Saturday, March 21, 2015


Emily Litella is back, that sweet hard-of-hearing SNL news regular is back with her opinions on:


For those few young'uns not familiar with Emily

What’s all this fuss about male servers?  Hillary Clinton is a strong powerful woman. She should not be getting her own meals, and laundry.  She is too busy to be running errands.  If Hillary wants her servers to be male what is wrong with that? I’m sure she may get personal with some of her male servers and that’s her business.  I doubt her male servers had anything to do with her performance as Secretary of State, so there shouldn’t be any fuss…

Ah…that is servers for email, Emily; Hillary Clinton has been accused of using her own personal email server for all the business she conducted as Secretary of State.  Many people believe that was breaking the law and is a serious offense for someone who wants to be President of the United States.

Ooh, email servers…I thought it was male servers…never mind.

Actually, even if it is email servers, who gives a rat’s heiney?

I have to agree with Emily on this one.  Who gives a rat’s ass?  I know, emails are very important; they have been ruled as legal documents and are not to be destroyed for humpty-hump years.  Government officials should save all their emails and they should be accessible whenever anyone wants to examine an issue.

I understand this, but still, to my mind emails do differ from traditional written documents.  As much as everyone is becoming cognizant of their importance and how they are treated legally, emails are often used as casual conversation, thinking out loud and just small talk.  As such I think it is unfair to force all emails to be turned over and analyzed at the drop of a congressional inquiry. 

They might as well require all government officials to wear GoPros all the time and capture every meeting and every casual conversation.  I think that would stifle creative thinking and have everyone walking on eggshells at all times.  It would be counterproductive.

People use emails as casual conversation.  They replace cumbersome meetings and face to face discussions with the more economical and productive electronic communication.  When people, government officials as well as business leaders, finally get used to the fact that emails are all saved and can be subpoenaed, their only function will be to set up meetings and other mundane messages.  All communication will go back to face to face, or carefully edited, lawyer cleared written documents.  We gain nothing, and lose an effective economical form of communication.

So yeah, Hillary skirted some rules and maybe broke a law.  I’m just not sure I agree with the law.  I’m not sure emails should be considered public property.  I think in the long run the interpretation of emails being official documents which can be subpoenaed is a very bad concept.

Hillary probably broke the law, and like Emily Litella, I don’t give a rat’s heiney.  If Hillary wants male servers, she should have them.

The following was the opinion of Emily Litella and a cranky old man and is not necessarily that of management…Mrs. Cranky.


  1. not sure how i stand on this issue. i'm sure various laws get involved, but it seems crimes can be solved or at least incriminating evidence can be found by accessing folks' emails and the like - like murders and planning, etc. so having that ability for public record for politicians seems a good thing. but i completely see your point about everyone covering their arse.

  2. I personally could handle a male server or two. I honestly don't really know how I feel about this with Hiliary. Before this happened I probably wouldn't have voted for her for president if she runs; so it wouldn't have changed my opinion either way. It just seems like its the crisis of the week and it will blow over like so many there and we'll have another one in a little bit that will be taking precedence in the news and nothing gets solved with fixing the real problems the country has.


  3. The issue is that all OFFICIAL emails must be saved, and are legal documents. That is why they are on government secured servers, because as SOS highly sensitive and top secret info is exchanged. By choosing to us her personal email account because it was "just too inconvenient" to use 2 email addresses, She not only made information less secure. But also made all her personal emails fair game for scrutiny as well, if she didn't want that the solution was simple...follow the rules!!! But then Hilary has always had a "the rules don't apply to me" attitude.

  4. I guess security is very important. I wonder though, why couldn't she have an Ipad or even a smart phone for her personal email and the official one could be secure. So simple.

  5. I don't care for Hillary and as Joseph said she does have a "the rules don't apply to me" attitude. I remember seeing that when Bill was president. I don't care about her email's either as long as she doesn't reside in the white house as president. And I don't want to see another Bush there either.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. Can I copy this & send it to my friends? Its the most down to earth sensible thing Ive read on this latest so called "crises" ,,,,,,,,

  7. Good post Joeh. The attention it's getting probably points to the polarization betwixt the two parties than any thing else. And the name 'Clinton' causes a certain group to gnash their teeth, much like 'Kennedy' did, or 'Nixon'.
    And the use of Emily L. was an excellent choice.

  8. " ...require all government officials to wear GoPros all the time ... "

    Then you said something about being counterproductive.
    I'm pretty sure the government is already counterproductive.

  9. While I clearly understand that this e-mail scandal, which the Republicans have had under their sleeves for eighteen months and have been saving for now to derail Hillary's presidential bid, is a tempest in a teapot, I find myself growing tired of all the baggage Hillary carries and I'm beginning to think we liberals might be better off if Warren runs.

  10. That's only one of the many reasons why I will NEVER run for president!! (And, if elected, I will not serve.)

  11. It makes me wail even louder, why are we stuck with politicians when we need statesmen/stateswomen!

  12. I'm torn on this issue, too. What you said made sense, but in a way I want our politicians to be accountable and their communication transparent (unless it's classified for security reasons). Our governor and people in his administration here in Florida have purposely used a personal email addresses for official business so that communication could not be made public under the Sunshine Law, which allows Floridians access to government proceedings. And it seems a lot of politicians have used personal email addresses for non-personal stuff...

  13. All of this has led me to have to write about "keeping work and personal emails separate" twice last week. Two separate articles. It is a huge issue facing businesses (and I guess government) because everything's blending together now. BYOD means people check everything on one device...but with "e-discovery," if a legal issue arises, they can legally issue a court order that your device be confiscated and held in case they need to go through it. It's part of the whole discovery process--they just search your electronic devices instead of going through your file cabinets now.

  14. Oh, come on! Like Hillary's the only one! I don't think so.

    1. Wow. Blogger must really be watching my communications. I first got a 503 message. Then I got double comments.

  15. e-mail is and has been the new letter/memo equivalent for a number of years in both the corporate and government worlds. The e-mails in question included 'official' correspondence as well as personal so the real problem was of accountability and recall, both of which are requirements of the position. In the corporate world as well as government anything going through your 'official' e-mail is company/government property whether personal or not.

    Since a personal server was used this is nearly the equivalent of posting government classified info on a private blog because the server did not have adequate security safeguards in place. It would be similar to your doctor leaving your records on the office counter where anyone with a little gumption can walk over and take a look. Do you want the in-laws or the neighbor to be able to find out how often you refill your Viagra? Or that your have crotch rot? ;-)

    1. I completely understand the opposing position...100%. I just don't completely agree, and I do see this as a convenient loop hole to use in a witch hunt (sorry Hillary.) I say this as one decidedly against Hillary for President. And other people who lean to the right will be against it also when it is used against their candidates, Oh it will and it will be used in spades!!!
