Friday, March 7, 2014



You hear it all the time, exercise, stay in shape and it will keep you healthy and young.  

That is easy to say if you are healthy and young. 

I believe in exercise.  I need to lose weight, I need to exercise.  I intend to exercise, as soon as I feel well enough.  I’m going to start next week, or as soon as this kidney stone thing clears up.  I plan to lift weights, work some machines and hit the treadmill.

Except, the treadmill workout inflames my arthritic hip.  The weight lifting makes my strained triceps flare up.  When my hip isn't acting up, the triceps allow, and I do work out, my whole body aches for a week. 

When my muscles stop aching, my hip pain is bearable, the triceps don’t hurt and the kidney stones aren't irritating, I do try to work-out. I quickly get winded.  I get winded because I am out of shape.  I am out of shape because I need to work-out.  I don’t work-out because my body hurts.  My body hurts because I don’t work-out and I am out of shape.

You probably see where this is going don’t you.

All those exercise gurus who preach exercising to stay young leave out an important part of the equation…getting old keeps you from exercising.  Exercising when you get old beats up your body.  When your body is beat up, you can’t exercise and when you can’t exercise you get old.  It is the circle of strife.

I am still going to get back to the gym.  No matter how much my hip hurts, the triceps ache, my kidney stones won’t cooperate and I am easily winded, I need to get back to the gym.

Those hot young girls exercising in those tight gym getup's make me feel young.

I guess it is true, exercise does keep you young.  


  1. I consider shopping to be an exercise. I am walking and reaching and lifting. Sweeping counts, I think ........

  2. i walk my driveway. no gym required and i sure don't have to try to wear cute pink tights any more. :)

  3. Well if that's your way of exercising then go for it. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  4. getting going after no going and doing takes some work, eh? went through that a bit over a decade ago. keep it going, you'll catch up on it. in time.

  5. Just walk. I lost 110 pds that way and I also cut my caffeine. It is less difficult on the joints and gives you the same results. Anyway thanks for sending people my way! You may call yourself cranky but I think you are just bluffing. You are a doll.. :)

  6. At my age, the only exercise I do on a regular basis is jumping to conclusions.

  7. I am sorry about your arthritic hip and kidney issues. However, I would stay within low impact exercise, never the less some form of burning calories. I totally get what you mean. A lot of us are in the same boat.

  8. So true.. slacking off on the exercise sure does make getting back into it harder. Take it slowly and consistently. You'll feel more able than not. (She says as she only today got back into walking after a few weeks of mostly not)

  9. Swimming! Hot chicks in swimsuits AND good for your joints.!

  10. I think that would work for me as well. The only problem is that the nearest workout place with hot young babes is thirty five miles away. That pretty much leave me with walking my dog and the occasional bike rude. Oh wait I fell of the bike last summer and demolished my rotator cuff....:(

  11. Try turmeric and also glucosamine and chondroitin daily for the hip. I use to exit my car like a 90 year old, now have zero pain.
    Hey, if those cute young things get you in the door of the gym, go for it.

  12. You need Carly. She don't take no excuses. Seriously, get serious and it will happen.

  13. After struggling out of bed in the morning, taking my ritual handful of pills, struggling to get my socks on, getting dressed, feeding the cats, combing my hair (sometimes) and making my coffee, I've got nothing left for exercise.

  14. I (slowly) started running last summer. I'm still slow and have a long way to go, but I look just like that chick in the pink tights now.


  15. Haha, I love "the circle of strife". You could do a walk around the block each day and slowly build up - that's what I'm doing. I've been living the circle of strife since I broke my arm 2 years ago which made moving painful and then needed surgery and the whole thing took ages to heal, and then I sprained my ankle... So for almost 2 years I just completely stopped exercising. As a result I put on more weight, my joints got stiff, my legs and feet now swell, and moving around energetically is now very hard. Amazing the way your body can deteriorate so fast. So yes! Do some exercise!

  16. I've made it to day three without a cigarette. One of my biggest fears is gaining a lot of unwanted weight so I definitely need to start back at the gym. On the days I can't there though I think I get a good bit of walking in just going the bathroom which at my age seems like a lot.

  17. I am a 56 year old exercise chick; far from the young thang pictured above though.

    Still, I recognize your plight. Laughing out loud while reading this post made me have to hold my upper abdomen that's in pain from rolling a little wheel contraption on Monday - 3 whole days ago!

    The comments of your readers are funny too.

    As Life Happens says, just walk.
