Tuesday, May 27, 2014


This cranky Monday re-run is from May 2012
I know...another re-run, but yesterday was a holiday, so...
Sharks can smell a drop of blood from a mile away.  Dogs can hear sounds that humans cannot.  Many animals can see at night as if it were day.  Bats can’t see at all yet they can navigate and catch insects with their built in radar.

Naturalists constantly point out these remarkable animal feats as if humans were inferior to these creatures.  True, we cannot compete with the rest of the animal world in terms of strength, speed, sense of taste, smell, sight and hearing, but some homo sapiens do have talents which other creatures could never master.

Is there any other creature on God’s green earth that could tie an apron behind their back while speaking on a cell phone tucked under their chin?  The Weaver bird is able to construct a complicated nest out of twigs and reeds.  Could a Weaver bird take two sticks and a ball of yarn and make a sweater while watching “Toddlers in Tiaras?”

Last Saturday on a bus I witnessed a skill which I have seen before, but for the first time realized how remarkable this ability, common to many female Homo sapiens really was.  As I watched, I could hear the voice of Oprah narrating from “Life” in my head.

“The fourteen year old female of the species is troubled by her hair which has grown beyond shoulder length.  It gets in her eyes and face and irritates her.  Without stopping her constant and incessant communication with a companion, she performs the most remarkable feat.  Taking her hands and without looking, she reaches behind her back and she separates her locks into three segments.  Incredibly, as our camera captures the action, she begins to weave the segments in and out into a locking pattern resulting in one long thick rope-like structure of hair which no longer bothers her eyes or face.  The female does all this in a matter of seconds.  This blind weaving skill is remarkable enough but to keep the weave from unfurling she takes a small elastic band and folds it back and around the end of the weave at a speed which only our time action camera can capture.  Other Homo sapiens ignore this young female’s action as apparently it is a skill not uncommon to the species.”

Is there another creature on this planet that can change the style of their plumes without looking while simultaneously communicating with another of the same species?

OK, maybe a peacock, or a turkey, or a chameleon, or….still it is a remarkable skill.            


  1. It is isn't it? I watched a girl weaving a bracelet from loom bands on her fingers while waiting for her photos to down load at Boots - she was chatting to a friend as she did it and didn't even look at what she was doing. After 5 minutes she looped the bracelet around her wrist and carried on chatting. Amazing!

  2. That is pretty remarkable indeed. Kids can multitask like nobodies business. I've watched similar feats.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. too cute.

    (and, yes, you read my mind as your post opened - another rerun?!) :)

  4. It IS remarkable. I think females somehow have the ability to multitask better than males, a necessary gift from nature to help raise offspring. I can only do one thing at a time.

  5. And THAT is why I keep my plumage cropped to within millimeters of my noggin.

  6. Sometimes we do that between bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pan.

  7. We are the mistresses of multitasking. Take that gibbon.

  8. i (obviously) cannot think and type at the same time!!

  9. It is indeed a beautiful thing to be a woman with so many unnoticed skills

  10. Yes, I've noticed that female Homo Sapiens do love to show off. But I'll betcha guys know more ways to open a bottle of beer. Just sayin'. :)


  11. I remember that skill, I used to do it too. These days I can't hold my arms up like that very long, so I split the hair and do a braid on each side with my arms in front. When the hair is long enough. Mostly I keep it short.

  12. Great piece, well worth a re-run (especially since I don't recall ever seeing it the first time around.) Thanks for the funny (and for the food for thought, for that matter - I'll never look at a woman braiding her hair the same way again.)

  13. You do bring up some good points about the talents we have :) never thought of it that way LOL.
