Sunday, November 16, 2014



It is time once again for
How did Herpanics do?

This week’s stupid headlines and my stupider sophomoric and sometimes offensive comments.

One headline may be completely made up, guess the fake and win a mention and a Whoop-tee-doo. 'None of the above' may be the correct answer.

FEMA asking disabled, elderly residents to repay aid from superstorm Sandy – And I thought President Bush was heartless!

Ventriloquist challenges gag order on puppet – Actually even gagged, the puppet can throw his voice so…

NYC plastic surgeon invents temporary breast implants – Now if he could just tell you when they expire…

Plane hits stray buffalo during take-off – So the buffalo got winged?

Canada Signs Bill Legalizing Sale of Sex, but Not Its Purchase – So can a prostitute turn in the John after turning a trick?

American Researchers Discover 'Stupidity Virus' – I ain’t bin feline to good late lee.

Flatulence can trigger Asthma Attack – NYC Mayor DiBlasio pushes to fine farts…wait that didn’t come out right…oops, neither did that.

Caffeine-infused underwear won't help you lose weight – But lemon meringue pie in your socks will cure bad breath.

Drivers Who Didn’t Stop For Donald Duck In Crosswalk Upset Over Tickets – They’re lucky they didn’t have a quack-up!

Thousands of high school students skip Colorado state tests – It’s cool man; it’s called Rocky Mountain High, Colorado.

New York City bill would require cops to get suspect’s search consent – Excuse me sir, is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to shoot me?

Florida man stuffs chainsaw down his pants in shoplifting case – What could possibly go wrong?

10-foot-long yellow jacket nest removed from South Carolina camper – Oooh; that has got to hurt!

Man threatened daughter with gun over board game – If you are going to threaten anyone, a gun is always more effective than a board game.

Huge storms on Uranus – Nah…too easy.


Last week, even with two fakes I could not fool everyone,

Study: Vitamin D, bananas and grapefruit could be a dangerous combination - Especially if taken with large doses of arsenic.

Black Christmas? Store set to open doors at 6 PM December 25 - Suldog set to start a new crusade, "New Years Eve First.”

The winners are:

I know the maroons haven't hijacked Christmas... yet!
I'm going with vitamin D, bananas and grapefruit.
Drop by because everyone needs an Uncle Skip!

It was harder than usual this week & I'm not sure of my answers!! Is it vitamin D & Black Christmas?
Curse you fishducky! I’ll beat you yet. Visit fishducky @ always funny stuff!

Vitamin D, bananas and grapefruit on Black Christmas sounds like a bad idea, mixing both could cause problems while you are standing in line.
Not just opinions @

Study: Vitamin D, bananas and grapefruit could be a dangerous combination. I know about grapefruit and certain medications, but not vitamin D and bananas. So this is my first guess.

On to number two...Black Christmas? Store set to open doors at 6 PM December 25. I think it will happen someday, but it's going to be some time before this becomes a reality.
Fishducky and Sandee…you just can’t fool funny ladies!

Visit and congratulate all the winners and come back next week for more



  1. I wonder if the guy who shoplifted a chain saw down his pants will show up next week on the list of Darwin Award winners? :)

  2. going for ventriloquist dummy today.

  3. I linked you to Silly Sunday. I'll be back later in the week to make a guess. I need more coffee right now.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  4. American researchers discovering stupidity virus is fake, surely - I thought they may have done their research in Congress at first, but can't see who they'd use as the 'control' to measure against??

  5. It SHOULD be the New York City headline, but I'll go with the flatulence one!!

  6. Give me the Ventrioloquist Dummy. All the ventriloquist has to do is move his lips, so the gag order on the dummy would not be very effective, because the ventriloquist can prove HE was talking, not the dummy. Huh. Listen to me, thinking it through like I'm a defense attorney giving counsel.

  7. I was going to say the flatulence one but then I started thinking that they didn't necessarily mean your own. That now seems plausible. So I'll guess no fakes.

  8. It should be the ventriloquist, story, but when it comes to picking the false headline I'm the real dummy.

  9. I am going with the "American Researchers Discover 'Stupidity Virus' " this week. It is not a virus it is just someones choice in a lot of cases.

  10. I think that the "American Researcers discover Stupidity Virus" is so not true.

  11. Going with the ventriloquist. I haven't had much luck lately...good thing I haven't wasted my money on lottery tickets!

  12. I was going to go with the gagged dummy but changed my mind, thinking that asthma is the least of your worries when it comes to flatulence, so I'm guessing that one is fake.

  13. Hey, our flying buffalo are much more diligent in being obedient to safety regulations. That couldn't happen here. Although the exhaust has been a problem. I thought ten foot yellow jackets went out of fashion last fall.

  14. I'd love to say ALL of them are fake, but sadly, that will never be the case!
    Maybe the stupidity virus?

  15. I'm going to go with along with the stupidity virus. Okay, I've not a clue this week.

    Have a great day. ☺
