Thursday, May 22, 2014


I have spoken before of Mrs. Cranky’s remarkable ability to memorize and recite movie, TV and even commercial dialog.  It could be annoying, but I find it amusing.  Last night, however, Mrs. C demonstrated a memory ability that I quite frankly find a little scary.

Commercials play over and over; popular movies are aired often, I can understand how the Mrs. can remember dialog.  She can also tell you what an episode of “I Love Lucy” is about after less than 20 seconds of watching.  It is remarkable, but not scary.  It is a favorite show, she watches whenever possible and it is possible a lot.

Last night I awoke at 4 am with a slight ear ache.  I iced it and to pass the time turned on the TV.  I watched an episode of “The Addams Family.”  Now this was a popular show 50 years ago, but it is not re-broadcast all that often.  I see it from time to time, but always late at night and on weird seldom surfed stations.

OK, the scary stuff.

I told Mrs. Cranky this morning that I had the ear thing and was watching TV at 4 am.

“What were you watching?”

“’The Addams Family.”

“Which episode?”


“Which episode?”

“I don’t know something about looking for Thing.”

“Oh, the one where he was feeling neglected.”

“Yes, that’s the…WTF!  How do you know the episode from just me saying they were looking for Thing?  And how does a hand feel neglected?”

“Hands have feelings.”

“That show was on fifty years ago and is hardly ever on re-run at normal hours.  How would you remember any episode?”

“Well it was on right after ‘The Patty Duke Show’, I never missed it.  That’s where they met.”

“That’s where who met?”

“Patty Duke and John Aston.”

“They met because their shows were aired the same night?”

“Well they were filmed on the same set.”

“What does all this have to do with you remembering an episode of a TV show that was aired fifty years ago?  You’re scaring me!”

“You’re a jerk!”


Her mind is creepy and it’s spooky,

She’s more than a little kooky,

She remembers every nooky
The Mrs. Cra-an-ky

DaDaDaDum, DaDaDaDum, DaDaDaDum SNAP, SNAP
Stuff stays in her cranium *
It is like an old museum
It’s so hard to believe’em
The Mrs. Cra-an-ky

DaDaDaDum, DaDaDaDum, DaDaDaDum SNAP, SNAP

*pronounced cray-nee-um...poetic license.



  1. Impressive, your Mrs. Cranky! I'll bet she keeps you on your toes!!!

  2. she's got a mind like a steel trap! :)

  3. Oh Gawd! Now I'm going to have that theme song in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks.

  4. Yikes, that is a bit disconcerting indeed. I wish my mind was that sharp though.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. Oh, man, I would love to have long term memory........

  6. She simply remembers things ( specially TV shows) that she likes including the timing and where about and what else happened during the making including something she may not be really found of.

  7. The Mrs Cranky earworm ...aaaaaagh!
    I may have seen only parts of some episodes of the show, but I remember the theme song.

  8. Ok this is too funny. Loved your version of the theme song. Mrs. C really knows her stuff. I'm like that with The Brady Bunch. I know everything about that show - the kids' friends' names and the schools' name and their teachers' names....every word of every episode. I watched it constantly as I was growing up. Same with Bugs Bunny cartoons. I can recite them word for word.

  9. I do this to my boyfriend all the time especially with song lyrics. An internet high five to Mrs. Cranky

  10. I could probably compete with Mrs. C. over I Love Lucy Episodes but not The Addams Family. I think I only watched the first season.

    1. Trust me CC she would clean your clock on contest!!

  11. But does she know her Seinfeld?

  12. Snap Snap!
    Ha ha!

  13. I'm with this family, everybody knows every episode and every line of Seinfeld.

    You should watch the show "Unforgettable" on CBS. She remembers EVERYTHING.

  14. Haha. I was thinking the same thing as The Broad--I hope you keep your ship in order.

  15. Ah Joe, Mrs. Cranky and I would drive you see I do the same thing to my wife, I think she's more than a little scared at times as well!!! Lol

  16. My younger daughter has a similar mind. Select and play any episode of any of her favourite TV series or movies (she has dozens) and she can talk along with the dialogue.

  17. If the cops ever try to nab you by asking, "Where were you on the evening of February 17th, 2012?", just ask Ms. Cranky. She'll know, plus she can probably tell them what you were wearing and what you had for dinner. Ain't skeered. :)


    1. it was a Friday & we probably went out to dinner since I work tues/wed & thurs.

  18. Scary all right. But definitely better than the Alzheimer alternative....

  19. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Omg Cranky! Me and Mrs. Cranky could be sisters! I'm the same way and my family is amazed. What's really weird is that I don't know how that stuff sticks with me, it just does. I don't set out to memorize all the theme songs and episodes, it just happens! My lit'l sis is the same with sports, the players, the stats, their personal lives, and the kicker? She never played a sport in her life but she retains every stat ever broadcast and anything she's read. Crazy.. I like Mrs. Cranky! :D
