Friday, October 17, 2014


"I drove a Lincoln before they ever paid me.  Didn't do it to be cool, didn't want to make a statement, I just liked it."
Does this commercial drive anyone else crazy, or only me.  Why on God's green Earth would this make anyone want to buy a Lincoln?  Is the car inexpensive?  Does it handle well? Does it get good mileage? Is it fast?  Is it low maintenance? 
Who cares, Matthew McConaughey LIKES IT!
We know from this commercial that the car isn't cool and doesn't make a statement.  The only other thing we know is a good looking movie star with a sexy calm southern demeanor likes it.
I'll bet Lincoln sales go up.  Don't blame guys, women will push Lincoln sales. Why? 
Because Matthew McConaughey LIKES IT. 
And every lady that buys a Lincoln because Matthew McConaughey LIKES IT, knows damn well that good old Matthew is lying.  He never drove a Lincoln before he ever got paid to drive one.  He LIKES IT because they are paying him buckets of money to LIKE IT.  
In another spot he talks about how folks say you can't go back but yes you can if you look in the right place? WHAT?  How does that make you want to buy a Lincoln?
Just to cinch the deal, a third 45 second spot has old Matt stop and stare down a bull.
"That's a big bull.  I think it's old Cyrus."  He turns the car around and goes the other direction.  "Thank you Cyrus."
If that doesn't deserve a big WTF, I don't know what does.
Whatever; if you are in the market for a new car that isn't cool, and doesn't make a statement, goes back if you find the right place or some such crap and turns away from Old Cyrus the bull, then buy a Lincoln, because:
Matthew McConaughey just LIKES IT.  (And he got a boat load of money to tell you that in a sexy southern way.)
People are SO stupid!!
Me, I want a Ford Focus...Derrick Jeter likes it.


  1. Ugh! I would never buy anything just because this guy was peddling it.. I'm just not a fan.. The moment I saw an interview with him and he said he didn't use deodorant, I was done.. Just what every woman dreams of, some smelly southern guy that drives a caddy.. No thanks, I'd rather ride my bike..

  2. I think you're being a bit hard on 'ol Matt, Cranky. What he's saying is this is a genuine chick magnate car....plenty of room for you, your lady, and her walker.

  3. Hahahaha to Lowandslow. I think the Lincoln went out with "go go boots."

  4. I am shallow so I would probably buy it because he told me too (although I did go off him a bit when I saw him in Magic Mike - a bit sinewy for my taste ...).

    It's probably just as well I don't drive ...

  5. Pretty sure the sole purpose of that ad is to comfort those of us who are still suffering from Rust Cohle withdrawal.

  6. i like that commercial! and the bull one, too! the turn-around one is too vague for me, though. why do i like the first one? a sexy calm southern demeanor. :)

  7. I'm trading in the '94 Silverado this morning.


  8. why in heck did the darn things get named Lincoln?

  9. People are so stupid. These folks are the 1% that everyone hates. I don't get the adoration. Not one bit.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  10. It's a job (for Matthew). It's advertisement... that lots of people went to college to study so that they can have a job. And it's working because we're talking about it. That's how we roll in the good ol' U. S. of A.
    You summed up with a good laugh from me. I think you should get that Ford Focus.

  11. My husband used to drive a Lincoln. It was more like a boat (albeit a yacht) than a car!!

  12. It does nothing for me either but have you seen Ellen spoof this ad?

  13. He was in "The Lincoln Lawyer."
    I liked the movie enough to watch it twice.
    I also downloaded the soundtrack.
    ?? Connection ??

  14. I think I'd buy a Lincoln if Ellen's version was playing as the commercial-- she's so funny -- way better than the original commercial.

  15. I think this was meant to rope in MALE buyers. His being a man's man, takes Lincoln out of the rich old guy's garage and puts it into the cool young stud's garage. He is in essence saying ," This is not your father's Lincoln."

  16. This actor has a reputation for body odor ( seriously) and I wouldn't want to be in any car he sat in.

  17. An old man used to drive me to lunch in his white Lincoln Continental. His son bought it for him.

  18. I like my little Honda Fit. I wouldn't buy a car from a guy whose name I can never remember how to spell correctly.

  19. My dad always said Lincolns were for rich people, or those who wanted to appear rich. He drove an Olds 98.

  20. I bought my new Traverse because Roger the Chevy dealer upped his like quotient on my Chevy Silverrado by three thousand on a trade in. He really liked it....:)

  21. My father in law's last car before he passed was a Lincoln. I can't remember the model but I do remember afterwards before hubby sold it, we took a few drives in it. I didn't like it, too low to get in. Regardless of who is advertising it, I would probably not buy one, but he is good eye candy to look at during the commercial, got to admit that.


  22. It took me awhile to figure out what he was mumbling about when these spots first made their appearance. And I don't like to be told what to do so this ad has no effect on me!
    I'd buy stuff from Ellen though - just not a car!

  23. Matthew Mc can drive anything all the indy films he has made that have made oodles of money, no longer just a pretty boy who mumbled in many movies, my favorite is Dazed and Confused he just seemed to be that fellow..But he was always looking to be taken seriously, neflix MUD and The Lincoln Lawyer and the one that gave him his academy award Dallas Buyers Club, he plays an everyman who gets AIDS and gets mad as hell and does something about it in Texas of all places, he takes risks with his gorgeous looks and body, his indy films have raked in billions and his hbo series with woody harrelson has sealed the deal on how he is a genuine actor, it only took about 17 years of being called a pretty boy for him to break out in INDY films and small sleepers to show just how good an actor he is, it took a while but he hit the A list and now can relax with his lovely gorgeous wife and 3 kids in an Austin Texas spread and pick and choose what he wants to be in and when..that is a real star far from Hollywood living in his native Texas among many directors and producers who like him and utilize his talents, he can do any commercial he wants, I don't drive, bike it everywhere but a fan of INDY films with an only child in the INDY film business and yes she likes him for his acting not so much for the pretty boy image, she has seen them all and pretty and having some character are two different things, remember these are human beings not gods or anything near and they have not found the cure for EBOLA or AIDS or help for hunger or homelessness and for people seeking JOBS, but human beings..ciao!

  24. For the love of all that is the Lords, Matthew Mc is just an ordinary bloke who hit it big after many many years of being a pretty boy, I don't get the fascination with actors and actresses..They are human beings first if they discovered the cure for AIDS, EBOLA, Blood Cancers, Homelessness in the USA, jobs for everyone who wanted and could work, well that would be something to shout at the top of the world, but they do not instead most of the people who act in films you would not want to dine with you at a sunday supper, our only works INDY films and I know where of I speak..I enjoy watching films to escape but nothing more and most times I get the dvd ;s sent from our only child come on finally Matthew is taken seriously, why not cash in for a Lincoln he can easily afford it, most good actors A list work just a few films, HBO series and do other things and make bucket loads of money only mere minnions in our country could only dream of, really? he is not a saint on this earth!!!!!!!!Ciao!
