Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ya Doesn't Has To Call Him JJ

Ya Doesn't Has To Call Him JJ

Uncle Spencer, the youngest Crank and two Crankettes
The Massachusetts crank is back in the land of the missing “R.”  He visited for ten days, and it was great fun having him.  It was probably a bit boring for him but he did catch up with old friends from his past.

It was a bit scary having him drive to visit his friends.  He only had to travel about 15 miles across the Raritan River via the Garden State Parkway, but no matter how much you believe your son is ready to take the car by himself, you still see an eight year old boy pull away, not an almost 17 year old young man.  I don’t remember when that feeling goes away, but I’m sure eventually it will.

I know Mrs. Cranky will miss him as do I, but I’m afraid the two of us picked on her a little bit in stereo, she may not miss that.  Actually before the stay was over, she had him on her side and the two started to gang up on the old man.

The youngest crank is now the biggest, at least in height.  He has his own nicknames for the two of us.  He calls Mrs. C. “Step-fish” or “K-dog.”  To this day I have no idea where those names come from.  He calls me “Double D” and I have no idea what that is about either…it is not a man boob thing.

The youngest crank left with his own new nickname.  It was bestowed upon him by “Step-fish.”  She started referring to him as “JJ.”  This name was first used after he was teasing Mrs. C about an almost driving accident she had on an unfamiliar road after dark.  I had no idea where this name came from at first.  I finally found out what it stood for:

Jerk Junior!

Apple… tree…not far away.


  1. He's a fine looking young man, Cranky. You sure your DNA is there somewhere? *giggle*

    Massachusetts..."Land of the Missing R". Hahahaha!

  2. oh, that made me laugh! you three must be a hoot!

  3. I don't know, my son is almost 26 years old and I always breathed a sigh of relief when I saw or heard him arriving home when he was living with us :)

    Sounds like a nice visit you had with "JJ". Fun to have nicknames too for each other :)


  4. Or you can call him Ray or you can call him Raymond.

  5. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Mrs. Cranky has a thing for the word jerk doesn't she. Or, she thinks she's surrounded by jerks. Not sure which.

    Have a fabulous day Cranky. ☺

  6. Our son was a better driver than me the day he received his license, still there's always the unexpected and I guess parents never stop worrying. Our boy is in the air this morning on his way to Puerto Vallarta. We worry.

  7. He's handsome--I assume he looks like his mother!!

  8. Both my daughters are excellent drivers. My sister and my brother taught them. Except parking. I taught them to parallel park. So, they are all round excellent.

  9. That is very true.
    We still still see our kids as an eight year old boy.

  10. You'll never stop worrying, for sure. Now, those nicknames are quite creative; are you sure you had nothing to do with them?

  11. JJ is a super cute way of saying junior jerk (filing this idea for future use as grandchildren grow.)
    My least favorite parenting phase was when they began to drive. Oh man they were bad drivers and I was a short-tempered teacher.

  12. I'm guessing it would be fun to be a fly on the wall at your house, listening to you all call each other those affectionate nicknames!

  13. Fifteen miles AND across a river? I am worried just thinking about that.

  14. Ha Ha, Junior Jerk.
    Double D could be for Dear Dad.

  15. JJ is priceless. Step-fish is quite clever. Hum Double D--gotta think on that one. You all are a hoot.

  16. I know all about names being messed up !
