Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Cranky Complaint About Women

A Cranky Complaint About Women

Don’t get all up in arms ladies; this is just a minor complaint.  It is more an observation than a complaint.

Actually it is a complaint.

Women (at least the women I have been married to, and that is a pretty good segment of the female population) will not answer a simple question from a man.  They prefer for the man to figure it out themselves.  It aggravates them that men will ask a silly question.  They will ignore, and or be evasive waiting for the man to figure out the answer themselves rather than simply saying, “yes” or “no.”

Yes or no! It hardly takes a breath; no effort, just yes or no.  Zero calories burned, no wasted time, just yes or no.  How friggin hard is that?

The other night Mrs. C was going downstairs and asked me if I wanted some water.  I said yes, preferably bottled if we had still had any.  The fridge water tastes kind of funky because we need to change the filter.

Mrs. C brought up a bottle of water.

“Is that a new bottle of water, or is it from the fridge?” Sometimes she will fill an empty bottle with water from the fridge.


“Is it from the fridge?”


“Is there any reason you can’t say yes it is from the fridge, or no it is a new bottle of water.”

“You should know.”

“I should know? How should I know, and why don’t you tell me anyway? Yes or no!  How hard is that?  This conversation could have been over minutes ago…meanwhile I still don’t know if it is from the fridge or not.”

“Because when you twist the cap, you will hear it break the seal and you will know that it is a new bottle of water and not from the fridge.”

“So we still have some bottled water?”

“Yes, a whole case of it, if you would only look!”

“Well that is 180 seconds of my life completely lost because you could just not bring yourself to say, “It is bottled water.”

“You’re a jerk!”

“Hell, it took you just as long to call me a jerk as it would have to just say “It’s bottled water!”



  1. You keep going down that same path enough times, and ordinance will be involved. Just sayin'.

  2. OR - you could have just twisted the cap ...

  3. OR - you could just get yourself one of those mini-fridges for your bedroom (sell it as part of an upstairs "coffee bar") and keep your own personal stash of water in it. :)

  4. Once again Mrs. C gets my vote. A glance at the cap, you know the answer.

  5. For whatever reason, we women seem to think you men are smarter than you are.

  6. I think sometimes women don't answer the question right away because we're trying to figure out what answer our husband wants :)


  7. She might think you were winding her up -- on purpose ... That could be dangerous...

  8. Mmmm..couldn't you just twist the cap and wait for the snap?

  9. well, she's right! you could have just twisted the cap instead of asking in the first place!

  10. Cranky, get your own darned water. Okay. I think your wife rocks.

    She's right about the cap.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  11. Women like to be cryptic. When my Mrs. C. gets annoyed with me for some reason (and there are plenty to choose from) she wants ME to figure out why she's mad. If I knew what it was I'd done I probably wouldn't have done it. If I don't play the guessing game she pouts. I just wish she'd be clear about what she's upset about; it would save a lot of time.

  12. Yes, women can be cryptic. Yes, women seldom give a yes or no answer. But my guy seems to think that "clever" jokes and smart-alec remarks are the best ways to answer a question. And so it goes.

  13. In some cases, you don't want to know the answer!

  14. I think I love your wife! And Helen Wait. (Cute sign.)

  15. Well, no offense, but isn't your original question kind of a dumb-ish one? I mean, for heaven sakes, water IS water - no matter where it came from! And it was hand delivered by a lovely lady too!

    1. Apparently you've never tasted unfiltered New Jersey water. Though Val will tell you we Jersyites will add dirt to it and sell it as whiskey.

    2. If you can't tell that your whiskey is just dirty water, I doubt you Jersey dudes can tell the difference between bottled water and refrigerator water. I guess you need to have a woman be the taste-tester for your cocktails so you can stop being ripped off by the bartenders.

  16. My parents used to have this horrendous well water. I refused to drink it, and would bring my own. This annoyed the hell out of my dad. He set up a taste test...well water vs. bottled water.

    I won.

  17. 1. What's so hard about saying, "It's bottled."
    2. What's so hard about changing the filter.

  18. She does like to lead you on. Still, I agree with you, a simple straight forward answer is so easy.

  19. You'd know the answer if you'd gotten the water yourself!

    Yep. I'm on her side on this one.

  20. I'd side with you on this, but then there'd be no cranky post.

    But for the record, a yes or no ( complete with an "ungrateful bastard" and an eye roll) would have been my response.
