Wednesday, August 6, 2014




Having recently been lambasted by several readers (now ex-readers I assume) for being a misogynist, homophobic, racist asshole based on a satirical post where I claimed to be a proud heterosexual man, I am taking a short sabbatical to work on changing the tenor of my posts.

I have decided to stay away from any material or subject which might upset or bother any reader.  I certainly do not want anyone to again threaten to “Go all western on me” or ask “Do you feel lucky…punk?” This daily posting thing is not worth risking violence on my person.

I wish to speak of only nice things.

And now, the new and improved Cranky Old man presents




I love sunshine…of course if you live in drought plagued area maybe sunshine is not such a good thing, so I love sunshine, but I also like rain and I do not want to insinuate that we should always and only have sunshine.

I love lollypops, they taste so good and remind me of my youth…of course I am concerned with over consumption of sugar and the negative effect sugar can have on our health, so I do not advocate over consumption of lollypops.

I like rainbows…naturally the heavy rain that sometimes precedes a rainbow can be destructive, and I am not in favor of destruction, also please do not infer that my affection for rainbows in any way represents a position positive or negative towards the gay rights issue.

I like butterflies; unless of course others don't, then I sort of like butterflies but I perfectly understand that some people may not like butterflies.
I hope you enjoy the new Cranky Old Man, come back for future posts where I will enlighten everyone on the cuteness of kittens, puppies, and ducklings.  Of course if you happen be allergic to kittens, puppies or ducklings please do not read that post, I do not wish to upset anyone.


  1. I like the old Cranky better. You have every right to be who you want to be just as everyone else does. Bring back the real Cranky and let this sunshine and lollypops weirdo go. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I hope you are only kidding! I love your posts, the satire, the humor and sarcasm!

  3. Are you going to change the title of your blog to Maudlin Old Man? I certainly hope not. I come here every day for a strong dose of piss and vinegar to get my day started. Please don't change.

  4. I had a friend in college whose favorite expression was, "Fire truck 'em [with iretr deleted] if the can't take a joke!"

  5. Don't change a thing.
    Tell 'em, "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!"

  6. You can write whatever you want on your blog, however you want to write it! People who don't like it can go somewhere else. I for one am enjoying the cranky old man!

  7. It is hard being P/C and a people pleaser isn't it.? Even with Sunshine and Lollipops:))
    As the song goes,"It's your blog and you can blog what you want. to." Those who disagree can hit delete or move on. Simple. Stay the way you are.

  8. What's with all this namby-pamby, wishy-washy, lukewarm codswallop? I am highly offended by fence-sitters, and I shall never read here again!

  9. Your blog is YOUR blog. You should write whatever you damn well please. Besides, we don't take you seriously anyway :)

  10. OMG, I just saw you sitting there, right next to Julie Andrews, singing Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...

    Please change that image in my head right away! I want to see you sitting next to Woodie Guthrie, singing This blog is my blog...

    And yeah, what everybody else wrote. You jerk!

  11. I never got that vibe from you. I know I've written a few things on my blog that have gotten people riled up. I guess being very popular bloggers has its ups and downs ;)

  12. Write what you want to write, regardless of what people may think/say. It is after all your blog. People have the choice to read it or not, comment or not. Us readers need to remember the words written by any blogger are their words and we should be respectful of that when we leave comments.


  13. In the words of the song, "you can't please everyone, so you have to please yourself".
    Be yourself Cranky and delete the wackadoodle commenters.

  14. Zzzzzzzz - back to Cranky please!

  15. I prefer your usual style. I wasn't in the least offended by that post, it was clear you were being satirical.

  16. First, there are stupid people who inspire your original satirical piece of writing.
    Then, a second batch comes barging in to answer a call to duty to call you out on it.
    Third are people who will read the above and think, "Look! We cured him of his cockiness!"
