Wednesday, January 2, 2013



I am not a prudish man; far from it, and yet I have been watching a TV show that is so far out, so offensive that even I, a lover of “House Wives of New Jersey” and “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” am offended beyond words…almost.

This show is not on pay per view, and it is, thank goodness, not on in prime time.  Still it is so far out that I believe any company that sponsors it should be boycotted.

One of the characters in this show is Hispanic.  He speaks with an accent and when he gets angry he reverts to his home language.  His accent and his tirades (stereotypical of Hispanics) are a constant butt of what this show thinks is humorous.

This man’s wife, a stay at home mom to one small child, is forever buying clothes and trying to hide them from the overbearing Latin husband.  The plot line for every show I have seen so far has been her cute plans to spend money without the husband finding out. The plans always backfire, and the husband always blows his Latin stack. 

It seems every plot follows this misogynistic story line.

The misogynist attitude is offensive enough, but these cretins drink hard liquor and smoke cigarettes INSIDE a small apartment, often in front of their child.

Somehow I still watched this show as it did provide some guilty laughs, but today’s episode was the final straw.  The stay at home mom gets caught buying expensive clothes and her husband gets so enraged that he takes her over his knee and gives her a spanking.  All of this, mind you, with a backdrop of hysterical canned laughter.  I do not see anything funny about physically humiliating and abusing a woman and will no longer watch this show.

I implore everyone, if you come across this show, please do not watch,


“I Love Lucy!”






  1. Well, he was Cuban; if he'd been Mexican, no effin' way. . .


    Times were different then, weren't they? (but now they're the same. . .)

  2. I could not tell if you were being serious or not? But I can honestly say you have me intrigued! I'm so glad we only have an aerial and are limited to Mexican soaps, the likes of Ellen and Football or else I'd be hunting that show down!!!

  3. I admit it. I've watched it. And laughed a lot. But that was then. As classic as it is, now I kinda feel like Crocodile Dundee, "Yup - - that's what I saw that time."

  4. That's hilarious - - I was thinking I Love Lucy the whole time I was reading this!

  5. I love that show! I loved it as a kid and I still love it.

  6. Yep, they were kinky before kinky was cool.

    I never did trust Ricky. Have you noticed the way he looks at Fred? There's something there I tell ya. ;)


  7. You had me on this one. I didn't think of Ricky Ricardo until I saw the picture. Funny stuff.

  8. You got me, too!!

  9. Crud, I must be old. I guessed what show you were talking about before I made it to the punch line. (And I haven't seen one of the shows in YEARS...)

  10. Bahaha... I was totally wondering what show you were talking about... and had an "aha!" moment when I saw the pic

  11. oh gosh!! I remember watching I love Lucy as a child and loving it...but, by today's standards, it does seen inane!! :D

  12. I took one look at a commercial and knew I would never ever watch that show! I can't even believe that's TV worthy

  13. It happened to be on telly the other day as I was skimming channels and I actually thought..."I don't get it" I know it was huge but I fail to see why...
