Thursday, July 10, 2014



Mrs. Cranky seldom has a harsh word for me.  She doesn’t need to have a harsh word.  No I am not perfect, I do screw up from time to time; I just get my rebuke in mostly non-verbal communication.

There is the “You have got to be kidding me” deep breath-sigh often followed by a heavy eye roll.  If there is verbal communication it is limited to “Seriously?”

There is the “Do you EVER listen to a thing I say glare.”  This is accompanied by raised eyebrow and hands on the hips.  Foot tapping is not an encouraging sign.

Occasionally I get the “You might want to shut the f*ck up soon” look.  This is a lowered glare with furled eyebrows; the eyes make a "get out of here" right to left movement.

Hands out, palms and eyebrows up, mouth in a big “O” and it is clear that I am being asked “WTF?” When the hands move to the hips it clearly means, “I am not happy!”

Then there are the “I hate you eyes.”  I’m not even sure how to describe this look, but I sure as hell know it when I get it!

I am told there also exists a “Come hither look.”  This look indicates good times are a wait-in.  I’m not sure, though I think I may have seen this look, I pretty much put it in the same category as UFO’s and Bigfoot.

Mrs. Cranky just read this post and she summed up her feelings with one look that I know means.

“You're a Jerk!”  


  1. SD has 'those' looks too - there's the 'I'm totally perplexed by you look' where he stands side on to me with one eyebrow raised stroking his chin and the one I hate most of all, the 'I'm deeply disappointed' look where he stands side on to me with one eyebrow raised stroking his chin - it CAN be hard to tell the difference and to be honest, one usually follows the other anyway ...

  2. With only slight variations I've seen then all. It's definitely a female gender thing....

  3. At least you'll still be able to understand her if you should suddenly go deaf.

  4. Women have so many methods of non-verbal communication. When my Mrs. C. gives me the "stink look" it's time to make myself scarce.

  5. I just knew "You're a jerk" was going to end this post. Yes indeed. We women can do all these looks and more and you all know exactly what they mean. Hubby has a few looks of his own. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  6. Come hither made me laugh. I think she is the new star of your blog, Joe.

  7. You need to communicate in Venus, not Mars.

  8. River stole my comment!!

  9. Non-verbal cues don't work in my household. For instance, I banged around in the kitchen for 15 min trying to get my message across that seeing as I cooked the meal I should not have to clean up after said meal. No one came to my aid - probably due to my husband wearing his headphones while listening to instructional videos on the computer. I can see there may be a flaw in my plan.

  10. We women are masters of the stink-eye. All it takes to settle down unruly students is for me to raise my left eyebrow and fix them in my gaze. I don't even have to get the attention of the perpetrator. Any one of them can see who I'm looking at, and they start to busy themselves with scholarly pursuits. It's contagious.

  11. Your post serves as proof that 90% of all communication is non-verbal!

  12. Men talk with their eyes, too, but we usually come across like a big ol dog who got caught rummaging through the garbage. Our eyes just say, "busted!". :)

  13. Is there a manual for those looks? I seem to get those as well in my neck of the woods… Not arguing either that I don't deserve them most of the time.

  14. My dad never spanked or hit me, but he had a look that snapped the four of us into place. I often wished I could do that look with my kids. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. My husband has a couple of choice looks as he's a bit less verbal than I am. There is an angry one, a 'seriously?' one and a 'oh my god I give up' one which naturally is the one that works best for me.
