the lassies are terrible nags, but then the lads just pay no mind.”
You can make fun of their arms-at-the-side step dance, belittle their kilts, joke about their lack of culinary skills, even make reference to the “Irish Curse” (it’s a manhood thing) and the Irish will not take offense.  “Oh sure tis true, we do dance funny, we go commando under the kilts, we bile the piss out of everyting, and there is a fookin curse...for some of us."

I don’t know why, but you cannot insult the Irish.  You can piss them off if you disrespect their favorite team, you may start a fight if you catch them in a lie and call them on it because the Irish never lie, they only embellish. 
Other than berating their sports team or challenging their story telling veracity, you cannot insult the Irish.   
Maybe it's because at least one day of the year, everyone is Irish. 


  1. Ya' know, I never thought about it but you're absolutely right! My son-in-law is an Irishman, complete with a big red beard and an Irish Pub and in all the years I've known him I've never once seen the Irish temper so many people speak of and he rolls with pretty much everything that life throws at him.. On the other hand, it could be the Jameson.. ;) - Happy St. Patrick's Day Joe! Luck of the Irish to ya'!

  2. I've known a few Irish people and they are 99% great people. One Irish woman though, kept her husband so tight under her thumb, he almost had to ask permission to go to the toilet.

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day Joe! Loved it!!!

  4. Ha, fun stuff, laddie. Top of the morning to you.

  5. And nowhere are people more Irish than in the USA!

  6. i was thinking the exact same thing when I watched the St. Louis weather yesterday. They had the weekly forecast, with a dancing leprechaun graphic over Tuesday. Can you imagine doing that for some other holidays?

  7. can't beat 'em, join 'em - for one day? :)

  8. Aren't the Irish kind of like the English--just always super polite? So even if you offended them, they'd be too nice to tell you off!

  9. I went to a Catholic grade school, where we always put on a St. Patrick's Day program with Irish music. Somehow I concluded that all Catholics were Irish.

  10. You need to throw blondes into this mix. They are pretty much fair game too. This is indeed spot on.

    Have a fabulous St. Patrick's Day. ☺

  11. And even in this age of overly-political-correctivity no one seems to mind that the University of Notre Dame is mighty proud to be "the fighting Irish."

  12. I love the way you brought this full circle with that last line. You have the skill of a drunken Irish writer! Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  13. This is so true, now that I think of it! It is good that we can all be a bit of Irish at least one day of the year! Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day!


  14. Yes, everyone is Irish today are and for this one day, we welcome them.

  15. Let's be Irish for the day. Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

  16. That was funny. :)

  17. Actually though, I think this is changing. The last couple of St Patrick's Days I've noticed Irish people starting to grumble about the stereotypes and just this week the Irish PM took a swipe at our PM for saying something pretty mild like "I'm sure everyone will enjoy a guiness or three". So this may be the last year you can write this on St Patrick's Day! ☺🍻🍀

  18. What the @#$!!&%* d'ya mean by that? Oh, wait, I'm not Irish. Never mind.
