Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mrs. Cranky Handwriting Quiz Results

Mrs. Cranky Handwriting Quiz Results
From last Tuesdays post, the results of Mrs. Cranky’s shopping list quiz.

                            The Answers
LEFT SIDE                                                        Right side
Rice                                                    Toilet Paper
Chicken Marinade                          Big and small Tissue
Sugar                                                Ant spray
Creamer (coffee)                           Toothpaste
Green Tea                                        Sure (deodorant)
Toilet Bowl Cleaner                     Excedrin Tension (strong aspirin)
Shelf Liner/paper                          Cold pills

In third place with 11 correct is:
rice,chicmarine?, sugar, creamer, green tea, T bank?, shelf liner/page, toilet paper, BS, tissues, ant spray, toothpaste, sure, etten?,cold pills.
In second place with 12 right and the only one to figure out 'Toilet Bowl Cleaner' is: 
OK here is what I would look for:

Chicken Marinade
Green Tea
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Padded Shelf Liners
TP Big (toilet paper big rolls)
Ant spray
Tooth paste
Cold Pills 

or either you could go for the first dozen things you see as long as chocolate and roses are included because you most likely are going to mess up on everything else on the list.
And the winner with 13 correct is: 

chicken marinade
green tea
tb an r - ??
shelf liner/page
toilet paper (tp)
b&s - thought she'd have enough bs at home with you...
ant spray
sure (deo)
cold pills
There were lots of funny comments and interpretations
Runner-up is:
Good Lord, she doesn't have some scribble going on. Reminds me of a doctor I worked with years ago. I was the only one of the sergeants that could read his orders. 

Here goes:

Charmin Toilet Paper
Green Tea
TB? How can you bring that home?
Haven't a clue what the last one is in the first row. She can go without that. 

Row Two:

I still think she's insisting on TB.
Ant Spray
Sure (She's sure about the toothpaste?)
Etten (must be from China)
Cold pills

That's my best guesses.

Have a fabulous day.
Very funny, but I have to go with the WINNER:
It’s easy. My wife always gives me the same list. 

Left Column:
1. Elk (I guess chops).
2. Chic Magnate (That was just a note to you. You need not buy anything).
3. A gift for the San Ramon Valley Girls Athletic League
4. A Weimaraner (So you don’t get lonely)
5. Guacamole tea (I suppose for vegetarian guests)
6. T Bone steak (That was really easy)
7. Shellacked Potatoes (I guess she doesn’t want them to rot)

Right Column:
8. She wants you to sign her up for Karate lessons while you’re there.
9. A Sweet Pie (math symbol for pi & text messaging symbol PISS for put in some sugar)
10. Asparagus (one of my favorites)
11. Toupee (in case you want to look younger at the party)
12. Mrs. C., I don’t want to embarrass you, but it’s spelled SOUP.
13. Gas up at Exxon while you’re out
14. CIDPMSL - Another text message combining Crying In Disgrace & Pee Myself Laughing (because she knows you’re going to screw it up)

Did I win?  YES!
Winner of dinner from family or friends:
Step-crank Peter Tied with Step-niece Nicole
Peter wins on a tie breaker; he had chicken marinara or ½ of chicken marinade, but Nicole you get a dinner also.


  1. how the hell did anyone (jimmy!) guess toilet bowl cleaner!?!?! mrs. cranky mind-link!!

    thanks for the whoop-de-do!

    1. Actually because it resembled a list my wife gave me ha ha

  2. Mrs. Cranky should be a doctor because their writing is also undecipherable.

  3. Thanks for clearing that up. I even went back and looked at the original and I still can't see some of them and you gave us the answers. It was a fun thing to work on though.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. Now that was fun. Let's do it again with next week's list.

  5. I was SURE the 2nd one was chick manual--Lord knows you NEED one!!

  6. Lol. Some of the answers were really funny. Thanks for sharing.

  7. so none of it was written in Klingon?

  8. That was a lot of fun, Thanks for the mention kind sir :)

  9. I think I graded her paper yesterday.

  10. Now don't get me wrong...I love Mrs. Cranky, but I'm glad she's not my doctor. I'm afraid she'd write a prescription and I'd end up with drain cleaner instead of cough syrup!

  11. My hats off to all the winners :) Cute contest to be part of :)

