Saturday, August 24, 2013



A cranky opinion for

Cranky Opinion Saturday


The following is the opinion of a cranky old man.  Opposing positions are welcome (wrong, but welcome) but please, no name calling.  And that means you…you big stupid-head




Every once in a while I come across an article which reminds me just how fortunate we are in the good old USA.

We worry and complain about unemployment, minimum wage, immigration, welfare, cost of health care, cost of living, civil rights, God in school, inflation, pollution, global warming, gun control, fracking, education, and on and on and on.

Don’t get me wrong, these are all important issues, and as a nation we should strive for the very best for all our people and for the planet.

And then.

I read about a woman in a North Korean prison camp who was forced to drown her new born child.  A man who was born in a North Korean work camp who had several fingers cut off because he dropped a sewing machine…he was relieved it was not his whole hand. 

I read where there is almost no wild life left in North Korea as anything that can be killed and eaten is killed and eaten.

There are People around the globe who suffer hardship and indignities for the way they worship God, or for even believing in a God.  There are women who are not allowed to learn, work, choose their life partner, drive a car or even be seen in public.  There are homosexuals that will never leave the closet.

There are people without food, without homes, without dignity, without hope.

While we worry and complain about unemployment, minimum wage, immigration, welfare, cost of health care, cost of living, civil rights, God in school, inflation, pollution, global warming, gun control, fracking, education, and on and on and on, make sure we never forget what we do have.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are far from perfect, but at least we have hope.


The preceding was the opinion of a cranky old man, and not necessarily that of management…Mrs. Cranky.


  1. I'm sure Mrs. Cranky, as well as the rest of us, agree with you.

  2. North Korea spends all its money on nuclear weapons so they can rule the world ...

    For worriers and complainers and haters to realize what we do have 'they' would have to remove their heads from their bottoms and sniff the clean air. But it seems 'they' prefer not to.

    Amazes the living breathing hell out of me the people who want to spew hate rather than find solutions to fix the stuff they hate.

  3. A resounding AMEN from my corner! This was a timely reminder as I sat here grumbling about the woes of my job and Papa Bears, of how blessed we truly are for all we do have. We have choices, we have opportunities, and we have hope. Without hope, where does one find the will to go on? I cannot imagine.

  4. well said. we take so much for granted here. and waste so much...

  5. There are times when I feel surrounded by pessimists shouting about everything wrong with America. I wish these people would read your post. Truly, we have so much to be grateful for.

  6. I liked this post so much that I added a link to it in my Ten Things of Thankful post today! Thanks for all the great writing you do here, Joe... always a good read!

  7. Couldn't have said it better. If this were really such a bad place, why are people trying to get IN?


  8. Hope and Diet Coke and gas station chicken and enough to pay it forward. Life is good.

  9. Very true. Same for us here in Australia - there's been a lot about this in commentary here of late too. Despite increased cost of living, rising unemployment or underemployment, the increasing gap between rich and poor, and a million other real problems, we have to realise that we are extremely lucky in these parts of the world and things could be (and are elsewhere) so much worse.
    It's good to have the ability to complain about our politicians instead of being scared of them.
